Chereads / the broken cage / Chapter 5 - the fifth piece of the broken cage: I know you

Chapter 5 - the fifth piece of the broken cage: I know you

Blue eyes opened to slowly focus on the television which was still on.

The owner of the eyes blinked unwillingly to the light coming off of the box.

Tia looked down at her chest and almost smiled unconsciously had placed her head on top of her stomach sometime in the night and wrapped her arms around, her middle like her life depended on it.

She had pressed her cheek flat against her ribcage. her cheek going up until her left eye got that uncanny shape. her usual glare was gone, replaced with a relaxed appearance. her hair was like a second blanket over her shoulders.

Puffy clawed at her thighs. The grave face he had on his animalistic features and the way he was padding her friend's pants were not the first scenes she wanted to start her day with.

With a sigh so deep and should've come out of a much older person, not someone as young as her, she tried to slide away from Diana's crushing weight.

She stood up beside the groaning couch.

with another sigh, she rubbed her eyes as she gazed over to the television.

A childish urge tugged at the middle of her torso.

It was showing Spongebob.

She looked down at her outfit ... well whose to complain, she used to have a heated crush on Squidward.

She scratched her ankle with her other foot and started to walk over to the bathroom.

the wooden floor gave those noise you expect only from a block of wood so old.

Diana's room was on display. for a moment she was confused as to why, but then it hit her.




She threw her head back and groaned.

" I'm starting to feel like I have anger issues. "

She opened the door and stepped inside.


There was say the least. absolutely NOTHING in the fridge.

Tia had never wanted to slam her head across something, anything as much as she did then.

it was already mid-afternoon. they had slept like pigs; and besides the others still wanted to be one.

Okay so here were the conditions.

first was the fact that she was hungry.

the second was that she was bored.

Spongebob was over, the stupid show lasted until three minutes anyway.

she glanced to the couch.

Diana had turned away from the TV and had the blankets up over her brown head.

she was curled to herself.

Tia rubbed the back of her head.

Tia grabbed one of the stickers on the fridge and with a pen, wrote a note.

' went to buy some stuff, there's nothing on the fridge. '

She placed the note over the coffee table and went in the direction of the bedroom.

Clark was sleeping peacefully on top of the covers. his hand dropped over his chest as it rose and fell with each breath.

the bandages around him stood up offensively against his dark skin. his stubble looking rough and edgy.

" every part of him is edgy, god above help his personality. "

Tia made a face for Clark who was out cold ....which wasn't fair, considering he couldn't answer back.

uhh, who is she kidding, life is unfair?

" Okay, Tia time to dress like a normal human being. "

She studied the shirts and pants that were thrown all over the floor. she shrugged and settled on a turtlenecked shirt and black pants. she put on Diana's jacket which was on the floor from last night.

well time to get some food.


Diana was brushing her teeth when her stare fell over to the note, she had received from none other than Tia that morning.

God above help, if Tia decided to throw another tantrum on top of the poor shop.

She took a drink from her cup and spiled it into the sink below.

she glanced up at herself...

Diana blinked a couple of times before sighing and getting out of the bathroom.

She had put the curtain aside so that the winking morning light could come, lit the small silent apartment.

Puffy loud meows shattered the peaceful environment; her entire body cringed.

She narrowed her golden eyes and turned her head towards the orange furball.

Puffy was looking at her with those strong eyes that seemed to tell her.

' where is my food you low born human? '

the fact that he was a rare breed was not helping.

Diana took a step to go near the animal that was glaring daggers at her.

" Tia's gone to buy something to eat, you can wait a bit. "

Puffy just looked at her. Diana stepped over him, making the cat give out a huge yowl.

She grabbed a basket and poured water inside it. then she took the heavy thing and moved out of the smallest room in the house.

The ground, groaning, yelling, and cursing her as she padded over to her room, which now logically belonged to the man; sleeping soundlessly on top of the covers.

She had changed his bandages upon waking up. He has a slight fever, that wasn't so high but just like how Adrian used to say ' there's nothing wrong with making sure nothing is wrong. '

With a sigh, She kneeled on her bed and grabbed the towel which was on the nightstand; soaked it in water, and placed it over his forehead. small drops of it trickled down his temples. She didn't dry them away, he was bald anyway.

As she was standing up from the bed a hand shot up to her arm and grabbed her.

Diana stared hard at the black hand around her bony white elbow.

His eyes were half open and his brows frowned. His voice was raspy though he asked.

" who. ..who are you ? "

Diana pressed her lips together....where was Tia when you needed her?

" I'm Diana, remember? from last .. Adrian's younger sister. "

His eyes softened. a smile tugged at his lips.

" you look like him ..."

Her heart skipped over a beat. tears swallowed her vision. the lump in her throat righting with every breath . she turned her head away.

Clark still had her hand in his death grip.

" he fought.. with William last night.... "

he was in a daze ... his eyes spinning.

" They were screaming at each other ....huh? "

Adrian never shouted, he was always so calm and collected.

" William ...?"

but he was not awake to answer.


Tia was about to leave the market when she thought about the girl she had seen in the shop.

she looked at the bags she had in her hands.

then back at the market.

Her hood covered her face and the scarf around her neck helped with the process.

the BH examined the streets with enormous cars that shook the streets as they railed on them.

if they caught a glimpse of what she was about to do, her life was over.

Tia slowly turned back to the market, she acted like she had forgotten something; she had that confused look on her face and then shook her skull. stepped away from the road and went back inside.

people were busy with buying stuff, some were dragging their children away, some were arguing and the cashier was shouting something to the customers.

Great....she didn't need attention.

Like a ghost she was thought to be, she blends in with people, moving between until she was deep inside of the crowd.

then she put the bags in her right hand in the other and laid her hand on one of the columns.

the doors to the market burst open. everyone screamed as the cashier jumped ten feet up in the air. Black Hunters came rushing in with big, powerful guns and targeted them at the kneeling people.

Tia kneeled with them, hand still pressed against the long thing.

Sandy Silas Lewis, seven years old, youngest daughter of Augustus Robert and Florence Alice lewis. Her father the chef policeman who was one of the strongest Gifteds that the world had seen.

He was popular for his intense blue eyes, which he had inherited from all of his children, except his oldest daughter. His ability was life. His wife, the opposite of him, was dead. They shared a passionate love. but in the end, he was poisoned on his last mission and died a painful death. acid burned his veins to ashes and The legend of August Lewis was over. Florence couldn't endure the agony of losing her love and committed suicide; but survived through it by Sandy, who saved her from drowning herself in the bath tube. Sandy was close to her siblings and was strong Gifted. She could control atoms and create a pattern for everything. Her mother had gone insane over the years and had slowly lost control over her powers to the grief.

death surrounded Florence wherever she walked. Sandy was alone at home and her older siblings were busy working for the queen. the queen had let Sandy and her mother go.

Tia knew better.

She focused more on the address and stood up .... eyes turned; guns were targeted right at her face.


Diana was sitting on the couch, her head, nose deep inside the book she had been reading since two hours ago.

usually, when Tia went out, she didn't come back until she wanted to.

A yawn escaped her lips and she put the book down. her mind was spinning. ...

who was William?

Clark's fever had broke and he was sitting across from her on the couch.

his bandaged chest covered by the blankets.

the television was on but nothing seemed to catch his interest.

she asked him who this William was, but it got him in a sour mood and she decided that asking the question again was not worth it.

the frown on his face got deeper and deeper as the silence ruled the apartment.


all hell broke loose ...

the sound of foot rushing inside of the apartment complex was making her ears ring, Clark stood up harshly.

" Don't stand up _

"There's no time for that! "

his thick voice sent shivers down her back.

the shouted erupted the houses one by one.

" the Black Hunters? "

Clark gave a firm nod.

her heart dropped ....Tia was still out there.

" Give me a shirt! "

" What ?! nothing will fit you! "

"even Adrian's ?! "

" He's skinny !!"

" oh give me a shirt girl! "

Diana sucked a breath in and rushed inside her room to find the only shirt she had from her brother.

" you better don't rip it, it's all I have of him "

Clark gave a shake of his bald head, before putting it on.

the shirt was fortunately stretchy so he was able to wear it.

He took a breath a went to the door, Diana jumped.

" what are you doing ?! don't you dare open the door! "

Clark just gave her a look that spoke promises.

" your Adrian's Lil sis right kid? me on this one ..I won't let anything happen to his family. "

His eyes were warm and soft .... She didn't know how, but suddenly Diana felt protected ...

like she was a little girl again and knew that if she reached Adrian's arms, she would be safe.

she nodded and stepped away from the door.

Clark went back to his angry self as he yanked open the door.


one of the many soldiers that were running up the stairs came close and from her place behind Clark, was strong.

He was almost as tall as the man in front of her.

" We indicated a Gifted here "

" huh! congratulations genius, you're looking at him ! "

the man smirked...

" it's not you Clark. "