Chereads / Grounded One / Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Ashlin POV

For the past months I've avoided Lucan, Layton and Cerrabus by staying with Cleus. I helped him when he went to collect persons who's time have neared and today was no different. We had just arrived back to Cleus's house and was in the process of cooking. I've changed these past months, my hair was black with blond ends and my eyes were a mixture of baby blue and  chestnut plus I grew a few inches. Cleus threw flour in my direction trying to get my attention and his attempt was successful. Flour covered my crop top and long damaged jeans. Glaring at death I threw cake mix in his hair laughing. He trapped me against the island with an evil smile before pouring icing on my jersey. Looking at ourselves we burst out into laughter sinking to the floor. I took of my crop top succeeding in not getting any icing on my skin, he did the same but used his jersey to get some of the mixture out of his hair. We have grown close and now we're like best friends, emotion, body and personality wise I was human but I was still an Angel.

"We should clean up" Cleus say after the timer goes off.

"Let's make the cake first you promised" I helped him off the floor.

"Fine" we made a three layer chocolate cake.

Today we were celebrating our birthday since we had no idea when we were first creatures both of us chose this day. After cleaning the kitchen we took a bath and got dress, Cleus and I went to earth where he carried me shopping let's just say now I have enough clothes to last me eternity. I had on a grey fitted long sleeve crop top, a long grey see through skirt that came with a short pants connected to it and grey heels. Cleus wore a grey dress shirt and fitted grey denim jeans which made him look even more handsome. Bowing to each other we laugh and entered the kitchen, Cleus insisted on cooking while I sat on a chair next to the island eating strawberries.

"Can I have one?" He asked leaning on the opposite side of the island.

"Say please"

"Please" his smile reached from ear to ear when I stood up.

"Here" on my tippy toes I leaned over and placed the fruit by his lips.

"Thanks Ashy, now be a dear and answer the door. Please" smiling I hopped to the door.

My smile completely disappeared upon seeing the threeo I avoided these past months.

"He's this way" I led them into the kitchen and sat on my seat eating more strawberry.

Cerrabus walked to Cleus and whispered something in his ear to which he stopped cooking and shook his head.

"Sorry Cerrabus but she doesn't share when it comes to food plus those were a gift" he pointed to my large bowl of strawberries.

Placing the bowl on my lap I turned away from their view and continued eating.

"See I told you" Cleus shrugged.

Someone reached for my bowl but stopped when five daggers appeared surely at their throats. Turning I saw Layton was the culprit, he still reached for the bowl but retreated his hands when I almost cut it off. Cleus came behind me and lift me off the stool onto the island.

"Ashy, you should share, you'll get sick again if you eat all this" he removed the bowl from my lap and I pouted looking down embarrassed, "it's okay I know you didn't mean to be so violent it was a gift but she always gives you plenty fruits when she sees you".

"I'll share" I pouted more.

"Good because a little birdy gave me this, for you" he placed an apple on my lap it was from heaven.

"Your pot needs to be checked" i pointed out laughing at his facial expression.

Layton once again reached for my bowl but stopped seeing my daggers appearing. When Cleus turned around they instantly disappeared and I acted as if nothing happened. I ate the apple and place my remaining strawberries in the fridge after giving the three males.



"Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Shit, Cleus you should've reminded me earlier" I ran out the kitchen, up the staircase into my room before returning with a pup I found abandoned in the outlands of Hell.

It looked like a german shepherd, wagging its tail when seeing me it got up and limped towards me. It's small form made me smile, picking it up I walked down the stairs and into the living room because he wasn't allowed in the kitchen. Holding its wounded leg in my hands, I stabbed myself allowing my healing to take place. When I was completely healed I looked towards the pup.

"See if it helps boy" as if understanding my words the pup tried to walk.

"It seems that I only healed it internally and partially externally well try again tomorrow" he wagged his tail and licked my hand.

"Cleus we're coming" I announced as he called my name.

I walked into the kitchen with the pup in my arms cuddling into my chest, smiling my eyes met his red ones.

"How did it go today" Cleus asked.

"Only internally and partially" I sighed.


"That's good, by tomorrow he'll be fully heal" he reassured me.

"Is that from the outlands" Lucan spoke for the first time.

"Don't call this, that" I pointed to my pup.

"What's it's name then" he rolled his eyes.

"Kure" my finger rubbed Kure's head as he drifted off to sleep.

"Is Kure from the outlands little one?"

"Yeah we found him abandon and on the verge of death so Ashy stabbed herself allowing her and the pup to heal" Cleus answered his question since I ignored it sitting at the dinning table.

Cerrabus reached for the pup and almost got hee head detached from her body. Cleus sighed pulling her away from the sharp edge of my blade.

"Don't" was all he told the white hair female.

"She's from the outlands herself so the pup comes like family"  Lucan said angrily.

"I don't care if he's God himself, keep your dear pup on a lease or I'll Do it for you" I looked at the bundle that stirred in my lap.

Cerrabus turned into his three head dog form and walked slowly in my direction. One minute she's standing the next he's laying on the floor with swords in each paw and next to each head. The brothers approached me beyond pissed off but Cleus stood in front of me.

"Cleus. Move" Layton said lowly.

"Sorry no can do boss, Cerrabus looked for that" he pointed to the injured dog, "Ashlin" with his word I made made the swords vanished.

"Cleus. Move" Lucan said this time.

"You should look after your attention and care needing pup"

Lucan suddenly appeared next to me and pulled me out of the room luckly I  had Kure in my arms. He pushed me on the couch making the little pup almost wake up. He rest his forehead against my own and took a deep breath.

"Why do you hate Cerrabus?"

"Why do you love him?" I retorted.

"I've had the best sex with him" this made my heart clench.

"Well I'm happy for your sexual life if you don't mind I have to put Kure in his bed" I narrowd  pass him walking up the staircase as he followed close behind even though his name was being called by a certain white haired boy.

I placed Kure on his bed next to mine own. I walked into my closet and took off my clothes changing into a big sweater, short pants and sneakers. I felt Lucan's eyes on me every second, walking out of my closet he signalled me over. He pulled me to sit on his lap  locking me in place, we sat there in silence until Cleus opened the door he has also changed into sweat pants and a sweater.

"Ready?" He asked from the door nodded I walked to him as we disappeared one of his black hole.

We transported on a mountain top in one of the cold regions, we watched the beautiful colours and stars in the sky.

"Happy birthday Ashlin Phoenix" he kissed my cheek.

"Happy birthday Cleus Phoen" I repeated his action.

Cleus didn't have a surname being death and all so we figured why not make up one. It ended with him cutting my surname short and babbidy boo he has a surname. We fell asleep there in the cold but it was a beautiful cold. It was dawn when we made it back home to find, Layton and Cerrabus cuddled up on the sofa and Lucan cuddled up with Kure Life on my bed. After taking a bath and getting dress I proceeded to walk up the little devil.

"Lucan,wake up" I poked his chest to be met with a wall of muscles.

"Lucan get up" Kure stirred before waking up and walking over to his bed before sleeping once more.

"Luc, you need to wake up" his arms wrapped around me pulling me to lay down with him.

"What did you just call me?" His voice was husky from sleep.

"Luc?" He opened his eyes lazily.

"Yeah that and if you must know I don't have work today so I don't need to wake up" he turned making me now lay on top of him.

"Well you still need to wake up to eat" there was a lot of sass in my tone.

"So you do have a heart and care about me" this made me blush.

"I-it's nothing like that" i waved him off.

"Lying isn't a good colour on you little one" he brush my hair behind my shoulder.

"I'm not little" pouting was my power suit.

"You are my little one" he sat up and hugged me.

It was probably a few hours we sat like that, my head on his chest and his chin on my head. Both of his hands were wrapped around my shoulder and occasionally he would play with my hair - Well mostly he would play with my hair.

"If you keep twist my hair it'll tangle" but his fingers didn't stop.

"But I like doing this" he fake cried.

"That won't work on me besides I never said for you to stop was just letting you know that you'll have to detangle it after" he chuckled before combing his fingers through my hair and tilting my head up.

"I want you alone" he whispered before joining our lips.

"Lucan, master says you should get up and eat" Cerrabus voice got lower to the end when he opened the door.

"I'll come just now" he disconnected our kiss and place his lips on my chest.

"You should eat now, you didn't eat last night" Cerrabus walked into my room making Hell I mean this Angel  break loose, swords were now surrounding him.

"Little one be nice" pouting the swords vanished and my back arch as he cupped my breast.

"You have to eat Lucan" I moaned out making him squeeze them gently.

"Okay I'll eat if you stop stabbing yourself to heal Kure" his tone was serious I nodded slowly.

"Okay I'll do it"

"That's good because I finished healing him last night" Cerrabus was still watching us.

"So why did you make the deal with me for?"

"To see how much you care about me" he whispered in my ear hands now circled around my torso.

Cerrabus cleared her throat and put on that innocent, shy act of hers but it didn't work not this time because Lucan's eyes were close as he lean his forehead against my own.

"Cerrabus you can go down, I'll make sure he comes down an eat" the female reluctantly and unwillingly went down stairs.

"I may give her a lot of my attention but I want to give you so much more" his hyponotizing eyes stated into my own.

"We have to go eat Luc" hurt flash past his eyes.

Before he could stand I pinned him to the bed and kissed him as though my life depended on it. He instantly locked me in place and I felt something grow below me. It felt like a freaking sledge hammer he grind his hips against mine earning multiple moans from me. We were soon tearing at each other's clothes until no the us were in our underwear. The heat of the moment for the better of us, I was laying down while he was hovering above me , with one hand he pulled my hip up to meet his. Taking my hand he ran my hand from his head to our hips.

"All of this is yours if you want me"

"Then I guess you're mine" i smirked as he grind slowly making me moan.

"I guess you're mine also little one" something told me we are going to be  one of those twisted couples and I loved the thought of it.