Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 29 - chapter 29

Chapter 29 - chapter 29

We waited until Shreya was up, we didn't have to wait long but it felt like forever. She was finally awake. She went into the kitchen after greeting us Skylar and I both followed her into the kitchen

"Hey guys want some breakfast?" We shook our heads instead we told Shreya what the ghosts had said, even Shreya looked worried this could defiantly not be good

"Alright we'll go and see the seer after you guys have had your breakfast" Shreya announced

"I've already eaten, thanks" I let her know

"I'm not hungry, Shreya" Skylar told us putting her head on the table

"Well ok, try eating something later ok?" Shreya told her to which, Skylar nodded "come on Ray, let's go"

"I'm coming too" Skylar announced

"No you can't" Shreya stopped her "the seer lives in a very dangerous place, you can't go there"

"What? Is she evil?" I asked Shreya, she shook her head

"The seer is neither good nor evil, there's only one seer in the whole world, and every immortal being goes to see her, that includes good and evil beings, it's too dangerous for a mortal" Skylar and I both nodded. Shreya came to stand next to me, we joined hands then Shreya blinked.

At first all I saw was white, what looked like cotton then we were falling, but not fast, it was like we were floating slowly I looked below, again I could only see white cotton? Then I saw houses as we went through the cotton like substance that was actually cloud once we touched the grass I sat down not because I was scared but because I felt heavy, does that make sense? It was like I was carrying a lot of weight it was weighing me down so I sat, I noticed Shreya sat down too.

"What happened? Why do I feel heavy?" I asked Shreya once we were ready to stand

"We flew, that's the only way to get here, up there, in the sky there's not a lot of gravity, that's why it's easier to fly, so when you touch the ground you feel heavy because there's gravity here, do you get it?" She explained

"I think so" I told her

"Great lets go" we stood up slowly and started walking towards a house

"Where are we?" I asked

"Africa" Shreya answered casually I stopped walking and shrieked

"Africa I always wanted to go to Africa" I screamed

"We're not here on holiday Ray let's go" she grabbed my arm and walked into a house without knocking. There was a man standing at the door, blocking it

"Shreya Thornton and Raven Morris" Shreya announced, the man moved out of her way and let us pass Shreya gave a small nod as she walked passed him, I gave a little nod too, he nodded to me with a small side smile. I passed the threshold. We were standing in a room that looked like a doctors waiting room there was a box of toys in a corner, there were chairs lining the walls there were also tables with magazines on them, we went and sat down near a door, it was a wooden door with a frosty glass window, you know the one? You'll see them at school, chances are your principle has a door like this. There was a reception desk the kind you would see at the hospital, on there, there was a computer with a mouse and a keyboard, there was a women sat at the desk typing away at the computer. We waited for maybe fifteen minutes when the women announced my name

"Raven Morris?" She called, I stood up she saw me and smiled "the seer will see you now" I nodded, to which she smiled Shreya stood too and together we walked towards the wooden door, I was just about to knock

"Come in" came a voice I hadn't even knocked yet, I turned to look at Shreya she just smiled and nodded so I unfisted my hand and opened the door turning the handle, we walked into her office, I imagined it to look like a doctors surgery, but it wasn't, it looked like a home in here, there was a window with a vase of yellow flowers there was a dinning table, complete with chairs. "Take a seat Raven, Shreya"

"Thanks" Shreya said before we sat down the seer was looking at me making me feel uncomfortable

"What can I do for you?" She asked me, her accent was heavy African, I couldn't answer I looked towards Shreya

"Ravens friend, Skylar, told us there was grave danger coming her way, we were told to come here" Shreya explained

"Ahh well yes the spirits can see what we cannot"

"How did you know Skylar could speak to spirits, we never told you?" I asked looking from Shreya to the seer, the seer just smiled

"Oh she does talk, I am a seer child, if I didn't know that, what kind of seer would I be?" She asked "now back to the matter at hand, yes there is a danger coming Raven, you must trust no one except your family, trust just them and you shall be fine, trust anyone else and you may not, the danger will come after Christmas. You must prepare for this Shreya the leunam may not be able to help you, but you must find help elsewhere, you will both be tested, as witches, and as mother and daughter, how strong is your bond, your love?"

"But what is the danger seer?" I asked

"It's big, that's all I can say, it will test you, it will turn everything you know upside down, but one thing you must remember is that you're good, you're pure, you are light, with a pure heart, that's all you need to fight the darkness, remember the darkness will try to lure you, to consume you, do not forget who you are, what you are, and you will be fine"

"Ok I'm scared" I told her I was shaking so much the seer just laughed lightly

"It's ok to be afraid just don't let the fear consume you otherwise it will be easy for darkness to consume you" I nodded ok so it's ok to be afraid, just don't become afraid stay strong in what I believe ok I could do this "one more thing" the seer spoke as we stood up "let your trusted friends help you, they will be the rock you need" I nodded, Skylar and Arimas have been there for me before, I felt a little better knowing we didn't have to worry until after Christmas, for that I was thankful, the Christmas holidays had started and I wanted to have some teenage fun.

When we returned home we saw Arimas sitting on the couch reading a book and Skylar pacing the room chewing on her nails

"What's wrong Sky?" I asked she stopped and saw us, she came to me and enveloped me in a hug "what's wrong?" I asked still hugging her but looking at Arimas he just shrugged

"I was worried something bad would happen" she let go of me and looked into my eyes

"I'm fine" I told her giving her a twirl she just laughed we then went on to explain to them what we had learned and how the only people I could trust were in this room except my mum.

Two days later, Christmas eve, I was still worried but I buried the worry deep deep down deciding to worry about it after Christmas, this was a time to celebrate with family and friends and not worry.

How was it?