Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 23 - chapter 23

Chapter 23 - chapter 23

My alarm went off at seven thirty Monday morning, I got up and did my daily routine after waking Skylar up we went down together for breakfast, Shreya was still in bed so we decided to conjure up scrambled eggs on toast.

After breakfast I checked up on Shreya to see if she was ok, she seemed fine though she was still sleeping so we left for school, laughing and joking all the way.

When we got there we spotted Annie and Andrew talking to Jen

"Hi guys" both Skylar and I greeted in unison

"Hey" Annie greeted

"Wassup" Andrew greeted

"How you doing" Jen greeted Skylar and I started walking to home room

"Hey Skylar, wait I wanna talk to you" Annie said running towards us, both of us stopped

"You go ahead, I'll catch up" Skylar assured so I walked away to home room.

I was sat in home room five minutes later

I heard it before I saw it

"Wait Annie let me explain" I heard Skylar shouting, I looked up from my book 'xerus' and saw Annie stomping angrily towards me

"Are you ok?" I asked her I looked behind her to see Skylar looking sorry. She came and stood next to me

"I'm sorry Ray I tried to explain but she..."

"SHUT UP" Annie told her, making both of me and Skylar jump she turned to me "and you, how dare you"

"Umm, what have I done,?" I asked brushing a piece of hair behind my ear

"Don't play dumb with me, you had a sleepover with your new best friend and forgot your old ones?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking at Skylar, Skylar opened her mouth to talk but Annie beat her to it

"Skylar spent the weekend at yours, probably having a great time, and neither Jen nor I were invited, what kind of friend does that?" She shrieked

"Ok first, best friends ask nicely, second it wasn't a slumber party" I told her she opened her mouth to talk but I stopped her "shh, I'll talk, you'll listen" she closed her mouth, "it's true Skylar spent the weekend" Annie scoffed folding her arms across her chest she shook her head I carried on "but it wasn't a party, Skylars dad went out of town on business, he didn't want to leave Skylar home alone and she didn't want to go with him, so knowing Skylar and I are friends he asked Shreya if she could spend the weekend, Shreya said it would be fine, there was no party, Annie" I told her, the room started to fill with students but they were whispering amongst themselves. "So put that in your pipe and smoke it" I finished

"Ok first smoking is so bad for your health" Annie started I just rolled my eyes "and second I didn't know it wasn't a party, Ray I'm sorry" she said "you too Skylar, I'm sorry" but before Skylar could say anything I spoke

"No Annie, that was the last straw, this friendship has sailed, we're finished" there were gasps around the room, although it felt like de ja vu I knew it was over this time

"But but.. You can't" Annie told

"Well I just did" I told her. I put my head down and started to read my book again

"Ok people please take your seats" Mrs Chadwick ordered as she walked into the room Annie reluctantly went to the front and sat down

"Are you okay?" Skylar whispered I just nodded "Zanda says he's glad you got rid of her next it should be the boy" there was a small pause whilst I smiled dad never said Andrews name he always said boy, I think it was his way of telling me that Andrew was a boy and I wasn't "he says after him you should get rid of the one who speaks to ghosts" I looked at her questioningly "wait a minute, that's me "she looked at a spot above my right shoulder, I assumed my dad was standing there I smiled Skylar looked at me again "you shouldn't break up with the one who speaks to ghosts, she's a keeper" I smiled wider and assured her I wouldn't.

After registration we had English lit where we had to read a passage from 'Romeo and Juliette' and write it in new English this exercise was to make sure we understood the old English, Skylar was ecstatic over this new exercise as she knew she had a lot of help from her friends although she assured that, that would be cheating, but I wasn't sure.

After English lit we had history, Skylar loved this lesson she said she loved learning the history of a new country. Once history was done it was break, during break we sat on this wall next to M block because we had math next,

Skylar and I were talking about a history project we were assigned when Jen joined us

"Hey guys, what are we discussing?" Jen asked, jumping up on to the four foot wall

"An assignment" Skylar told her, Jen nodded then just sat there. I kept looking at her wondering if she was going to say anything else, or leave then she spoke

"Sooooo, I hear Skylar spent the weekend at yours, that's cool, Skylar did you have a good time, oh did Raven show you her stamp collection?" I furrowed my eyebrows whilst Skylar shook her head

"What stamp collection?" I asked pretty sure I didn't have one

"You know.... Yeah, there isn't one" Jen shrugged "took your anger away though didn't it, anger is a sin, don't let it control you" she told me patting me on the shoulder, I smiled and she punched me lightly "so this sleepover, why wasn't I there?" Jen asked whilst I groaned

"It wasn't a sleepover, Jen, I only slept over because my dad went out of town, he didn't want me home alone and I didn't want to go with him, so I asked if I could stay with Ray.... I wish I hadn't now, at least Annie would still be talking to her" Skylar explained before I could tell her that the situation with Annie was inevitable and not her fault Jen spoke

"Nah don't blame yourself for Annie's outburst, it was uncalled for, all she had to do was ask nicely, nah if it hadn't happened today it would've happened tomorrow or sometime in the near future, don't blame yourself" Jen assured her I smiled towards Skylar

"What she said" I said telling her that Jen was right.

Our break ended and we made our way to math. Let's not bore you with the rest of the day, it wasn't exciting.

Back at home I explained to Shreya what had happened she groaned covering her face with her hands

"Man you do have some immature people in your school don't you?" She told me I nodded "mind you though Jen seems ... Normal" Shreya shrugged I nodded again. We talked some more then around eight I blinked home.

I blinked into my room then went down to see my mum

"Hey mum" I greeted as I sat on the sofa next to her watching tv, she was watching the ending of eastenders

"Oh, who are you?" She asked giving me her full attention I rolled my eyes at her whilst she smiled although I knew what she meant, I hadn't seen her all weekend, I hadn't phoned her either, I had come close to losing my life or Shreya's and I hadn't even spoken to my mum I started to cry realizing how horrible I had been and I hugged her literally falling into her embrace

"I'm sorry mom, I love you" I whispered, my voice breaking, she hugged me back just as tight

"It's ok baby, I understand you want to spend time with your mother, and I know you need to, I just missed you that's all" she rubbed my back and I let her I smiled happy she understood "besides" she carried on " you are going to be spending an eternity together, might as well start now" I slapped her playfully on her arm gasping at her

"You could live for eternity too you know?" I reminded her wanting to know if she made a decision yet

"I know" she sighed then shrugged "I just, don't want to mess with destiny, you know, what if I wasn't suppose to live forever?, I mean if I was suppose to live forever I would've been born a vampire or something not human" she sounded her thoughts

"Yeah but, if you were meant to stay human, you would never have met Shreya, or uncle Tony" I argued "or me, for that matter" she nodded thinking hard I left it at that though. "I'm going bed, good night mum, love you" I stood and kissed her on her cheek

"Goodnight sweetheart" she answered I made my way upstairs, I got changed for bed, went in to the toilet, did my business, brushed my teeth and washed my hands, then went into my room again, got under the covers and went to sleep.

Not much happened for the next week and before I knew it Christmas holidays started, we decided that all of us would party together for Christmas and we wouldn't have two different parties, I decided Annie wouldn't be invited but I would invite Andrew, and Jen as they were still friends with me, Skylar would come too, Skylar, Arimas, and I would come to Shreya's everyday to help with the party, with wrapping presents and decorating, I had reminded Shreya that she could use magic but she said she felt it was more fun to do it without magic

"Besides, Christmas is full of magic, you know, I don't need to add to it" she added as she was sellotaping some red wrapping paper onto a gift, I nodded in understanding I decided she was right wrapping presents was fun and decorating the tree was brilliant my dad and I always decorated the tree, it was our thing and no one was allowed to help, he would always lift me up so I could put the angel on top.

ok how was it?