1st October 2007
7:30 am
Alexie woke up, excited for her first day of school. She went to shower early. She wore her favorite striped shirt with shorts. She pulled up her new socks, she checks all of her school supplies once again. She went out of room and tip toed her way on the very cold concrete floor towards her parents' room. She slowly opened the oak door with cautious...
"Hee hee." Alexie bought a rubber chicken with her. She crawled over the bed mattress to over the space beside Haru. That's when she realized Bryan wasn't there. She first quietly put the rubber chicken at Kang's ear, and squeeze the chicken tightly till it made a very loud and annoying sound.
"I'm awake! I'm awake!"
"Geez what did you guys last night till you forget about today?!" Alexie was putting her both of her hands on her hips, showing that she's mad at both Haru and Kang. "I'm sorry, kiddo. I did my assignment overnight." Kang scratches his head as he got out of bed. "I'll go get ready. Kang, you'll make breakfast today." She pats Alexie's hair. "I'll braid your hair during breakfast, ok?"She grabbed her towel and went straight into the showers.
Kang then turned over to Alexie. "You have to help me with breakfast then." Alexie smiled as Kang picked her up.
Bryan came in work really early. Sier was just waiting by his table with some documents. "Oh, you're early today, Master!" Sier bowed to Bryan. "By the way, Miss Edwards coming in with her father." Sier informed Bryan as he handed out a document to his boss and went back to his seat, inspecting more documents.
Bryan sat in his open window office, he opened up the document given by Sier. He was very tired, he did not get enough sleep that day because last night...
"Papa! Please stay with me! I'm scared! But I want to check all my school suplies!" He had to accompany Alexie without sleeping until SHE fell asleep.
Eventually, Bryan got very exhausted and was drowsed into felling asleep at work, but he was not worried because he was the BOSS.
Haru finished showering, she pulled up a air of black leggings with shorts and with a vest. "Ok, Kang. I'll take it from here." She kissed Kang on the cheek as Kang makes his way to the showers. Alexie were just eating her favorite Cheerios cereal while watching Phineas & Ferb. Haru grabbed a bowl of Cheerios and a cup coffee that was on the counter and sat beside Alexie.
"What are you watching, Alexie?" Haru asked as she ate her cereal. Alexie had finished her cereal, now drinking her warm milk "I'm watching Phineas and Ferb. It's so funny!" She was giggling a lot after that. Kang came out of the bathroom, seeing both Haru and Alexie laughing while watching the cartoon. He just smiled and shook his head and went to his room.
"Let's go then." Kang was fixing up his hair, Haru got up and put the dishes into the sink while Alexie picked up her new backpack with care and pure happiness. They took the public bus to the newly opened elementary school but on the way, there were people rumoring and whispering...
"How young are they?"
"So young. Already had a child."
"Kids these days.. Have no sense of dignity..."
The bus stopped in front of the school and three of them went down. Kang stopped at the door "You know before saying something, please investigate first.." He gave a sharp look at the passengers. He then went down and followed Haru and Alexie from behind.. They've arrived at the great hall. They went to registration table, it was guarded by a woman around 25 to 27.
"Oh. Who's this?" The woman leans over the table immediately after she saw Alexie. "I'm Mochizuki Alexie!" She offers a handshake to the woman. "I see. Mochizuki Alexandra, is it correct?"She looks at a clipboard that has a paper of list of 1st graders. We both nodded. "Okay. I need a signature from both of his parents or guardians." She handed out a paper for them to signed and a pen.
They both signed it and gave it back to the woman. "Ok Alexie. Please go there and follow the line to the ceremony." She points towards a line. "As for you two, please take a seat over there." She points a line full of chair, being fight over by a group of parents. They both sighed. "It's gonna be a long day..."
Bryan slowly opened his eyes, he took a look at his watch as he fixes up his glasses. 'It's already 12 in the afternoon, how long have I been asleep.' He turned over the phone and picked it up while rubbing his tired eyes. "Sier, what's going on?" Bryan asked as he fixed up his hair once again. "Uhmm, Master, have you forgotten that miss Edwards is coming with her father.. Well, she's outside at the lobby with Mr. Hector Edwards."
"Hmm, tell them that I'll be there in a few minutes." He puts the phone back. He stood up and took a few steps away from his chair. He grabbed his coat and slide into both of his shoulder, buttoned it up. He opened up the door, saw Tina and Hector sitting at the lobby chair. "Good afternoon, Stefan." Hector step up and did a handshake with Bryan.
"Good afternoon to you, Mr. Edwards. How may I help you?" He was just standing there, cold, without any motions until Tina approaches him. "Tina wanted to visit you and keeps on nagging me if I don't bring her to see you." Hector just scratches his head. "Ryan, you can't just shut me out, can you?" Tina was just leaning over towards Bryan's chest. "I'm sorry but I only do important tasks for my allies not silly visits, anyway, i'm going back home. A little girl is waiting for me." He brushed past Tina and went back to his car...
'what little girl...'
ıllıllı T.B.C ıllıllı