Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 32 - chapter 32

Chapter 32 - chapter 32

I was Ruby, queen Ruby. I was with Raven. We were outside. We saw a black cloud, I knew it was darkness, the darkness that had destroyed my lovely woods, the darkness that had injured my fairies

"Oh no it's the darkness" I shrieked Raven ran towards it "no Raven get back here, a spell won't work" I cried, but Raven didn't listen and started to chant

"Powers of the witches rise

Course unseen across the skies

Take the darkness where it lies

Make it white

For however long it flies" She was holding her arms away from her face as to shield herself, the darkness went up close to her and she took it in it entered her and disappeared I was so happy

"You did it, Ray, you did it" I shrieked she opened her eyes and saw that the black cloud was gone, I was jumping up and down fairy dust flew from me and all that died came back to life "oh, wow" I gasped, as Raven left I got to work putting things right

The connection broke and Skylar, and I were back in the tree I realized I had just seen a memory through Ruby's eyes

"She said a spell" Shreya confirmed

"But why didn't it work?" I asked curiously, I had seen the darkness enter her she was the darkness now

"The darkness cannot be defeated with spells, only the light can destroy it" before I could ask about the light Shreya spoke again "thank you Ruby" with that Shreya held my arm and blinked us to her house, straight to the attic, she went straight to the book and started flicking through pages. After ten minuites she slammed the book shut, I jumped up from the couch, scared, when she saw this she looked a little embarrassed

"Sorry" she said sheepishly

"It's ok" I assured with a shrug "we will get through this, we will get Ray back" I assured to which she nodded

"Come on, let's get you home before your dad reports me for kidnapping" with this she blinked me home, I went into the living room dad was on the couch watching t.v

"Hey dad" I greeted but he didn't answer "dad?" I tried again still no answer I held his shoulder and shook him lightly he snorted a little, I let out a breath he was sleeping, so I turned off the t.v and I too went upstairs for bed. I realized just how tired I was once my head hit the pillow, but I couldn't sleep, thinking of Raven, I prayed to every god known to man, that Raven is ok. (I only believe in one god, what I mean by this line is that she prayed using every name that god has)

Next morning I went down for breakfast, I had finally gotten to sleep last night and I was well rested. Dad was in the kitchen cooking breakfast

"Morning dad" I greeted

"Oh hey, I didn't know you were home, when did you get here?"

"Last night, you were asleep on the couch when I came in" he nodded

"Want some breakfast?" He asked pointing to his plate of bacon and eggs with toast

"No thanks, I want cereal" I told him as I went to the cupboard and took out some crunchy nut corn flakes I got myself a bowl and spoon, got milk from the fridge I made some crunchy nut at the counter and then put everything back, then I sat at the table to eat.

"So how's Shreya and Raven?"

"They're fine dad"

"Not seen them since the party, that girl was in pain, Raven was helping her, is she alright?"

"You mean Ruby?, yeah she's fine, she's the queen fairy now" my dad choked on a piece of bacon "are you ok?" I asked concerned as I gave him glass of orange juice

"I'm fine" he finally whispered " I just can't believe my daughter is friends with a queen fairy, or any fairy for that matter you know it's weird, if someone had told me a year ago that we would befriend witches, and fairies, and vampires, and they would all be ok with your secret, I probably would've laughed, and I would've told them to get their head checked" he chuckled, I couldn't help it I laughed too.

I spent the morning with dad then in the afternoon I went to Shreya's place after hugging dad.

I walked to Shreya's house it took me fifteen minutes to get there and I knocked, I waited for about two minuites before Mitch answered the door, after greeting me he moved to the side to allow me in, Bella was there too,

"Hi guys" I greeted they all greeted back Shreya, Arimas, Bella, and Zoya turns out Zoya turned up this morning after finding out yesterday that Raven was missing.

"We have an idea, that might work in getting Raven back" Shreya announced happily I asked what the idea was "you will talk to the spirits" Shreya said

"But the spirits aren't coming to me anymore, I can't even sense them never mind see them" I said nearly crying

"Do you remember that day when I told you my story at the church?" Arimas asked, to which I nodded "do you remember how father Nicholas tried to harm you, he couldn't do that outside the sacred ground because on sacred ground spirits are stronger, therefore we were thinking, we should take you there see if you can talk to any spirits" I smiled widely at this, why hadn't I thought of this, I remember that day very well, my ears still ring because of it.

So all of us blinked to the church and what I saw there made my stomach turn I was nearly sick but I swallowed it down it was one in the afternoon and the church was still plunged into darkness it was as if it was night but there was no moon and no stars there were three golden lampposts but they were smashed so they too gave no light I was suddenly very scared I think we all were, even Arimas

"I think it's best if only Skylar and I go in" Shreya announced "I wouldn't take her either but I need her"

"What, no I'm staying, this is for my daughter" Zoya argued

"I understand that, but something's not right, please Bella take them home" Shreya said, with a nod Bella took Zoya, Arimas, and Mitch home, we could hear Zoyas fading argument as they. Blinked. "You ready?" Shreya asked putting a hand on my shoulder I nodded as I gulped, I didn't want to do this, I had never been scared of the dark, or cemeteries but today I was petrified.

Sorry it's short but the next chapter might be longer I don't know yet, but know this, this book is coming to a climax. What do you think will happen?