Chereads / A New Life From Anubis / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7


I don't know why, but in my old life I hated school. I never seemed to enjoy it; I guess I was too busy paying attention on trying to impress my friends. Today, though I seemed really excited to get there. A feeling I wasn't use to experiencing. As I got closer to the school the more the feeling of excitement arose from within me.

Arriving at the school the first thing I noticed was that the parking lot was extremely packed, and I mean packed. I had to drive all the way to the back of the lot to find a place to park. I hope it doesn't rain I thought I would be soaked before I even made it halfway to my car. Walking up towards the school you can see where the diversity begins. I pretty passed every make and model car in every color before I reached the doors of the enormous school that loomed over this maze of a parking lot.

My first thought when I walked through the doors was wow. I was completely blown away by the size of the place. From what I could see from the entryway was that it was three stories tall. The height of the building wasn't the only thing to catch my eyes. The hallways were brightly lit and well decorated in what I assume to be the school colors, green and red. There were streamers hanging from the ceiling, posters all over the wall advertising some afterschool club, and flyers showing school spirit wear that are on sale. The whole hallway, in my opinion, looks like a dragon threw up school sprit all over the hallway. The lockers were blue and small, barely enough room to put your books that you might have in. The lockers of course have little post it notes on them with positive thoughts about the person who occupies it. Probably a STUCO idea I thought to myself.

Recovering from then initial shock of how the school looks I quickly look for any sign that points to the office, all the while with me hoping I won't get lost and they will have to send out a search party to find me. I end up walking to where the hallway splits into three more hallways which are all trying to lead me down to forever lostness. To my luck I find a map of the first floor of the school, of course though there is no "you are here" arrow on it, so I still don't know where to go.

I was standing there staring at the map trying to decipher this maze of a school when all of a sudden, I heard what sounded like a voice, though I couldn't make out what was said. I quickly looked around until I saw a girl who looked to be about fifteen with long black curly hair.

"Are you new?" the girl asked for what I guess was the second time.

"No, I just like looking at maps in giant buildings that I'm familiar with," I answered very sarcastically.

"I was just asking," she said, obliviously taken offense to my comment.

"Sorry, I'm just frustrated that I don't know where I'm going," I quickly apologized.

"So, you are new," she said softening her expression. God she's thick I thought. "Well I can show you to the office follow me," she continued, I take back my previous thought I quickly thought before my luck could suddenly change to punish me.

"Don't you have to be in class?" I asked her.

"Yeah, but I had to go to the bathroom, I'll just get a pass from the office after I drop you off," She answered. Realizing that she doesn't know my name she finally asked, "What's your name new kid?"

"I'm Logan," I replied sticking my hand out to shake her hand.

"My name is Clover," Clover said as she took my hand and shook it. I was surprised at how strong her grip was, but I didn't let it show. "Now let's go sometime today," she joked.

She then turned and took off down the far-left hallway with me right behind her making sure I don't get left behind. After a few turns down a couple more hallways we finally come across a door with a sign next to it that says Office. We both walked in and were instantly greeted by the receptionist.

"What can I do for you two?" she asked.

"I found Logan here wondering the hallways lost, while I was going back to class from the restrooms, and I was wondering if I can have a pass so I won't get into trouble," Clover explained.

"Oh, you must be the new student we were expecting, though we would have preferred you here on time," the receptionist scolded.

"I would have been if this school wasn't such a maze," I said, without thinking.

"Well you better get used to it fast, because we don't tolerate tardiness," she said sternly.

"Can I just have my schedule so I won't be even later please?" I asked, really wanted to get out of there and into class. Oh, please don't let me be a nerd, I thought. The receptionist proceeded to go through and file and pulled out a piece of paper. Then she proceeded to write what I think are two passes.

"Here is your schedule Logan and your pass so you don't get into trouble for being late today," she said while handing me my schedule and pass. "Clover, here is your pass, now get to class. I will deal with Logan now," she said dismissing Clover after giving her the pass.

"Good luck, Logan," Clover said before walking out of the office. I was hoping she would stay and not leave me alone in here.

The evil lady who made Clover leave proceeded to talk to me, giving me directions to my first class. She also said that there will be somebody in each class that would show me to my next class. After that she dismissed me and I was on my way.

The school day went by pretty fast after that. Though, I did notice some weird things. Almost everyone was present in each class. I only had a few classes where not everyone was there. Another thing I noticed was that everyone in this school had too much school spirit. The lunches were also different. Instead of the usual cheap meals they had elaborately made dishes of wonderful food. It was like we had our own personal restaurant. I think I'm going to like this school, was my last thought before I fell asleep that night.