Chereads / A Dead Girl / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 Till Death Do Us Part

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 Till Death Do Us Part

Ok what am I going to do. I was so stressed in a panic attack I didn't even notice that Stacy walked in. But I don't care, I need relief before my head explodes. I reached for my razor completely ignoring the fact that Stacy was standing right there.

I can tell the second she saw the razor in my hand she went into shock.

"What are you doing"

"Please leave me alone Stacy, I'm dead" She takes the razor from me and I go crazy.


"So this whole time you've been doing this when I thought you were getting better with your anxiety and depression"

"Please I'll be dead soon, when my mom gets me home she's going to kill me" I burst into tears praying that she won't show up.

"Show me your arms"

That sentence right there felt like a stab in the heart. I felt like this was my final day on earth.

"No, now just give me back the razor"

"No I won't let you hurt yourself"

I start laughing through the tears.

"You can't stop me. This is it, my last day"

"No it's not just listen"


"I told the nurse to call your sister instead of your mom"


"Yeah it's your sister Avery that's coming"

"But doesn't she have school?"

"They get out at 2:30"

I feel my body weaken and I just fall to the floor and cry. Stacy runs up to me and hugs me. I feel better now and finally go back to the nurses office to see Avery waiting for me. I run up to her and hug her. She hugs back and we head to the car.

"I didn't ask yesterday because you seemed really upset but, what happened to your hand?"

"I burnt it"

"I know but how?"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"...It's mom again, isn't it"

I don't answer. Instead I just cry.

"I don't want to go back there"

"I know. Maybe Child Services can-

I start to cry harder. Then I take out the other razor in my book bag and just twirl it in my fingers. I start sliding the blade across my fingertips but it's not breaking any skin. Avery notices but I'm to out of it to care.

"Your still cutting?"

I don't answer.

"Come on let's go somewhere to talk"

We head to the train tracks and start walking.

"Hows school been"


"Ok, why do you still cut?"

"Cause life sucks okay. I hate everything....I wish I was dead"

Then a train starts coming and Avery gets off the tracks, I don't. Then before it hits me she grabs my arm and pulls me aside.

"What the hell!"

"You hate me now too, just like everyone else"

"I don't hate you I'm just worried"

"About what"

"About you and the fact that you were ready to get hit by a train just there"

"I told you I want to die"

"I won't let you"

"You can't watch me every second of every day"

"But I can put you in therapy"

"You know how much I hate therapy and therapists and there stupid questions"

"You need to talk to someone to stop self harming"

"Just let me die please"


At that moment I can't take the conversation any longer and start to head back to the car. Avery drives me home but before I get out she asks for the razor. I reluctantly give it to her because I have plenty more in my room.

When I get into the house I take of my shoes and leave them by the door. Then I head upstairs. When I get to my room and close my door I immediately start crying. I look at my razor and I just want to end it so bad. But I remember what Avery and Stacy and Amy told me. I cut myself but didn't attempt to kill myself. I went into Amy's room and sat down.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure what's up"

" Well, today at school I passed out"

"Let me guess, you've been skipping meals"

"Yeah. Dying would be nice. Just having all your pains go away. All the hurt I feel everyday"

"Please. Don't go yet, I need you"

" I'm worthless. No one would miss me if I was gone"


"I'm running out of time. My life is to hard, with mom and all"

Then the house phone rings. It's from the hospital where dads staying at. I feel my stomach turn when I go to answer it.


"Um hi, may I speak to Trish Martin?"

"Sorry she's busy right now but you can tell me whatever it is you need to tell her and I'll pass it on."

"Who am I speaking to"

"Her daughter"

"Well I'm sorry to say this but your dad died this afternoon"

I hang up and drop the phone. First I tell Amy who tells mom. Mom laughs. Yes she laughs, we were both so confused.

"Finally that son of a bitch died, now I don't have to pay the hospital bill anymore"

I couldn't speak. We both just stared at her. Then finally Amy said something I'll never forget.

"What the hell"

"What did you just say to me?"


Then my mom knocks Amy out and starts kicking her. When she stops she looks at me.

"You want some to ya little shit"

Then she punched me.

Do you think anything will go good in Scarlett's life? And their mom what a trash bag. Hopefully she gets what she deserves soon. Also I hope Amy is ok after that rough beating.