Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 25 - chapter 25

Chapter 25 - chapter 25

We stayed up pretty late that night Arimas stayed and talked with Shreya whilst Skylar and I spoke. At around one in the morning Shreya decided it was bedtime so after saying goodnight to everyone she went to bed

"Will you please blink me home?" Skylar asked

"Sure lets go" I answered as I held her hand

"I'll leave too" Arimas stated

"Oh where will you sleep?, want me to blink you?"

"I don't sleep, I'm a vampire, and no thanks I'll walk it's faster" he winked I let go of Skylar a plan forming in my mind

"So where will you go?" I asked walking closer he squinted as if to sum me up

"The church" he answered although it sounded like a question

"Can I come" I asked overly excited he laughed and nodded "yes, come on Sky let's go" I called over my shoulder

"You go on, I think I'll go home" she stated

"Well who's going to take you home, it's late Sky you can't go by yourself, let's go with Arimas for a while cemeteries are cool at night, I thought you liked horror, wait, you're not scared are you? If you are I'll take you home"

I'm not scared" she shrieked "I love cemeteries at night, I'm coming with you" she stated before walking to me and linking our hands together, I winked at Arimas who just smiled, reverse psychology, works every time.

Skylar and I blinked to the cemetery whilst Arimas 'walked' he still got there before us he was casually leaning on the doors of the church when we got there

"What took you guys so long, I was about to call a search party" he asked I laughed sarcastically

"Har de ha" I said using my hands

"Come on I'll introduce you to priest Nicholas" Arimas stated as he started to walk towards the graves

"So who's he? A human you murdered?, was he your first kill?" Skylar taunted, Arimas looked angry but before he or I could say anything Skylar shrieked falling down to her knees she covered her ears but didn't stop screaming

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Arimas shouted to me over skylarks screaming

"I DIDNT DO THIS I THOUGHT YOU DID?" I announced to which Arimas just shook his head

"Sh*t" I whispered I ran to her and tried to calm her down, there was blood coming from her ears this scared me" oh my god, Skylar stop screaming, what's wrong?" I tried asking but she didn't stop screaming, nor did she answer me the blood kept dripping it wasn't fast just a few drops every second but at the time it looked like a lot, she screamed for about five minutes

"IM SORRY, IM SORRY ARIMAS, PLEASE, please stop" she whispered the last part as she stopped screaming she leaned forward leaning her weight on her hands she breathed heavily, like she had just ran a marathon

"Are you ok?, what happened?" I asked concerned She gave Arimas an evil glare then looked at me with soft eyes

"Arimas has a guardian angel, who doesn't like it when I say bad things about him, he couldn't hurt me before because he wasn't powerful but here, on the church ground he's very powerful" she gained enough strength to stand up with my support "I'm truly sorry Arimas, I know you're not evil, evil beings don't have guardian angels" Arimas nodded

"Come sit on the stairs, I think it's about time I tell you how I became a vampire"

"You mean you weren't always a vampire?" Skylar asked to which Arimas shook his head.

Arimas sat on the church steps I sat on his right and Skylar sat on his left, I held Arimas's hand in my hand giving it a little squeeze to tell him I was here he smiled knowing what I meant then told his story

Arimas P.O.V


"The year was 1840 there was a row of houses, outside this little street was a field, all the kids on this street played on this field, I was seventeen, I had a brother two years younger, George, we had loving, devoted parents, our father owned a factory that made horse saddles, horse shoes, and leather pouches that stored water for the horses to drink from on long journeys.

One day my brother and I were playing on the field when our mother called us in for dinner, we started to run towards the house but I tripped and fell George was already half way home I tried to stand but I couldn't my ankle was either sprained badly or broken, then I felt a presence behind me when I looked I saw this man

"May I help, child?" He asked in a strange but sweet voice I nodded he bent down with a smile he picked me up as if I weighed nothing he turned and started walking in the opposite direction confused I tried to tell him I lived on the street behind us

"Sleep child" he ordered and for some reason my eyelids became heavy and I started to doze off, the last thing I remembered was thinking this wasn't good.

I woke up in a room that was huge I was lying on a bed I felt was made from clouds, it was so soft, looking around I saw a wardrobe and a desk, there was a chair that was occupied by a man, that's when I remembered this man had kidnapped me, question was why I stood up not wanting to know the answer, the man, I realized, seemed to be asleep so I took my chance to escape I ran to the door and tried to open it but it was locked, instinct kicked in and I pulled harder, to my amazement the door not only opened but came off the hinges

"Woah" was all I could say as I put the door against the wall I started to leave when

"Going somewhere" the man was now up and stood behind me

"I .... What?" I whispered, I realized then that my throat was dry, I needed water

"Relax, I know you were trying to leave but you're thirsty, let's get a drink" he walked past me and for some reason I followed him, we were in a kitchen it was typical kitchen wooden cupboards, two big wooden basins to wash clothes and dishes there was a table in the center the man walked to a box which I found to be full of ice and drinks he took out two bottles one contained a clear liquid I assumed it was water, the other contained a red liquid I didn't want to know what was in that the man placed both bottles on the table he signaled for me to come sit down, I did. "Drink" he told me as he leaned back in the chair, I automatically picked the clear liquid the man scoffed as I opened the bottle but didn't say anything I drunk it but it was awful it burned my throat, it felt like I was trying to swallow sand paper I put the bottle down

"What is that?" I asked appalled that this man would offer me something so horrible

"Water" he answered casually I was confused, how could water taste so awful "now try the other bottle" he ordered I didn't want to but my hand reached for the other bottle automatically I opened the bottle and cringed getting ready to be sick but as I drank, this liquid tasted amazing, it was so good I drunk the whole thing

"What was that?" I asked happily after I finished

"Blood" he again answered casually I gasped blood, either this man was lying, or, or,or I was a creature of the night I stood up

"You're lying" I told him as I moved back wanting to get away from this man

"I assure you child I do not lie" he stated as he too stood up

"I have to go, I have to get out of here"

"Where will you go?"


"You can't"


"You're a new vampire ...."

"No no I am not a vampire" I stated

"My dear boy, yes you are, I turned you last night"

"No I can't be" I told him but I knew, I knew I was I mean I took a door off its hinges, I hated water and drank blood but I didn't want to admit it I fell to my knees

"If you go home you will not be able to control yourself, you're a danger to your family"

"So I'll never see them again?" I whispered

"No you will see them again, you just have to learn how to control yourself, that's all, not give in to the thirst, not to kill any person you see" I nodded knowing I had no choice for days we went into forests and jungles drinking from animals Luthor, the man, said it was better to drink from animals at first to learn control, human blood is better, healthier but at the beginning it's too risky so we practice on animals Luthor assured me that one day I would drink from an animal and not kill it, that would be the day I would be able to go near humans.

So how was it