I step back from the table in disbelief and almost anger. "This letter is three weeks old, we could've been there and back by now. Why did it take so long to reach us."
Rona takes up the sketches and pictures. "Gaudete quidquid huc spectare. (Yeah, whatever, come here, look at these)."
"The drawings he mentioned." Changing my focus from the letter to Rona, holding the sheets of paper in her hand.
Her face filled with confusion. "Uh uh, lege non ea nota tibi canetis. (Uh uh, read it, doesn't it sound familiar to you)."
"It's the story father used to tell us when we were little." Also while asking myself why would someone go through all that trouble for a made up story to be hidden and protected in a volcano?
So many unanswered questions fill my head as to why, where, who and how.
Rona showing me the images. "Sane hoc videtur esse illud magis. Est locus hac ultima defuit. (Yeah, but this seems different, it's longer. There's a place missing off this last one.)"
Looking around I list the items that uncle send. "You have the drawings and pictures, I found the money, so what's that heavy thing then."
"Et detegentem. (Unwrap it.)"
While unwrapping and lifting the heavier boxes, something solid hits the table. "Thud". A stone piece smacks the surface of the table.
In amazement. "Holy hell this thing is made of gold, why didn't he say so in the letter?" My mind wondering how much it's worth.
Placing the image with the story next to the golden tablet. "Quod est ultimum fragmen fabulam. (It's the last piece of the story.)"
"Maybe this is what lead him to that city." Stepping over the boxes to Rona's side
After inspection of the paper in her hands. "Fabulam autem facit sensu. (The story makes sense now.)"
"What do you mean, didn't it make sense before?" Making a frown on my face and questioning, while taking the paper from my sister and realizing it's in the foreign language only we can understand.
"Ita, si recordabor ego rogare pateémoos fabulam esse completum, et quod ille autem? (Yes, remember I use to ask father if the story was complete and what did he say?)"
Her face seemed so sad with just the mention of father.
Realizing the tone in her voice changing once again, I answer the question without hinting to it. "He said 'no one really knows if the story is true or not so it could be longer.'" Quoting the words of my now past father.
Now with her quite voice. "Accumsan bene ubi Haec picturae historium completum est in. (Okay, well when I put these drawings in order it's the complete story.)"
- The light goddess story
(A long time ago, there was nothing, only blackness; no sound, no light, nothing. Every few centuries something magical happens in this nothingness but this time there was a rip in space. Through this rip, a mighty wind and light came, so bright and so powerful no darkness could hide, and from this light she emerged.
Being banished from her realm of reality, the only salvation she was giving was the holy weapon 'Azrael', the sword of chaos, by which separates good from evil and is the destruction of all. With the weapon's power, her soul was saved but her loneliness was the curse bestowed on her for her many misdeeds, to live for all eternity in solitude.
The light goddess drifted in darkness for what seemed like centuries, her light fading with each passing moment and the blade had loss it's power by which bringing her there. She had lost sight of what was right, going crazed with anger, hate, sadness and loneliness. Losing herself and the will to carry on, she forgot who she was, with no one to reach out for help.
She knew she was alone in this space and time and only had two options: stay in an internal darkness until she ceases to exist or end it all.
Suddenly, a flash of light brighter than anything she had ever seen bestowed upon her, coming from afar but could be seen as clear as day.
The goddess wondered what this light could be or what it could mean, if she had been forgiven, if her long suffering was over. Seeing it getting closer with each passing second. A ball of earth, fire and brimstone so bright and so beautiful was heading straight toward her, she gazed in amazement and relief not knowing what to do.
As she could see all the magical colors and feel the immense heat and power radiating from this celestial object, an idea came. The goddess said, 'he banished me from our creation, from my children and from my home. I will use this power to create life and forget him, he depends on our prays for survival, he shall get none from me, not anymore. From now on I am the one true goddess. I may miss my children and my home but I cannot go back, I must move forward. This may be my payback for all the wrong doing I have went through.' With vengeance in her heart and the last of her power and strength, she tightened her grip on the blade and lunged it at the earth, stabbing it down to its core, creating such a powerful blast time itself stopped, merging together the core and the weapon of chaos.
The goddess started bringing in more cores and infusing them with the overwhelming power of her creation. With this entanglement of energies, life began to emerge and she was in control.
Reincarnation... every hundred years...... Over seeing all we worship her for all time.)
"Wait, that's it? There must be more." Placing the items on the table.
Retreating to the chair opposing the table. "Quod ut 'omne quod non habet. (That's all it has.)"
I make eye contact with her. "She's alive."
"Et hic dicitur reincarnationis annos vixerit ut putet se perpetuo reincarnatonis saecla. (It says here reincarnation and every hundred years, so we can think she lives forever by reincarnating herself every century.)"
"So..." Turning my back to Rona and whispering. "She's been alive all this time."
Being filled with excitement I raise my voice, "Rona don't you see, this is great news we have the truth in our hands and only we can read it."
"Ego coniecto,... (I guess,...)" her tone not really changing.
With concern on her face "Ne putes quod suus 'aliquantulus fatum Lodovicus simul memorando quaestionemque non in littera, sed ille ait: Non est tutum amplius? (Don't you think it's a bit weird Luis didn't mention this in the letter but he said it wasn't safe anymore?)"
"You think he's in danger and he didn't put it in the letter because he doesn't know who he can trust anymore?"
"Ita etiam et vellet ad eum plerumque itineribus eo pervenit. Quod non sentire ius nico. (Yes, and he also said he wanted us to come to him, he usually comes here after his trips. Something doesn't feel right nico.)"
"It's been three weeks since he came back, we should hurry and get to him, I just hope he's not in any real danger."
- *Flash, Kaboom*, Lightning flashes and thunder rolls, jumping us
Corona lets out a slight streak as I rush to the nearest window to see where that noise came from.
"Outside was sunny just a moment ago, now it's like a storm is coming"
Rona now by my side looking through the window, "An in hoc iter facere non possumus, ut nos iustus adepto quod opus una valedixit, et cras. (We can't leave in this whether, we should just get what we need together and leave tomorrow.)"
"Yeah, okay."
The wind starts to blow the now falling rain through the window as we make our way back to our seats, I turn around and latch the window close.
Now standing in-front the closed window. "But let's go over the rules about traveling."
Sighing, "O numen menum, non haec iterum. (Oh my goddess, not this again.)"
"Yes, this is what keeps us alive." I say crossing my hands on my chest.
"Utquomque!" (Whatever!)" burying her face in her hands
"Rule 1; Don't speak to anyone but me and Luis, people fear what they don't understand and we are the only people who can understand what your saying, so if you want to say something whisper it to me"
Rona sighs "Quod suus non meus mendum. (That's not my fault.)"
"Rule 2; Don't unnecessarily kill anyone, we don't want to attract anymore unwanted attention to ourselves in the city.
"Nihil possum polliceri. (I can't make any promises.)"
"Rule 3; If anything happens we must always have each other's back, we can't trust anyone."
Looking up at me with frowns on her forehead, "Quod non solum illa praecepta non applicare ad me? (Why does these rules only apply to me and not you?)"
Looking away. "Because, as much as I hate to admit it you are stronger and the most out of control between the two of us."
"Quod ut 'non est verum, ego potest imperare ánimo. (That's not true, I can control myself.)"
"Yeah right, so says the person who destroyed a whole demon fox village."
"Rapta animalium interemit comeditque innumerabilibus parvulis, qui puniri meruerunt vía deterrima. (Those animals raped, killed and eaten countless women and children, they deserved to be punished in the worst possible way.)" she says angrily, with a sudden explosion.
"You scare me sometimes, you know that, it makes me wonder who really good and who's bad between us."
"Bonum vitae est non omnia amet. (Good, our life isn't so boring after all.)" Saying sarcastically.
Rolling my eyes, "Anyway, I'll go pack some sleeping bags and food for the trip."
"Scitis, suus 'quanta citius ad lanuae Magicae. (You know, it's much faster to teleport.)"
"And you know I hate that, it makes me sick."
"Youll 'adepto super eam: si autem non opus dormientes erant enim probari multaque in Ludovici sacculos, sive extra cibum. (You'll get over it, if we're staying at Luis we won't need sleeping bags or extra food.)"
"Admit it, you just hate sleeping outdoors."
"Ego operor. (I do.)"
Now ending our conversation, we go upstairs to get ready for our trip.
Rona putting her grimoire in her bag, preparing crystals and potions while I was sharpening and packing our weapons, my long swords and throwing knives along with Rona's scythe and wand.