Chereads / the broken cage / Chapter 8 - the eighth piece of the broken cage : eyes blue like the atlantic and I'm going down like the titanic

Chapter 8 - the eighth piece of the broken cage : eyes blue like the atlantic and I'm going down like the titanic

lp" You didn't fall right ? "

Diana came out of her daze almost instantly.

" N_no ...I'm fine ...are you okay? "

The man only smiled and nodded. His deep blue eyes glanced at the ground and his black eyebrows twitched. there was a frown on his handset features.

" Your clothes fell ... "

He kneeled to pick them up, that was when she went down to help him.

He didn't have muscles like Clark but wasn't the skinny type either. His sharp looking profile was stunning as he was easily the most beautiful man she's ever seen before.

His eyes were screaming wisdom as well as the way they spun like waves in the deep blue ocean ... They made her sleepy.

His hands were soft and his fingers long ...she wondered if he was a pianist. on his middle finger, there was the same ring that was shining brightly over his starkly white pale skin.

He stood up as he had gathered all the close on the floor with the little help she gave. as he stood up from the ground she felt how taller he was.

" I hope it's all. "

She smiled and nodded her head. Curly locks tickling her back as they moved around. there came a voice from their backs as he turned around.

" Mr. Lewis, your phone has been ringing and your sister had insisted that you answer the phone. "

There was a young girl behind him, with a company suit tight on her body. A nice looking phone between her fingers as it ranged the life out of its self.

The man, who she still didn't know the name to call him, let out a long-suffering sigh as he gave her a polite excuse and grabbed the phone from the tiny girls trembling hands.

Diana looked over at the man's head that was moving around as his intense gaze fell over random stuff. the focus in them increasing as he muttered u der his breath.

" Who is he ?...."

The answer came out before she knew it.

The girl who was holding the phone a few seconds ago turned to her with a smile that was faker Tia's stupid obsession with cookies.

" William Lewis, the oldest child of Augustus Lewis, I think you'd know him. He was one of the strongest Gifteds we had. you know the head police chief, he was poisoned on his last mission and was found dead. Augustus Lewis is his father. "

Her eyes winded. she never knew Augustus Lewis had a family. sure she had heard from her brother as he worked for different people that he had a wife and was happily married but she never knew that he had a son. not only one son too but he was the oldest, so there had to be other children. and just as she thought that.

' Sandy is a Lewis....can he be _

" Diana ? "

She jumped and turned around. her heart racing as she looked around to The familiar black skin that immediately calmed her down.

" Clark! don't be shy, give me a heart attack next time ."

Clark chuckled as he was standing behind her, his strong muscular arms locked in front of his chest as he gazed at her.

" oh I'm nowhere near shy ! I'll make sure to scare the living shit out of you next time! "

Just as she was about to answer ... the raspy voice of Williams, broke their air of fondness.

" Jane, send the documents to my assistant and let her sign the other papers as well. I'll take care of the bridge problem as soon as I can. "

The tiny girl only nodded and with a whispered ' yes sir ' before grabbing the device from his long fingers and leaving the shop.

Diana smiled as she remembered that he had to be related to Sandy and that she wanted to introduce him to Clark but the black man was gripping her shoulders a little too tightly. Diana frowned as she gazed back at Clark's face. his brows were crushed together as he clenched his jaw over his teeth. his breath was deep and the furry in his eyes seemed to make his chest puff even more.

" What are you doing here? "

His voice had venom in it, dripping from his tongue to poison the person he had directed to.

William was looking aloof towards the man's direction. the oceans in his eyes being slightly stormy but fine and relaxing all the same.

" I'm a human too Clark, I'm buying clothes. "

" Yeah ...buying clothes ... but I didn't mean that ... and you know it. "

" Unfortunately I don't understand what you mean. "

The concern in his voice didn't match the coldness in his eyes.

" William stop playing your games! I'm serious! "

" hmm... and what games exactly? "

Diana was nervous as to how they already knew each other and why they were fighting. the tension in the air increased ten times worse as the blue-eyed man took a step to leave but before asking a request that seemed to lit Clark in the fire.

" By the way Mr. Johnson. Please bring my sister home, mother thinks its time that she was brought back. "

" You're crazy if you think I'll bring her back to that hell. "

" It's ...not your choice. She has a family and until the day she can make her own decisions we will make them for her . "

He was about to leave when Clark's patience finally gave out and he lunged to grab Williams's arm and spun him around.

" fuck the decisions you make for her! it's not your choice the more she stays with that bitch of a mother you have, she's gonna end up being crazy just like you! "

Diana was trying to loosen the death grip Clark had over Williams's arm, but William only stood there.

" Clark, you know I hate repeating myself. Please bring her home or unfortunately I will have to take action against you. "

" Do it! you want me dead anyway. "

" I do ...but her majesty's still believed you have the potential to be alive. Please bring her home. "

He only placed a white as sheet hand against the dark skin of Clark's hand that was ripping his arm off look with those hypnotizing oceans and Clark let go as it the same had burned him. his eyes wide and the way his brown eyes broke his sharp gaze from meeting the aloof look on William's face.

" forgive me Clark and miss, but unfortunately I do not have time to waste around. I will come to take my sister from your house tomorrow morning . have a good day. "


" they're back ?! "

Tia was standing in front of Clark with her hands on her hips. her eyes on flames of burning anger.

" weren't they supposed to be gone for good ?!

I can't believe this! those bastards are back ?! it was just William right ? "

Clark only nodded. his eyebrows were tight together as he growled.

" he insisted that we bring Sandy back. "

Clark was rubbing his knees, that he had fallen on to. Diana still didn't know, just how William took Clark's iron grip off of himself.

the way his eyes shone a bright blue told her how much power he was hiding in his body.

" stupid mind controller freak! poor Sandy had to live with those idiots! "

Tia was shaking from anger when Diana was calmly sitting on the soft couch.

" I get why you don't want her with her mother, but why not her brother ? he seemed nice. "

two pair of hate full eyes turned towards her.

the hurt and anger in Tia were slowly showing physical signs as she dug her nails in her palms and the way Clark looked at her as if she had just kicked him, was beyond how she expected their reactions to be

" Diana, stop talking when you don't know what's talking about. "

" I wasn't complaining or anything why are you mad about ?! "

Diana for all she was worth didn't want anything to happen to the poor girl. but she didn't know what was the problem with William, yes okay maybe he attacked Clark, but it was because Clark attacked him first.

" I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the fact that you are defending HIM of all people! "

" William seemed nice! Clark lunged him out of nowhere! What's the problem with you two ?! "

Clark raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

" lunged at him? weren't you there ?! ...Diana you don't know Will, you don't know what kind of freak he could be. again, Diana, you DON'T know him. "

" he wasn't doing anything wrong, besides you should be grateful that he hasn't informed the police yet! "

Tia was staring at her with narrowed eyes and replied with venom in her voice.

" Since when have you started to defend others and not your own family? "

Diana pressed her lips together.

" I don't have a family ..."

Tia looked even more hurt just as Clark was shocked. but Diana was right and she knew it. her only family was Adrian who was nowhere in sight. he probably wouldn't ever be in her sight. not anymore.

Tia was ignoring her last comment thought as her gaze became distant.

" William ....his younger brother and sister too ...they used to be one of us. but .....they changed ...William became the opposite of what he was. ...he became....someone else . "

Tia was struggling.

" I just.... just forget it, Tia ... "

with that, she left the room alone with an angry Clark and a heartbroken Tia.


The second Tia said she had to go back, Sandy felt like her walls broke down.

The second she said that her siblings were back ... she felt like she might burst open from happiness.

They were back!

Waite.....then it meant, Jay was back! ....witch also meant that Jody was back!

" Tia ! can we all stay here now ?! "

Tia felt like stabbing someone, possibly the three assholes who were ten times worse than their mother.

poor Sandy still thought they were good ...

it would be hard for her too if someone told her that Diana and Clark had turned felon.

William used to be Sandy's only protector. her oldest brother.

the only chest the black-haired girl could sleep on without the fear of losing the small thread of reality and illusion...because no matter what, Will would pull her back.

Jayson was the only one Sandy could play with.

His wide blue eyes shining from those big smiles he used to give her, whenever she got an 'A ' in any of her exams. the way his hands would stop moving on the video games just to let her win. and the way he hugged her when she cheered from winning from someone who everyone else had struggled with.

Jody was more like a mother to her, she took care of her, fed her, bathed her, and more importantly was always there for her.

So now you would get why telling Sandy that these people who were her protection were now enemy was harder than it looked.

With a sigh, Tia only padded her feather-soft hair as she closed her eyes to go to sleep.