Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 30 - chapter 30

Chapter 30 - chapter 30

The Christmas party was in full swing, everyone was here my mum, Skylars dad, Steven and his wife, the fairies, the vampires, the Lycans, werewolves, everyone and they were all having a great time all the magical community knew that they were amongst humans, and all the humans knew they were amongst immortal beings, but they were all having a great time together, chatting, and dancing, some even sang Christmas carols together, it was truly magnificent to watch

It was six o clock p.m Christmas Eve and we were having a great time, I had almost forgotten Skylars warning but every time I saw her I remembered because she was still upset as non of the spirits had returned yet and she was worried.

At around eleven I heard bells, jingling, I stopped dancing with Blake

"Do you hear that?" I asked him looking around trying to locate the sound

"Hear what?" He shrugged

"The bells, Blake the bells, do you hear them?" I asked again he laughed I looked towards him and glared at him he stopped laughing and put his hands up in surrender

"The bells are to indicate Santa is here" Blake revealed I just laughed, I laughed so much holding my stomach, seriously Santa, what was I five?

"Ho ho ho" I heard coming from all around me I stopped laughing then turned all the way round to locate the sound then near the tree I saw white cotton like substance falling from the celling I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion walking towards the tree, a man appeared wearing a Santa suit complete with a beard

"Nicholas" Shreya called as she walked to him and gave him a hug

"Hello" he answered he put his hand out when Shreya let go and a gift appeared in his hand it was the size of a 12" pizza box it was thicker though and wrapped in green paper with a red bow then his eyes fell on me and he smiled, he waved to me and I automatically waved back, he walked to me as another gift appeared in his hand this one was smaller the size of a bracelet box "merry Christmas Raven" he told me

"How..... How did you know my name?"

"Ho oh oh, I know many things about you Raven I'm Santa"

"I'm not five, I know there's no such thing as Santa"

"Ho oh ho, let me get this straight, you believe in witches, fairies, Lycans, werewolves, and god only knows what else but you cannot believe in Santa?, I'm sorry, I thought your mind was bigger than that"

"I'm .... Uh.... I'm sorry" I told him realizing he was right

"Ho oh oh, it's ok, now I must go, many presents to deliver" with that he walked back to the tree and disappeared as snow fell again from the celling

"What about everyone else" I asked no one in particular "will no one else get a gift?"

"They will but in their own homes" Shreya answered me as she took away my present to put under the tree. "Now let's dance" she said as she did the tango pose she took my hand and spun me around I laughed as she dipped me then she stood me up and let go of me so she could mingle before winking at me, Skylar came and joined me

"For Christmas I'd like my friends back" some how I knew she meant the ghosts, I rubbed her back as if to say soon you will, we danced for awhile having a great time. Then I went to dance with Ruby, we were dancing laughing, and joking, having a great time when a girl deliberately pushed Ruby from behind, Ruby fell towards me and I grabbed her before she hit the floor

"Watch it freak" the girl said

"What you pushed by purpose" I told her

"Let it go Ray" Ruby told me in a voice that felt like defeat

"Yeah Ray let it go" the girl mocked

"How dare you" I whispered in a menacing voice, I walked to her

"No Ray, don't" Ruby tried but I still punched her

"Ow you b***h" she went to hit me but Ruby stood in the middle of us "this is all your fault, half fairy" the girl told Ruby, she turned and walked off

"What was that?" I asked Ruby " and why did she call you a half fairy?"

"Come on sit, I'll tell you" she guided a pretty confused Raven to a sofa when we were sat she went on to explain "when a fairy is born he or she are born with a twin, that twin will be there opposite for example if a fairy is a water fairy her twin will be a fire fairy, if a fairy is a summer fairy her twin will be a winter fairy, but when they put their powers together they become stronger, when I was born I didn't have twin, therefore they call me a half fairy" she looked so upset I wanted to talk more and ask questions but I didn't have chance because Ruby stood to join the party but kneeled over in pain but she wasn't the only one, all the fairies kneeled over in pain, including the one that had called her names

"Ruby?, what's wrong?"

"Argh need.... To ....go ...hooome" she whispered

"I'll blink you, where do you live?"

"Woody creak" she whispered sounding weaker, woody creak? I used to go there all the time, it was near my house, the house I grew up in, so I blinked her there, many witches followed and blinked fairies to the woods

"Woah" was the first thing I said, a lot of plants were dead they were black. Ruby started to walk towards a tree I supported her we came to a big tree that looked nice and green but as we got nearer the tree started dying

"What's going on?" I asked

"The queen, she's ..... Dying" Ruby told me as we walked into the tree through a small opening I had to bend a little to fit through. The tree was much bigger on the inside, it was actually big enough to look like the houses we live in the only difference was everything was wood, the sofa too, there was no electricity therefore no t.v I was guided to a flight of stairs, I was taken upstairs into a room it was a bedroom complete with a wooden bed the mattress was wooden too it didn't look comfortable

"What are you doing here, half fairy?" The rude fairy from the party asked "leave" she finished

"Melanie, don't" the queen fairy said from the bed she then looked at Ruby, who was crying, "don't cry little one I'll come back" I was confused at this but decided now wasn't a good time to ask how she could come back, but I didn't have to wait long to find out what she meant, Ruby went closer she held the queens hand

"please please don't go" she whispered to which the queen smiled

"I must, little one, my time has come" Ruby cried harder putting her head down the queen gasped, taking one final breath in but as the breath left her body so did her life, she closed her eyes as she died her body started to disappear soon only golden leaves remained along with a small golden orb I knew from when we faught the demon that this was her soul.

The soul flew up as Ruby sat up, the soul flew towards Melanie, who smiled, I knew then what the queen had meant, she would come back because her soul would be taken by someone else, oh please I thought, don't let Melanie be the one, she can't become the queen, Melanie tried to catch the orb but she couldn't she scoffed as the orb flew away from her and back to the bed, the orb flew into Ruby's mouth. I smiled, nice choice, Ruby stood and as she did her clothes started to change from the green dress she was wearing it changed to gold as she became queen

"woah" again was all I could say Ruby floated a little then twirled in mid air then floated back down she gasped

"I have all the queens memories, all the queens that have walked the earth, I have all the memories" she gasped again "the queen was my twin, whenever a queen is destined to die their twin is born, that's why I had no twin, because my twin was always here" she laughed Melanie's friends bowed down in front of Ruby as Melanie just crossed her arms but one of her friends pulled on Melanie's dress Melanie scoffed but bowed down

"Now there's a scene I'd like to see everyday" I suggested crossing my arms across my chest Ruby just laughed and shook her head.

We left the tree and I saw a cloud of black smoke floating around the woods leaving more dead animals, flowers, and trees in its path

"Oh no it's the darkness" Ruby shrieked I ran towards it trying to think "no Raven get back here a spell won't work" Ruby cried, a spell that's it, that's what I needed Shreya had said that the more a spell rhymes the more powerful it is so I thought again back to poetry class

"Powers of the witches rise

Course unseen across the skies

Take the darkness where it lies

Make it white

For however long it flies" I closed my eyes covering my face with my arms

"You did it, Ray, you did it" Ruby shrieked I opened my eyes and the black cloud was gone, Ruby was jumping up and down glitter like substance flew from her and all that died came back to life "oh, wow" she gasped to me this made no sense the seer had said I had a great fight ahead of me, this was a great fight, huh I must be stronger than I thought I blinked home leaving a shrieking Ruby, she was too loud anyway.

When I got to Shreya's place the party guests had gone home Shreya attacked me with questions on the fairies I told Arimas, Skylar and Shreya everything that had happened

"..... Then I said a spell and the cloud was gone," I finished

"You killed the darkness, way to go" Arimas praised

"It doesn't make sense" Shreya started "the seer said the darkness was strong, you couldn't fight it on your own" I was angry I stood up

"Well maybe the cow underestimated me, just like you" I told her then stormed up to my room pathetic people never grateful for anything

Skylars P.O.V

"It can't be over, the ghosts aren't back yet" I said, I knew that the ghosts left because of the threat, if the threat was gone they'd be back

"You're right Sky, maybe the spirits don't know yet, in time they'll figure it out and come back?" Shreya sounded her thoughts, "maybe, for now, we should get some sleep we'll talk to Raven in the morning" we all nodded Shreya went up to sleep whilst Arimas and I stayed up watching t.v, we watched a horror movie it lasted until three in the morning

I was ready for bed I laid down on the couch with my head in Arimas's lap he played with my hair causing my eyelids to get heavier

"Oh god really, go home Sky, I'm sick of seeing you two like this, it's disgusting" I heard Raven talking I sat up

"Ray, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Really? What's wrong is that I don't want to see you at it every time I open my eyes" Raven announced, and before I could say anything she stormed out of the house

"What the hell was that?" I asked no one in particular, Arimas just shrugged

"Get some sleep" he told me guiding my head back onto his lap, I did just that.

Ok guys another chapter is up, this story is coming to its end soon.