Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 33 - chapter 33

Chapter 33 - chapter 33

Ok guys here's the next chapter

Skylars P.O.V

I opened the gate to the scary looking churchyard I was so scared I could hear my heart beating in my chest, I took a deep breath before I entered the churchyard. I took small steps forward, because I couldn't see and because I was scared... No wait scratch that, because I was petrified, there was no light at all, do you want to know how dark it was? Go to the darkest room or place you can find, close your eyes, see how dark it is now imagine that but ten times darker, no seriously that's how dark it was

"Hello" I called out weakly I heard a noise towards where the graves were I turned my head in that direction and saw a bit of light, oh don't be happy because in that light I saw a face

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

"Raven?" I shouted excitedly, I started to walk towards her, but then stopped, this Raven didn't look like Raven, I mean she had her face, but her face wasn't the happy go Larry that I was used to, no this Raven had an evil look in her eyes, her face was always facing down and she would look at you through her lashes and she had this smile that could scare the Grimm reaper, she seemed to be sitting on a tombstone. She jumped down from the tombstone and started walking towards me, I instinctively took a step back for each step she took towards me. After four steps she stopped and scoffed, then she folded her arms across her chest

"Now, what is a mere mortal doing walking around at this hour?, don't you know the witching hour begins in" she looked at an invisible watch on her wrist "thirty minuites?" She laughed a little "let me guess, you thought, because your ghosts aren't back yet, you would find a spirit here, that can help you defeat me, the darkness, am I right?, hmm?" she waited for about five seconds for me to answer but my throat was suddenly very dry she laughed evilly again "unfortunately any spirits that were here I devoured them" what?, no!! I was even more scared now, if that was even possible, and it must've shown on my face because she laughed again, "those that kneeled, I devoured, those who put up a fight, I fought them, then devoured them, oh and FYI you're next, she threatened menacingly she put her arms out to her sides like she was balancing herself then she floated into the air she was about three feet in the air, she then moved her arms to the front and she started floating towards me, I moved back tripped and fell on my backside

"Leave her alone" I heard Shreya, I quickly got up and Shreya and I stood together

"You are dark, and I am light,

I ask for help on this dark night

Let the light come forward from within

Let the darkness die therein" (yeah it's not good, but I made it up, I'll change it when I come up with something better, or maybe you guys could)

"Oh no, I'm melting, I'm melting, help me help me" Raven chanted sarcastically as she crouched lower and lower as if her legs were melting away then she stopped chanting and crouching and got up as she smiled evilly, she shook her head as she tutted

"Shreya, Shreya Shreya, wasn't it you that told your daughter that a spell won't work?, and yet you use a spell, I must say I'm disappointed. Ah well"

"GET OUT OF MY DAUGHTER" Shreya shrieked

"Or what you'll hit me with another rhyme?" Raven asked shaking her head "besides this new body is excellent, all we have to do is wait 'till midnight, then Raven will be dead, and I will rule the world" Raven announced getting louder near the end

"Why?" Shreya whispered

"Why?! Because for centuries good has always won and evil has been banished, but now is a new era, now will be a new dawn, now I will rule and you" she pointed towards us "will bow down to me, so kneel, kneel before your new queen" she said menacingly

"You're not queen yet" came a voice behind her she turned and we moved to the sides to see Arimas

"Well, this is my lucky night, a vampire, mmm nice" she blinked to him and sniffed him then she moved away " you're good, not evil, why are the most delicious treats never evil?" She asked moving away from him

"Let them go and You can have me" Arimas announced

"No!!" I shouted I tried to go to him but Shreya stopped me

"Ah a deal, fine but first you must kneel, before your new god" Raven told him, I was crying now

"Ok but you must promise to let them go" Arimas stated

"KNEEL OR THE GIRL DIES" Raven shouted as she pointed a finger towards me

"Ok, alright" Arimas seemed to surrender he kneeled down sitting on one knee like footballers do at a photo shoot, his head was low and Raven cackled my tears were coming down faster now, this was the end, I never thought I would die like this, Shreya held me from the side, giving me a side hug

"may I kiss your hand my queen?" Arimas asked this shut her cackling up she looked down

"What?" She asked not quiet believing what she heard

"Your hand, my queen, may I kiss it, I may never get a chance again" I was shaking how could he do this Raven looked at me looking smug I looked away not wanting to see her taunting me, how can a vampire give up so quickly, I mean I know she's stronger but even I'd put up a fight, how long had it taken for me to become his girlfriend, he promised he loved me and I fell for it.

She bought her hand closer to Arimas's face as he was still kneeling, she was now looking at him and I was looking at his lips as they were about to touch the skin of another woman, this made me cry more I didn't know what was worse knowing you were losing your boyfriend or knowing you were losing your life? Either way this sucked and I couldn't see clearly as my vision was blurry but I heard it

"Argh argggggh" Raven screamed

"Oh my god" Shreya shouted


"Oh just some holy water" Arimas shrugged, I wiped away my tears and sniffed, Arimas ran over to us, I slapped him on the face the sound echoed throughout the churchyard, he looked confused, obviously not in pain, but before he could say anything I kissed him forcefully, then hugged him tight, when I moved away for breath Arimas was smiling

"Don't you ever do anything like that again" I told him, Arimas kissed my hand and hugged me again

"NOOOO," Raven screamed behind Arimas, he turned and I walked to stand next to him as a puff of smoke left Ravens body the puff got bigger until it was the same size as a cloud like the one from the woods, Raven fell to the ground the black cloud rose higher but Shreya was quick.

Ok next chapter up, so how was it?