The snow was slowly going away by the rain last night. Cool air was coming to the long corridors of the mansion.
Diana still couldn't believe she had a fight with Tia over someone who she didn't even know yet.
Although Tia had come to apologize that night, she was still feeling guilty.
She wasn't supposed to fight with her. Tia was all she had left now with Adrian gone, It made sense.
The way she was acting was ridiculous. Hilarious even. Just why would she defend him.
Because she felt like they were making him the bad guy, while he hadn't done anything?
Because she felt like people who had that kind of blue eyes didn't get to be bad?
His eyes were calming They couldn't possibly belong to someone evil.
There was only Sandy at the breakfast.
Tia was somewhere else with Clark who was in a mood from the second he opened his eyes on the couch he had slept.
Funny how Tia had stopped being her best friend but her protector ever since Clark showed up.
She shook her head. Clark was a good man. He promised to protect her from the BH and he did, he helped Tia and Sandy...
But she was starting to feel like, she was an outsider to their group.
The team although small but was still a team they had. They probably knew Adrian better than her as well. ... She felt so alone out of nowhere. Like the walls were closing on her, like Sandy's blue eyes that were staring at her; were trying to swallow her entire being.
Diana pressed her palms on her eyes as she started to take deep breaths.
" Are you okay D ? "
Sandy has started to call her 'D ' the second Tia confirmed that it was okay to call her whatever she wanted.
From what Diana had understood so far, Sandy was a child who asked permission for mostly everything. Even when she wanted a single glass of water.
She found comfort when she was playing with Her fingers. She nibbled on her nails and had them chopped almost every day.
Her black hair wasn't straight and had some curl to it. But what caught most of her attention was the scar on her chin that ran down to the middle of her throat. She would cover it as much as she could, either with her clothes or long hair.
" I'm fine ... How's the food kiddo? "
Sandy gave a toothy grin before nodding like crazy.
" It's delicious! I didn't know you could cook so well ! "
Her chubby cheeks puffed out because of the big bite she had taken from the chicken sandwich.
Diana smiled...
She would miss Sandy.
William had a fancy car. It was a black BMW, the way wealth spoke on it decided fates.
She was standing next to Tia who was clenching her fists when she saw William come out of the driver seat with someone else who was dressed the opposite of him.
William was dressed in a suit, and he looked exhausted enough to make her understand that he had to be coming from work. the dark rings under his eyes were becoming darker on his pale skin. the suit hugged his thin frame from his shoulders down to his long legs.
The other boy though...
He was dressed in a red t-shirt and a black shirt. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the black tight jeans he wore showed off his long slender legs. On his wrists he wore bracelets. One as back as his shirt the other as red as the t-shirt he wore.
The same blue eyes as William and the same black hair ....although William's hair was to the middle of his back and he had it in a neat ponytail.
This guy's hair was looking wild, short, and spikey. And some of his bags fell on his forehead ... As pale as William ...the only difference she could find on the men that were slowly coming towards the mansion, was that William's skin was fine with no scar; whilst the other had his skin decorated by fist like bruises all over his arms and neck, some on his cheeks and one nasty one that had blood coming out of it a little, was on his strong looking collarbone.
There was a scar, covering the corner of his bottom lip. The chain he had on his neck glowing on his white skin. And he was as tall as William.
Tia bit her lips as she growled out.
" Hi. Nice to see you two back. "
William smiled.
" Hello darling, it's good to see you too as well. "
He turned his gaze on Diana as he continued.
" Miss Diana If I remember correctly, am I right ? "
Diana nodded slowly. Her main concern was fixed on the boy standing next to Will; and considering how he started to introduce the boy he found out.
" This is Jayson, my younger broth_
" A bastard just like himself. "
Jayson as it turned out to be, smirked in Tia's direction and instead of William, replied just as harshly.
" Fancy coming from a street rat. "
Diana looked stunned at his sharp tongue. she could feel a level of protectiveness come over her. no one talked shit to Tia but her. her eyebrows bent together as she could feel the heat of Tia's glare even though it wasn't directed for her.
" Jay I didn't bring you here so that you could start a fight. we talked about this."
William had a serious look on his face. his expression promising nothing good as he glanced at the side of his brother's face that looked so much like he was asking for a punch.
Jay only rolled his eyes and leaned against the wooden wall. the muscles on his arms clunching on themselves as he placed his blue, blue eyes on top of Tia. making her appear small.
" Tia would you be kind and bring Sandy here? It's time to go. "
Tia nodded once before gesturing them to come inside, completely ignoring William's polite request. her glare was waiting on the younger boy's face a little longer before leaving together.
Diana went along with them. no way was she leaving her best friend along with an asshole.
William only took a single glance at the surroundings as he said.
" Nothing has changed much. Tia, I thought you didn't live with Clark. "
Tia looked over at him. There was something like hurt in her eyes.
The tall golden walls seemed to be telling a story. Like this scene where these guys were together, was replaying.
The status cracked as Clark came down. His eyes were hard as he looked at the two men below.
" Heh...the brat's here too. "
Jayson looked up harshly, the look on his face, savage as he struggled to not lose his control.
" Just what's your problem with me? "
Jay was glaring daggers at Clark while William was calmly looking over at him.
Clark though ignored him as a whole and focused all his attention on the other Lewis.
" How can I be sure, your crazy mother wouldn't do anything to Sandy? "
Jay snorted as he looked over at the walls.
' bitch don't be sure ... '. He whispered.
William had a blank look on his face.
" Sandy is my sister Clark, and I think I would be the judge of the decisions. "
The ice was forming in his voice. The smirk winded even more on his brother's lips.
Clark repeated.
There was no longer a smile on his handsome features.
" Clark you know me, unlike you ... I hate repeating myself. Bring her here. "
Jay had a look, like a snake that was waiting for his prey to fall into the trap...
Clark stood tall in front of William.
" Promise me William, that you'll bring her here back if you were gonna go back to Washington. "
" I don't need to promise you anything, I owe you nothing. "
Tia was standing in front of Diana the entire time ... The second William started to glare, the atmosphere dropped to a hundred levels.
" Clark.."
The last waning... A courtesy call.
Deep bottomless blue met dangerous brown.
At last, Clark sighed and nodded towards his office.
" Mr. Lewis there is some paperwork that you need to take a look at. They are at my office. "
the cold air turned back into the warmth.
William seemed to be comfortable then.
With a nod, he followed Clark who gestured Tia to come along with them.
That left Diana and Jay alone in the huge living room.
" Jay, could you please _
" Get her to the car, yeah I know, fine. "
" Thank you. "
" Okay curly, where's my sis? "
" Curly ? "
" Don't you have curly hair? "
Jay said as he walked past her to the stairs. Diana puzzled. how did that boy just ?!
" Hey! Where do you think you're going ?! "
He half-turned and looked at her with those aloof blue eyes.
" To Sandy's room? "
" You don't even know where it is. "
He was already smirking.
" Listen curly _
she didn't know why but it seemed like everything about him made her want to claw his throat out with her nails.
he had that venom-like smile ....his eyes were shining ....oh this was not helping with her anger ...
" What's your name then ?....curly? "
The vain of her temple was twitching. she could feel it.
" Diana. "
" Okay then D, I know this place better than you do. Either follow or fuck off. "
with that he turned around and continued to walk up the stairs.
Diana stood there locked on her spot. her jaw dropped ...fuck off ?!
Just how ?!, When Sandy had a problem with calling her by a nickname, did this freak feel okay with everything ?!!
" First of all - HEY ! "
He had already walked up the stairs to the corridor which led to rooms.
She rushed up the stairs to meet him as he walked through the long corridor. Diana was feeling the heat of her temper on her hot flesh As she caught up to him, she grabbed his arm as harshly as she could, making him hiss as she probably had pressed on his bruises.
she spun him around.
Diana was panting. He was faster than he looked.
The glare on his cursed blue eyes was making her skin crawl beneath her hoody.
He turned.
" Who do you think you are anyway? "
His tone dripped anger.
" WHAT'S your PROBLEM ?! "
" The fact that you're touching me. That's my problem. "
" oh really ?! I didn't see that I was touching a rat from the streets ?! "
he gave a bitter chuckle as his smile grow bigger.
" I love it when people make these statements like they own something from others...not that YOU own anything at all. "
Diana narrowed her golden eyes. the way he was looking at her was just even more irritating. the fact that he was getting closer to her to press her against the wall behind them wasn't helping with the situation either. .nothing was.
" what do mean? "
" oh, you're more stupid than I the roof over your head does it belong to you ? are you a member? are you even a THING ? "
Diana tried her hardest not to get even more mad, she tried to swallow her anger and hurt at his words because he was right. she was nothing and couldn't possibly become something...broken things were unrepairable right ? ...but still.
Jay gave her the feeling she thought she had lost...anger.
Diana never thought she would ever, EVER slap a guy... But Jay was just asking for it.
she didn't know when she lifted her hand but
The sting that left her flesh and the sound of the sharp slap echoed through the entire corridor.
Diana was panting, her anger to the maximum level.
She looked up at him.the flames on her golden eyes were reflecting the deep unused feeling she had inside.
His face had shot to right, making his sharp jaw appear even more against his slender column of too white and too bruised neck.
Then ... His face turned, his eyes a dark blue ocean she knew she'd be drowning if she swam inside, his full, pale lips in a grin.
" Even your slaps sound like nothing. "
Diana smirked hard as she aimed again to punch his face and just as it was an inch away from his purple cheek, he grabbed her hand harshly and pressed her flat against the cold, hard wall.
Diana looked up at his face and unsurprisingly there was a predator's gaze in his eyes as if a shark was looking at her from those oceans.
his face was just a couple inches away from hers that she could feel his heated breath on her skin ... and just like that. he stepped away.
Diana glared hard at him as Jayson let out a laugh that sounded more like a person who had got his prank done.
" as I said D, either follow or fuck off "