Chereads / the broken cage / Chapter 6 - the sixth piece of the broken cage: tiny girl

Chapter 6 - the sixth piece of the broken cage: tiny girl

Tia was panting beyond her wildest dreams.

She wasn't panting as much as she did even in her wet dreams.

The BH, the group of crows witch they were known as was still after her.

It was night already and the food supplies she had bought in the store were long forgotten in some street, she had run from.

The ideal way to get her failing lungs to repair was to sit down somewhere and catch her lost breath but she knew that the moment she so much as stopped; it would cost her, her life.

The snow was falling off of the sky again. The cold air wasn't helping her condition as she started to run again.

Past the tenth avenue, she crashed hard into a wall and had to stop a moment to let the dizziness pass. She put a hand against her head.

The thing about Tia was that every time she so much as graced her hair, she would feel was no expectation.

The amount of red liquid that was felt on her fingers made her want to bang her skull again so that it would actually break this time and maybe God would have mercy on her demonic soul and kill her.

The horrible sound of the big engines could be heard by the entire neighborhood.

All it took to get her to move again was the sound of another Gifted's scream. 


One of Diana's worst dreams was crumbling ground. .... the scene in front of her.

She squeezed Puffy even more to her chest.

His soft fur tickled her chin but the tears in her golden eyes made everything else numb.

The building which they had worked so hard to get a house from....all those depths they had to go threw so that they could buy it .... everything became nothing.

Clark put an arm around her shaking shoulders as tears found their way down her cheeks.

The white shirt he wore covered his bandages and it was stark against his dark skin.

Another bomb and she finally fell to her knees.

Puffy flying out of her hands. Clark came down with her, his bulky frame tried to get her most view but still, every sound was like a scream.

The BH had blown the apartment complex apart.

Pieces flying everywhere to find a new home, just like it's people .....just like earth.


Tia was the kind of person who felt comfortable around a cold environment ...but seriously that was too much.

The chill had finally settled in her bones ( it wasn't that hard considering the cloths she had wore )

Her shaking hands rolled around themselves as she breathed warmth into them.

She had pressed herself against a tight wall between a trashcan and a club.

It was almost near the address of Sandy...

She wasn't sure if she should go and grab the girl and run or, just stay down until the coast was clear so she would go home.

When she made sure nothing was wrong and that she was not watched, she went to the address that had brought all of the problems in the first place.


Life was never kind to Diana, that was her result when she reminded herself of her life.

She always lost this stupid, pitiful game.

The car she was in was warm and comfy and the way Puffy gazed at her made her skin crawl...

Clark was in the driver's seat and talking furiously over the phone with someone...

She hugged her arms ...

' where is Tia ? '


The neighborhood belonged to rich guys...that much was obvious.

Wealth bled from each house as she secretly passed through each building....each house that would never be her own.

Her legs could barely carry her weight as she stumbled to the ground.

Nasty coughed wrecked her chest but she wasn't giving up. ....not until Sandy was safely in her arms....mothers were supposed to be your heaven, not hell.


The snow had finally stopped. Clark opened the backseat where Diana had dozed off most of the car ride she didn't usually get.  Walking was an everyday thing for humans but it was like torment to her ...every step felt like a challenge as if the sky above was mocking her...telling her to give up and just die.

" Take the stairs to the left, that's where I live. "

Diana just looked at him with a blank expression and nodded her head.

Clark shook his head and turned back to the car and left the lone road to somewhere he hadn't told.

Diana was exhausted...of like, of taste, or even blinking.

She took a deep sigh and hugged Puffy closer to herself. Diana moved over to the heavily guarded door. The color black suits the place.

Hundreds of Black Hunters were moving in and out of the place.

' so the entire building doesn't belong to him '

There was a skyscraper ...the top of it invisible with all of the dark clouds hiding it from the wondering sights.

She was already feeling small.

" Why aren't you in yet? "

She jumped and turned around.

" I thought you left ... "

Behind her, stood Clark with his wide shoulders and bald hair ...his glare unmistakable.

" How would you get in there then ?"

She looked away in embarrassment ...right, the BH would only allow her inside when she was either dead or were going to die.

Clark took a hold of her hand and moved up towards the step.


Finding Sandy's room was a challenge.

She kept wandering around the house ... A part of her was scared that the woman who liked to call herself a mother, had already locked the poor child in the tiny basement again ...

She could still remember how they all reacted ...

The only thing keeping... whatever.

Rocks were eating in her palm to shoot at the window ... She took a breath in, and with a trembling hand shot the window.




Luck wasn't how she declared the situation.

Sandy was staring down at her, with those big blue eyes that only a Lewis had.

There was lots of garden and a huge yard full of thorns.

Tia gave the kid, the best smile she could give as she gestured to her to move down so that she could take her away.

It was a kidnapping...but also not kidnapping.

Because the way the child's eye brightened and a cheek breaking smile found its way across her lips didn't mean kidnapping...

Even from a distance so far, Tia could see the bruises that covered half of her face down to her neck her wrists shook when she grabbed the window to open it.

Her heart clenched...there was no way she was letting a child whom she had seen grow to suffer all alone.


To say she was comfortable would be a lie ... She was at ease would be a lie as well ...her though drift to Tia every time she so much as breathed.

The luxurious mansion was owned by Clark was his home.

No server though.

" I thought you'd keep some butlers or so ? "

Clark gave out a booming laugh ...his warm chocolate eyes though?... Oh, they were leaking worry.

" Do I look like that kind of a person? "

Diana could only nod to that.

After they had finally got permission from the leaders as Clark called them, he had taken her to his own house the middle of nowhere.

Jungle surrounded the building. If it wasn't because of Clark's appearance, she'd expect some farm animal as well as some actual farm.

Puffy had gone Wondering about the house. No sight of him yet. Poor thing was always inside Their once small apartment.

Not anymore though.


Tia stood motionless in front of the building ...or what was left of it.

Sandy slept in her arms ...her black hair down to her bony shoulders was hidden inside of the cloak she had " borrowed " from her mother.

Worry tickled her throat ...

She struggled to get her phone...Clark had to have done something, anything...

Her hands were already shaking from the cold and now with all the anxiety added to it ...

She finally got the number and pressed the phone flat against her ear.

" Hello ."

" oh my !... HELLO MY ASS ! "

Tia visibly cringed at the loud voice that belonged to no other than Clark.

she should start counting to ten but oh well, let's just let him rant.

" you freaking asshole! fool! you have any idea how worried I_ I mean Diana was ?!! "

a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

" Clark, it's Sandy. you know I couldn't just leave her "

there was a long sigh at the other end of the phone. husky voice annoyed.

Sandy rubbed her head against her shoulder.

Tia padded her dark head as she spoke to the phone.

" Are you guys in your house? "

Clark's only response was a firm yes ....then he hanged up.

Tia swallowed.

she was dead.


the jungle was just as she remembered it to be. cold, dark, and lonely. the trees were the cage keeping the ground hidden from the sky.

the moon was hidden that night.

she had walked to the field. her legs were shaking from exhaustion. she tumbled to the ground once and Sandy had fallen off of her arms, from then on; Sandy had walked along with her.

it was after the sun had gone up in the sky and the morning was kissing the floor, did they finally arrive.

" Can I ring the bell? "

the sweet baby voice wrecked her messy mind.

" there's no bell remember? "

" oh right ...are everyone here ?! "

the babyface was glowing with happiness

her heart clenched, just how was she supposed to tell her that the gang was longer together?

" they ....aren't here right now ...but they'll be.. "

her face visibly fell ...her blue eyes lost their shine and she looked away.

" Sandy ? are you okay? "

the girl nodded.

" yeah ...just ...I miss them....all of know "

Tia cringed...

she hated the feeling...but she missed them too.