Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 24 - chapter 24

Chapter 24 - chapter 24

Christmas was just around the corner and preparations were in full swing, Arimas would come by 'to help' when ever Skylar was around, but unfortunately she would move away from him every time he would come close. This upset Arimas a great deal but he wouldn't say a thing, so I decided to interfere.

"Skylar wait" I stopped her going into the kitchen, after Arimas tried to flirt with her, I held onto her upper arm

"What's up?" She asked smiling

"What's going on between you and Arimas?"

"Nothing, he's just annoying me" she looked towards him and his eyes were full of hurt

"He really likes you, you know?"

"No he doesn't, and even if he did, no thanks"

"Why?" I asked in confusion

"He's evil, Ray, a vampire, he can't be trusted" she whispered I heard a noise behind us and turned to look, there was a smashed glass on the floor and I caught a glimpse of Arimas as he left the house I my be have been wrong but I think he heard what Skylar said

"Arimas, are you ok?" Shreya shouted as he banged the door shut. Shreya started to walk towards the front door but I stopped her

"I'll go, I know why he's upset" I told her as I glared at Skylar, she nodded and went back to wrapping a present. I ran out the door and looked around, I couldn't see Arimas anywhere a sigh left my lips "powers of the witches rise, take me to Arimas" I chanted as I closed my eyes.

I felt a gush of wind, when I opened my eyes I was outside a church, this confused me, I asked to be near Arimas, why would my powers bring me here, I decided to look around anyway the church was made of stone it was painted white. There was a cemetery adjacent to the church, I walked towards it I had always liked cemeteries as they held history, I loved reading the tombstones knowing they belonged to people who lived here long ago, just like me. I read names as I walked across the path

'Anna loom

Daughter, wife, mother

You shall always be loved


'Jessica wright

Wife, grandmother,

You will remain in our hearts


Then I gasped I saw the back of Arimas sitting in front of a tombstone,the tombstone read

'pope Frank,

Our beloved priest,

May you rest in peace. That's all I read when I realized Arimas was talking, and crying? Next to the grave, this made me wonder, Could vampires cry? I shuddered I walked closer, leaves crunched under my feet, Arimas stood, turned and stepped right in front of me, so fast I was surprised he didn't get whiplash he was standing a mere four centimeters from my face I gasped as the movement was sudden on his part, as I gasped I moved backwards but because the ground was uneven I fell back but strong arms grasped around my waist before I could hurt myself.

"Thanks" I whispered once I was upright, Arimas let go, stepped back, and nodded "you're bleeding" I told him as I saw blood trails running from his eyes all the way down to his chin. He looked confused for a second then seemed to understand as he wiped the blood away

"I'm fine" he tried to assure me

"Uh huh" I answered sarcastically he smiled.

"Vampires cry blood, when we cry our tears are blood" he explained I nodded in understanding

"And why were you crying?" I asked he looked rather embarrassed. He motioned me to walk with him as he walked back towards the church, I walked with him crossing my arms behind my back

"I've been around for hundreds of years and for the first time ever I'm in love" I smiled at his explanation "but the one I love doesn't love me, because she thinks I'm evil" he finished wiping the smile off my face

"Look, she just needs time" I went on to explain but he shook his head

"No Raven she hates me, plain and simple" he told me stopping outside the church

"Hate is such a strong word" I said shrugging

"Raven, she hates me" he stated he looked up at the church "do you believe evil can't enter the church?" He asked never looking away from the building

"Yes" I answered without thinking about it, I knew evil could never enter a holy place like the church. Arimas ran towards the church he stood in front of the doors he turned to me smiling I was worried Arimas was a vampire surely he couldn't enter, he saw the look on my face and seemed angry

"You believe I'm evil" he stated

"No, Arimas I ..."

"LIAR" he shouted, he went to open the door but it wouldn't open, it was locked he screamed

"Arimas, please, I know you're not evil, you helped defeat an evil being" I reminded him running to him and holding him by the shoulders he nodded

"Do you mean that?" He whispered looking so weak I nodded with a smile

"Why don't we come back when it's open, I know Shreya is worried about you, let's go" I told him as I held his hand and blinked home without waiting for his answer.

Skylar was now sticking decorations up on the wall, she was stood on a chair whilst reaching up

"We're back" I stated she turned and lost her balance but Arimas, again, was quick, he stopped her from falling, he held her bridal style she squirmed in his grasp and he put her down

"I'm sorry" he stated and walked away into the kitchen

"You're a b***h, you know that?" I told her angrily

"Me?, why can't he take the hint, I don't like him" she screamed


"Because he's evil"

"How do you know that?"

"He's a vampire, Raven, it's not exactly rocket science" she stated I scoffed folding my arms across my chest I shook my head

"Stereotype" I told her she looked confused as she waited for me to explain "do you remember your first day at school when I said all cheerleaders were horrid?, what did you say to me?, can you remember?, I'll tell you what you said, you said 'not all cheerleaders are bad, some are quiet nice' you were angry that I judged you before I knew you, now you're doing the same thing, tell me, how is that right?" I waited for five seconds before I spoke again "you owe someone an apology" I told her, I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen allowing her time to think I hoped she would see sense in what I had said.

"Thanks" Arimas shrugged as he saw me I just smiled as if to say no problem

"I'm sorry Arimas" I told him " you know, for what happened outside the church? I'm sorry" I told him and hugged him, he hugged me back

"It's ok" he whispered into my neck I let go and decided to get a drink I walked past him to the fridge I got a sprite, when I turned back round to face Arimas he had this look in his eyes, adoration?, no, hunger?, no I gasped as I realized it was lust, but that couldn't be right, could it? He liked Skylar

"Umm, Arimas?, are you ok?" I asked fear evident in my voice

"Yes" he barely whispered I walked closer and he snapped out of 'it' whatever 'it' was he moved backwards putting a hand out in front of himself

"Don't" he ordered stopping me from walking towards him

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Your smell" he whispered I raised my eyebrows, I stink? "You smell delicious" he whispered I was confused for a second but then I realized what he meant he wasn't lusting for me but for my blood I covered my neck with my free hand, not that, that would protect me, "sorry" he said looking embarrassed, "I just remembered the last time I drunk from you it was amazing" I blushed at that looking down at the ground he saw I was embarrassed so he quickly left the kitchen. I realized then that even though I was sixteen I'd never been in love, not even had a crush, I wondered if that was normal would I ever fall in love?, would I even know if I did?, but I shrugged it off, I am immortal I have from now till the end of time to find love I didn't need it right away, So I opened my can and took a big swig not realizing how thirsty I was.

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