Chereads / the broken cage / Chapter 7 - the seventh piece of the broken cage : an accident

Chapter 7 - the seventh piece of the broken cage : an accident

Life was a pathetic cycle of up and downs which led to absolutely nowhere.

Nothing made sense, sometimes you'd do something and you'll hope for the best but, sometimes nothing will end well.

He could still remember the weight, his house used to have something like a soul in it's old, tall walls.

The large living room area used to be full of girls sitting around the couches and sofas as they chatted about anything and everything.

The corridors used to be full of joyous laughter when others chased Sandy around.

The lonely table used to have William and Adrian talk about chess and stupid meaningless things to each other . their heads close together as if they were discussing the creation of life.

The two men being the bookworms of the gang ....he could still remember the slight brightness in William's eyes when he talked about the books he loved.

Clark sighed and looked over to Diana, who was sitting on the couch and had pulled her hands over her head.

The green rich couch designed by a company only wealthy people could buy from was right next to the extreme heat field of the warm conditioner.

Diana had her blanket over her shoulder as well was like she couldn't get warm enough to come out of the covers.

Clark leaned forward to take a sip from the mug of coffee he had gotten from the unused kitchen.

Just as he was about to tell Diana to go to her room so that she could sleep there, the door rang.

They were on their feet in a second.


Tia was holding Sandy's small hand in her bigger, rougher, and colder one.

Exhaustion had settled on her bones and seemed to be comfortable enough not to leave.

When the door opened to reveal the biggest mansion in new york, she couldn't decide if she had to run towards the warm place or hold onto Sandy for just a couple more steps before they could finally sleep; without worrying about the future, and just be without thoughts for just a few minutes.

The double doors with wealth written all over it showed a place worth much more than her life.



Diana was shouting her head off.

Clark stood close by with Sandy pressed on his shoulders.

Tia could feel her eyes closing but she didn't want to sleep if Diana wasn't sleeping as well.

She looked over at her friend's face with an apologizing expression, she didn't want Diana to be alone when the apartment they had worked so hard to get was tumbled to the cold, lifeless ground.

But Clark was with her, and at that moment Sandy was more important.

The moment they entered the mansion Diana had stormed down the stairs to get to her only stopping to look over at Sandy and giving her a gentle smile. before letting the explosive ball drop onto Tia's lab.


Diana was panting as she finished.

She had been yelling for about ten minutes.

Her face was red and as she huffed, Diana realized that there was a tiny girl close to Clark and she didn't need to hear her yells, and as she felt shame claw at her insides did she say.

" I'm.....I'm sorry. "

With that, she stormed to the stairs to get to her room.


it was after Clark had put the girl into bed , did they finally start to talk .

snow was falling again and the heater was working just fine .

Tia couldn't tell how she was glad that she has gotten a warm shower and nice, clean clothes.

the white hoody she was wearing was more comfortable than any shirt she used to wear, cozy pajamas with her favorite smurf sign were beautiful to look at.

" I hope it's still your favorite. "

she glanced over at Clark who was carrying a plate full of chocolate vanilla cake and with his other hand he had two cups of something that smelled close to tea.

as he was putting them down, she took a glimpse at his wound, which was healing up well.

she felt shame crawl at her skin, picking it apart and flexing at her to say something .... anything.

" Clark ....I'm ...sorry....for stabbing you "

The man had his fork in his mouth when he looked at her with a confused face.

his eyebrows were up to his forehead and in his dark eyes, she could see the forgiveness every time he gave her.

" yeah...I'm sorry too...I said some mean things...I....was drunk ...Tia your not a loser.. you're one of the strongest girls I know. "

her heart felt warmer than the cup in her hand. a rare smile danced at her lips when she responded.

" it's good to have you back. "

there was the warmth of friendship in his eyes.

" it's good to be back. "

Tia had forgotten how good it felt to be around someone who could protect you wasn't easy and she had slowly gotten tired of being the protector....the provider...

" what are we going to do with Sandy ? "

the question took all the warmth she had received.

" I'm not letting her go back to that hell. "

her voice was firm and left no room for argument.

Clark shook his head.

" no your not, but what about Florence?

her mother would want her back. "

" then she'll have to cross my dead body. "

" you know she will .."

Tia held onto Clark's stare.

" she isn't a mother, she thinks she is her owner and Sandy is her toy ."

Clark took a breath... released it.

" I'll tell the BH that I haven't seen her anywhere, and I'll call you to get her away if she insisted to search here. "

Tia only nodded her head.


Diana looked out of her window to the snow-covered ground that shone even brighter in the morning light.

yesterday, Clark had wasted his time to show her the mansion, how some door reached to some room ..but worry had clouded her vision and because of that, she hadn't paid much attention....but she was smart enough to know that this room ....was an office.

Clark's office she hoped.

in the middle was a huge table with chairs all around it ...a meeting table she thought.

then at the corner was a desk covered with papers and files which were still closed...

the whole room was from wood. take it from the ground that had a rich Persian carpet to show off, to the walls that we're overlooking the area with old books each with different colors.

the widow was from the floor to the attic. it's glass clean and a wealth smelled curtain to cloth it properly.

she took some steps to the room so that she would look at things she so wanted to touch.

no one was awake yet ...

Diana thought about how she reacted to last night.

she was still mad at Tia, but the way she had ignored the little girl was crushing her heart with guilt. nobody deserved someone else's anger to be thrown at them.

she was going to apologize at the breakfast no way around it.

as she was getting near to the window, her eyes caught a small photo that was on the desk.

she didn't want to be noisy but she saw a glimpse of her brother's face there ...

the photo had a yellow frame ...looked to be gold...she couldn't tell.

she smiled.

there was Adrian, his usual smile glowing in his green eyes. his brown hair tossed into a low ponytail as he made that heart gesture with his hands...Clark was next to him . he had a smile that showed all of his teeth, his black arms wrapped around Tia, who looked to have struggle handling his weight.

then...there were some people whom she had never seen before.

sitting down beside the table was Sandy, her hair in a bun and her smile bigger than even Clarks . then there was a girl, who had dyed the tip of her hair a very stunning shade of green, her eyes showing no trace of fear as she hugged Sandy close to her chest.

on the other side of the photo was a man, dressed to impress.

then as she looked closely, she saw that almost half of the photo was ripped.

there was an arm on the table which was in a black sleeve, a long boyish hand that was bony enough to worry ...his skin was pale...paler than paper. and on his middle finger was a ring. the diamond a rosy red and it was caged in a small but luxurious black chain.

they had to be the gang Clark and Tia kept talking about.

they looked more to be a family then just friends....never could she possibly think her older brother would have a family other then herself seemed like she was the only one who felt like if Adrian was gone, everything would fall apart...

not for Adrian after all.

his brother had a family who would be there for him if she was gone. who would take care of him and make him heal up?

with a sigh, she looked away and made her way out of the beautiful room.


breakfast was silent, Diana was looking at the dark-haired girl who had her fork inside a cake she had previously found in the fridge.

Tia was at the stove, her left hand on her hip as she whistled through her lips.

the smell of bacon was strong in the kitchen when she thought about a way to apologize to the girl sitting across from her.

She still wasn't talking with Tia.

with a sigh, she started to talk.

" Hey...I'm sorry about last night. I ...I was angry, but not at you. I'm. I get angry at most of the things....uhh "

the girl had a soft smile on her face as she replied.

" it's fine, I've seen worse. besides Tia wasn't much of hell either. "

with that, Tia turned around and glared at the blackhead. Sandy just shrugged. then her icy gaze turned to her.

" still mad at me? "

Diana just looked away as she stood up and went to the fridge.

" so your name is Sandy right ? "

completely ignoring her friend who looked smug at her question.

The small girl though, had her head bowed to the plate and was putting everything she could into her mouth. the corners of her mouth were dark with chocolate as she nodded her head.

the fridge was full of food supplies, her hands were always aching to buy.

her mouth watered when her gaze fell on the tomato soup that was cold in a bowl.

Tia was still at the stove ...

" Hey, you ungrateful friend....heat the soup for me? "

Tia smirked as she took the bowl from her hands.

" I'm starting to think ignoring me gets you everything but the sure thing you miserable princess. "

the laugh that came out of Sandy's lips were worth all the annoyment she felt.


It was worth it.

the way Tia was telling them after they had left was completely worth it.

when Clark came to the house in the afternoon they all had eaten lunch and we're leaning on the couch.

Sandy had dozed off most of the movie, which left Diana and Tia alone in the living room to watch the last episode of friends.

Clark said that he wanted to go to a shop in the city to buy some clothes for Sandy; to which the girl had jumped high in the air.

it seemed like all of them were safer in the house, because they were Gifted and on top of that the house was protected by the walls which kept the BH out.

Diana was a human so she was okay with going out to which Tia started the shouting match, which ended with Clark scooping Diana up in his arms and telling the others that they'd be back before lunch.

the shop was huge and had so many workers running around with clothes in their arms.

all kinds of clothes were there, both male and female.

Clark was typing something on his phone when he gave her his credit card and gestured her to buy whatever was needed.

her eyes winded.

" a_are you sure? "

but Clark was out of the shop.


Diana had gotten some shirts on her arm when she bumped into someone in front of her.

she turned her head to apologize but the man beat her into it.

" I'm sorry miss. I wasn't looking. "

His eyes the bluest....icy ocean waves.

his sharp jawline and white deathly skin ...crow feather hair that fell over his sculpted features and the most silver tongue ....with the same ring on his finger that the hand on the photo had.

... accidents happen, some good, some bad.

but they all change lives...