Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 26 - chapter 26

Chapter 26 - chapter 26

Arimas's POV


I was taught more control over the next few weeks and I managed to understand better when to stop, I hadn't killed anyone, that made me more confident

It had been three months since I had been turned and I was fairly use to it now, I went home whenever I could to see my family, every time I went mother would be crying, father would be consoling her and George would be in his room, crying, or doing homework, something I used to help him with, I had always been academically bright, not that that mattered anymore.

One day we were near a restaurant looking for food when we ran into a Gild.

"Well well well, look what we have here" he mocked, Luthor seemed worried, and I had never met a Gild before, nor had I ever heard of one. So to me this man looked human, so I was wondering why Luthor seemed scared

"We don't want trouble Gild, let us pass" Luthor told him, fear was evident in his voice

"How can I let creatures of the night pass?, and allow them to harm innocent humans?" He asked mocking Luthor

"Look the boys new, I'm just showing him around" Luthor pleaded

"Is that so?" The Gild asked, looking at me, he started to walk closer to me and Luthor moved me behind him the Gild took out a plant of garlic and Luthor and I both hissed covering our noses to keep away the smell, it smelled of death, decay it got to my lungs and I fell to the ground not being able to breath. The Gild was laughing, quiet proud of himself, he walked towards us

"Run, child, run" Luthor croaked

"I'm not leaving you"

"Child I knew this would happen, you need to leave you have a lot of people to help in the future, go back to the house. Go, now" Luthor held me by my upper hand and pushed me up and away "go, run" he told me. I got up,turned and started to walk whilst I choked, I covered my mouth and began to run faster

"No COME BACK HERE" I heard the Gild shout behind me, I then heard a gunshot, I jumped but still ran, the smell of garlic was no longer invading my lungs and I ran faster and faster, soon I was home.

I stayed at the house for three days, but Luthor never came home, I went into his bedroom, there wasn't much in there, not even a bed, there was a wardrobe, and a little two draw cabinet the window was boarded up like they were all through the house, I opened the top draw on the cabinet and found a book, it was black leather there was nothing written on the cover I realized it was Luthor's diary. I sat down on an armchair by the window and began to read, I was right it was his diary, it spoke about a sear and how the sear had told him about a boy who he was suppose to turn into a vampire and how he was suppose to live for thousands of years to help people in the future. I realized it was talking about me at least Luthor thought it was about me and that was why he turned me.

A few weeks past and I decided to leave the house as I was sure Luthor would not return, I walked around mindlessly for god knows how long and I came across a church, I knew I wouldn't be able to enter but I still found peace there so I sat on the white cold stone steps. I would come here every night and I would just sit there on the steps thinking, sometimes I would close my eyes and pretend to sleep, then when I saw the sun on the horizon I would leave knowing that the priest would be there soon and he would probably call the police on me so I'd leave.

One night the strangest thing happened, I was sat on the steps and I saw the sun coming up, but I didn't get up, I wanted to, but I couldn't, I felt that something was forcing .... No asking me to stay, so I did, I stayed I thought it was my biggest mistake.

It was around seven in the morning and I saw a man walking towards the church he was looking down fiddling with some keys. He was wearing a white robe with a purple stole when he looked up he saw me, he stopped in his tracks, I stood up out of respect, I was bought up a Christian, and even though I felt I couldn't enter church I still had respect for my religion and faith

"Hello father" I said as I stood

"Yes, hello son, not to be rude, but have we met?" He asked me, looking rather embarrassed, probably trying to figure out how I know him, or where we've met before

"No father, we've never met" I told him shaking my head, relief was evident on his face

"Well, I'm father Nicolas" he introduced himself putting out his right hand for me to shake I looked down at the hand wondering if I could touch someone holy and not burn

"I'm Arimas" I told him looking up at him deciding it was best not to touch him he seemed offended but didn't say anything about it as he put his hand down

"So, Arimas, are you new in town?"

"Yes father" I answered he nodded

"Would you like to come in?" He asked me as he started to walk towards the church again, I moved away from his path as he climbed the steps and started to unlock the doors all the while I tried to think of a way to say no without giving away the fact that I was evil. He turned to me and saw I hadn't moved "what's the matter child don't you want to come in?"

"I can't come in father" I whispered not being able to lie

"Why not?" He asked how was I suppose to answer that so I just shrugged , he sighed and sat down on the top step, he signaled me to join him I did making sure no part of me touched him, I didn't want to burn. We sat for about five minutes in silence "what's on your mind child, maybe I can help"

"I'm sorry father, but you can't" I told him looking down at the ground

"Maybe you could try?" He asked I thought about his offer then decided it was best to ask

"If someone is evil, they can't enter the church, right?" I asked looking at him, he nodded a yes "so if a vampire tried to enter, hypothetically speaking, he would burn?" I asked he seemed to be thinking hard about his answer

"Well that depends"

"On what?"

"Is the vampire evil?"

"Well of course he's evil he's a vampire" I told him father Nicholas just laughed and shook his head

"No child, just because he's a vampire doesn't mean he's evil, it's what's inside, I mean vampires need blood just as much as I need food, but if he kills for blood that makes him evil, if he takes what he needs then let's the human go, he's not necessarily evil, so i ask again, is your vampire evil?" I thought long and hard about this, I hadn't killed anyone until now only animals

"I'm not sure, let's say this vampire has killed animals, for blood, is he evil?" I asked worriedly the father smiled shaking his head

"Look, hypothetically speaking, does your vampire feel evil?, I mean, are his thoughts evil?, does he go round wanting to kill every living thing he sees?"

"No to all those questions father" I said not thinking at all, I didn't need to think about it I knew the answer was no, father Nicholas smiled again

"Then I don't think your vampire is evil. I still wasn't convinced, there is another test we could do" he said as he dug into his robe pocket fishing out a red vial "give me your hand" he told me as he opened the vial, I was reluctant, I didn't want to burn "I won't touch you" he assured, so reluctantly I Put my hand forward and true to his word he didn't touch me, he tipped the vial over my hand, I held it out palm facing up, a few drops of what looked like water dropped onto my hand, the father looked at the drops as he closed the vial and put it back in his pocket. He smiled at the liquid in my hand then at me "do you know what that is?" He asked pointing at the liquid in my hand, I shook my head no "it's water, holy water" he told me I gasped staring at it "now everyone knows that a good way to kill evil is to throw holy water at them, but if you're good nothing will happen to you, so are you coming?" He asked as he stood he pointed towards the doors with his head he opened the big wooden double doors I looked inside I stood up I looked at my hand, it still held the water so I drunk the water from my hand then wiped any water left on my head (that's what Muslims, and Hindus do to anything holy, I'm sorry if that's not what Christians do, but that's what Arimas did) I took a step forward the priest smiled and walked inside I took my time admiring the building as I walked down the aisle, there was a lot of artwork painted on the walls, there were pictures of Virgin Mary, baby Jesus, adult Jesus, his disciples and also Jesus on the cross, the whole building was beautiful there were rows and rows of pews with a shelf on the back of each pew, each shelf had bibles in black leather with gold writing. I got to the front there was a table with many candles and up ahead was the stage with a podium, behind the stage there was a statue of the cross it went right up to the ceiling

"Come sit with me" the voice of the father sounded behind me he was sat at one of the pews I went and sat with him "now do you believe you are not evil, young vampire?" He asked I nodded then gasped staring at his smiling face

"How did you know?" I asked how could he know that the vampire I was talking about was me? He smiled and nodded

"Ahh yes I was wondering when you were going to ask me that" he said as I smiled "your skin is pale, too pale, and you didn't want to touch me as you were scared you'd burn, classic signs of a vampire" he answered as he looked at me with a smile



"How did you know I wasn't evil?"

"Ahh well I saw it in your eyes, child, an evil being wouldn't have eyes like yours" he explained "you should join us for mass today we shall discuss good and evil" I shook my head no

"I can't father"

"Why not child?"

"What if I can't control my thirst?"

"You will"

"What if I can't, no I can't take that chance"

"Very well, but do come again, these doors will not lock at night time now, you may come whenever you please"

"Thank you father, I must leave now" with that I stood and left in a hurry to be sure I don't run into anyone.