Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 34 - chapter 34

Chapter 34 - chapter 34

Skylars P.O.V

The cloud floated higher in the sky, as I went to check on Raven, who had fallen onto the ground, Arimas came and sat next to me, Shreya chanted another spell

Powers of light,

Magic of bright,

Cast this evil

Into forever's night. ( taken from charmed, reworded to suite the story)

A ray of light came from within the cloud, then another was seen, then another, I looked towards Shreya who just smiled. More and more rays of light ripped through the cloud until there was more light than dark, the cloud went from black to a ball of light, then the ball of light floated higher at the level of the church roof, then the ball seemed to blow up but it actually split into millions of little lights these lights were the size of ping pong balls, two of these lights came towards us whilst the rest went into different directions, some went into the graveyard, some went out of the churchyard but most went towards the sky.

The two that came to us grew larger until they were the size of humans I gasped

"James, Zanda?" The light was bright around them, they were giving off a sense of calm, and serenity

"Did you miss us?" They asked

"I would hug you if I could" i said excitedly, I looked towards Raven to tell her the good news but she was still out of it "can you help?" I addressed James and Zanda not taking my eyes off Raven

"We can try" Zanda offered they sat down next to her head, James put a hand on Raven's head whilst Zanda put a hand on her heart, both of them closed there eyes and for a while nothing happened for about two minutes nothing happened, then Raven took a deep breath in and started to cough I helped her sit up and Shreya, Arimas, and I hugged her from all directions

"I'm so glad you're ok" Shreya said

"Me too" I added

"Me three" Arimas added we laughed

"We must leave now Skylar" I turned to see James, and Zanda walking backwards

"What do you mean, leave?" I asked standing and turning to face them, they looked at each other, then at me

"Nor Raven, nor Shreya need us anymore, we see the light now, we must leave" Zanda spoke

"But... But... You can't leave, how do I tell them?" I asked they looked passed me, behind me at the others, then addressed me

"I think they already know, please look after them" James pleaded I turned to see the others smiling a good bye smile

"Bye dad, bye James, thanks for everything" Raven said the others waved in the general direction where both were standing they started to float towards the left of where they were standing, then they turned so now they were facing the light then they disappeared

"They're gone" I announced as I sniffed realizing I was crying I wiped away the tears and went to join the others

Ravens P.O.V

Before she woke up

You are dark, and I am light,

I ask for help on this dark night

Let the light come forward from within

Let the darkness die therein" I heard Shreya chant, I was in this pit, that's the only way to describe it, I had been down here for god knows how long it was dark down here and there was always this smell of burning.

At first I was the only one here, then more people came and they all hated me, they couldn't remember why, but they hated me, soon I had seen a familiar face

"Dad?" I questioned it was my dad, the dad I grew up with, Zanda there was another man with him James I watched as James walked to me and held out his arms for me to hug and I did just that I hugged him I cried now realizing that James and Zanda are both dead, which can mean one of two things, one, I'm dead, which isn't surprising, or two I'm dreaming, this could be dream but that would be hoping. They went on to explain though that I was neither dead nor dreaming I had consumed the darkness which had now taken over, I could've kicked myself seriously the last thing I had remembered was being in the woods this should've been obvious, the question I asked was how could I see my fathers weren't they dead? To which they answered that a ghost is a spirit, a soul, my soul is trapped within my body which means I can see other souls. This also means I didn't belong here, something had taken over my body and I had to fight it so I tried to fight but it's hard when every soul around you wants your head on a spike. I mean I knew why they were hostile they thought it was me that had devoured them but it wasn't me, why could they not understand that?, Zanda and James tried to explain to them too, some understood most did not.

I tried for hours on end to fight the darkness from within but I couldn't, I tried to think what Shreya would do but again I couldn't, I was starting to forget what she looked like, who my friends were, what my name was, I was going crazy, luckily I had James and Zanda but even then I was forgetting who they were.

Then one day I heard Shreya, I was so week I couldn't breath I felt I was going to die I wanted to die, to give up. I was sat against something with my knees up to my chest, my arms were around my legs and my head was resting on my knees. I couldn't move I wasn't breathing properly, I knew the end was coming I could feel it, I was so cold, and tired, I had lost all hope, all faith of surviving this, I was waiting for death, instead I heard the spell

You are dark, I am light, ... but it wasn't a spell, it was a message, a message that told me I was light, and I was strong, and I could fight, just then something in me snapped I stood up so fast I felt my head rush and I smiled I remembered everything, my friends, my family, my name, the seer, everything and I was ready, death had missed me and it wasn't getting me anytime soon. I too started to chant the message

"You are dark, and I am light,

I ask for help on this dark night" I realized this was all I needed because as soon as I said these lines I realized what it meant, Shreya had said a spell wouldn't work and it didn't this wasn't a spell it was hope, it was faith, it was the biggest weapon of all, it was love, so I too started to chant "you are dark, and I am light, you are dark, and I am light, you are dark, and I am light" I chanted over and over again getting louder each time I said it because each time I said I felt stronger, All the souls noticed this and looked at each other but Zanda and James started to chant with me, soon all of us were chanting the line "you are dark, and I am light" it helped us realize we were stronger because we were light, this is why good always wins in the face of evil, because evil is dark and good is light, and light always wins light conquers all, light is pure.

Soon everything started to change. I was falling, hands were grabbing at me but I kept falling, then everything went dark again, the last thing I remember thinking before I fainted was 'oh no not the darkness again'

I heard voices,

I felt a small pressure on my heart and head

"It's time to wake up" I heard James, "come on sleepy head" I took a deep breath and opened my eyes I heard James and Zanda which meant I was still trapped I wasn't free. The pressure on my heart and head disappeared and I felt new arms grab me

"I'm so glad you're ok" that sounded like Shreya

"Me too" Skylar?

"Me three" Arimas? I opened my eyes, it was still dark but it wasn't as dark as it was. I realized we were in the cemetery

Skylar was now talking to someone I couldn't see, I assumed it was Zanda and James saying goodbye. After they left Shreya blinked us home and she blinked me straight to my room after blinking the others to the living room

"Sleep well sweetheart" Shreya said before leaving me to sleep I went to sleep remembering how exhausted I was.

So how was it?