"So, what do you want to talk about?" Bryan stood in front of Kang, he was wondering what was Kang wanted to talk about. Kang got up and grabbed his jacket. "We should talk outside..." He murmured under his cold breath... Bryan nodded silently, he took his phone a coat outside along a box of cigarettes.
They went out to a very cold and windy night. "Brr... You sure, you want to talk about this here." He folded his hands. "thought your powers were about the cold." He gibed about Bryan's powers. He formed a snowball on his hands and threw it at Kang's face, making him ended with a very pink and stuffy nose. "Still underestimate me?"He grinned, showing that he took his revenge properly.
Kang sneezed through his nose like a toddler. Bryan pulled out a handkerchief from his coat and threw at Kang's face. "Sorry kiddo!" He joked about Kang's condition. Kang gritted his teeth as he blew his nose with the handkerchief. "Let's just continue with our topic." Kang insisted about it.
They leaned at the walls of the apartment, the cold wind blew the tuffs of both their hairs. "I found a job at tape renting shop." He declared about his new job, not in pride but in total embarrassment. Bryan was really confused, usually when something good happens to him, for example, his good grades, he'll be very proud with it.
"So, what's wrong with that?" Bryan just stared at Kang, with a serious look, meaning he wasn't joking anymore. Kang didn't even looked at Bryan , he was just looking at the cloudy night sky as he slowly sighs under his breath. "The manager said the place have to close down because it's condition's was too bad." He sighs once again, making him looked distressed.
"What does it have to do with me?" Bryan was lit up his cigarette. "I need money for the repair, an I have som-" Kang was speechless, he was interrupted by Bryan. "You can." Kang was blinking out of disbelieve. Usually he'll answer no or he'll groan. Bryan grinned after blowing out a smoke from his lips.
"YOU MUST BE HAVING SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND!" He guessed about Bryan's intention in a high tone. Bryan stopped smoking, he chortled at Kang "Of course, you know me, Hyo Kang Shi." Kang bit his lips. Of course, how couldn't he haven't asked someone else, other than the King of The Underworld.
"I want to go out with Haru on a date. Without, you or Alexie bothering." Bryan declared his true intention of helping Kang out. "I can get other ways for the money as for example, working!" He grumbled other ways to get money. "How then. The only work place you know is closing down without repairs." He tried convincing Kang about the deal.
A grunt escaped Kang's lips as he nodded. Bryan gave a light smile and threw a piece of card to Kang's hands. Kang looked at the card, puzzled and asked "An infinite card?" Bryan got into building as words came out of his mouth "Yeah, yeah. Nice dealing with you." He waved as he went into the elevator...