Chereads / Raven the Witch / Chapter 22 - chapter 22

Chapter 22 - chapter 22

Ancient witches powers soar,

We have the power of five not four,

We seek your help in finding

The succubus who's in hiding" (taken from charmed, reworded a little to suit the story)

Wind erupted in the attic and once again we found ourselves in the cave, Linda, or Ezmarelda was lying on a boulder her eyes were closed she had beads of sweat on her forehead the succubus was stood next to her holding her hand he turned to face us there were black streaks on his face from under his eyes going all the way down, like he had cried black water

"Demons tears are black, like their soul" Shreya whispered, I nodded in understanding the demon smiled

"A vampire, you're suppose to be on my side" the demon bellowed

"Not this time" Arimas said seriously I had never seen him this serious before, the demon scoffed

"If you're not with me then you're dead"

"I don't think so, evil doesn't pay, good does"

"Not this time" the demon brushed his hand from right to left and Arimas went flying and crashed into the wall, but he got up, brushed himself off, then with a smile flew at the demon he grabbed the demon by his neck and flew up, into the 'ceiling' of the cave, he hit the demons head into it, some bits fell down from the ceiling before Arimas let go of the demon who fell down besides the boulder that Linda was lying on. He got up quickly and smiled evilly at Arimas

"You'll pay for that" he said before he lunged forward really fast and crashed Arimas into the cave wall, again bits of the wall fell away and I thought about how much damage these two were doing to the cave. Like this both fought as Shreya quickly blinked to the unconscious body of Linda and pulled out a spell from her blue jeans pocket then started to read

( spell taken from charmed reworded to suit the story)

"Magic Forces Far And Wide" she read the first line

"No" the demon lunged towards Shreya but I threw an energy ball at him, it didn't hurt him but it slowed him down a little, Arimas got hold of him again and started to throw punches at him

"Enchant These So Those Can't Hide" she read the next line

"Allow This Human To Use Therein" the body of Linda started to shake

"No, get away from her!" the demon shouted flinging his arm through the air sending Shreya flying and crashing against the cave wall

"MOM" I shouted running towards her, she was lying face down in the sand 'a life will be lost' I remembered, bitterly, the angels words as I started to cry "please, please be okay" I turned her over, she opened her eyes a little then whispered the last line of the spell

" So She Can kill ..... The Evil Within" she closed her eyes, and her head leaned away from me, the body of Linda stopped shaking the demon fell to his knees, the mouth of Linda opened and a puff of black smoke came out, the demon looked at it

"Ezmarelda" he whispered, the smoke was her soul the demon cried, black tears fell

"Ashes to ashes

Spirit to spirit

Take this soul

Banish this evil" (taken from charmed) I said a spell that banishes evil souls, the ground shook and opened, at first it was black and then a fire raged I could hear screaming

"No" the demon cried as Ezmarelda's soul started to get sucked into the fire she tried to fight but she couldn't her soul fell into the fire, the demon reached in but couldn't catch it, Skylar, using her brain went behind the demon and pushed him

"Arghhhhh" he screamed as he fell in, the hole closed, I looked down at Shreya again as Skylar joined me she put two fingers to Shreya's throat

"She's alive" Skylar whispered

"Really?" I sniffed Skylar nodded we heard a cough and turned to where Linda's body was Steven was next to her helping her sit up

"Are you okay?" He asked her she nodded crying and hugging him, they kissed and I smiled as they hugged it was cute I wondered briefly if I would ever find someone that loves me like that

"Arimas!" I shouted looking around I found him near a wall then ran to him he was lying in the sand face down "Arimas, Arimas? Are you okay?" I asked, but got no answer I turned his head and put it in my lap I brushed his hair away from his eyes then checked for a pulse, 'a life will be lost' I remembered again, I cussed remembering he was dead, he's not suppose to have a pulse "Arimas, Arimas please wake up" I remembered the time he had healed uncle Tony, how he had bitten his wrist to allow him to drink the blood, I also remembered how he said blood gave him strength so before I could second guess I bit my lip, hard, hard enough to draw blood, I put my mouth to his allowing the blood to fall onto his lips and into his mouth, he started coming round he moaned then raised his head sucking my lip I moaned not from pleasure but pain, he kept sucking "sssss" I hissed he stopped straight away then licked my lip and moved his head I lifted my head and smiled at him embarrassed "uhhh hi?" I said smiling he raised an eyebrow questioningly

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Uhhh talking?" I answered

"Ray, what were you doing" he asked again, with more authority I groaned knowing I had to tell him

"You weren't waking up, so I bit my lip, and gave you blood?" I told him reluctantly shrugging feeling embarrassed

"Awww really?" He cooed I slapped him telling him to shut up we laughed "thankyou" he told me seriously once we were sober, I nodded all of us were fine.

We walked over to join Shreya and Skylar, we saw that Steven and Linda were already there Shreya was still not awake so we sat next to them and I touched Shreya's shoulder so did Skylar, with my other hand I touched Steven, he touched Linda and Arimas held my shoulder, and I blinked us to the attic.

Steven introduced Linda and I and then they thanked us deciding to leave after promising they would never tell anyone about us.

I stayed next to Shreya after lying her on the couch and started looking through the book, looking for a spell that would help her, Skylar was sleeping in the room she had slept in the night before therefore I couldn't ask James for help, I tried calling Bella or Mitch but neither picked up their phone so the book was my only chance.

Shreya had been unconscious for two hours and I was worrying more and more Arimas was still here, he tried giving her blood to help but it didn't work

"Shreya always hated the sight of blood" he had said as the reason why his blood didn't work in waking her up

I found a spell that I thought would work I, first, conjured a knife then said the first part of the spell

"Power of the witches rise

Course unseen across the skies

Come to me I call you near

Come to me and settle here"

I raised Shreya's hand and cut her palm then I cut my palm "argh" I hissed I joined our bleeding hands then finished the spell

"Blood to blood I summon thee,

Blood to blood return to me"

I let go, and my hand slowly began to heel and so did Shreya's Arimas and I looked in shock as our hands healed, once our hands were completely healed Shreya started to move her head I laughed out loud "Shreya? Oh god thank god" I exclaimed as I hugged her tight

"Can't.... Breath" she whispered I released her and apologized she said it was ok then hugged me she gasped and I let go thinking I hurt her but I realized she was looking at the book "you used this spell to bring me back?" She asked I nodded she looked at her hand and then she looked at the other "where's the cut?" She asked I shrugged

"I don't know, it heeled once the spell was finished" I told her, she nodded thinking hard she was about to talk, probably to shout at me but Arimas stopped her

"Shreya" Arimas got her attention and hugged her, I mouthed a thank you to him and he winked at me I blinked out of there looking for Skylar knowing she would be leaving today, her dad was coming to pick her up in a few hours. So much had happened since she came to stay it felt like she had been here for a week.

I found her in her room she was sat on her bed, her bag next to her, already packed, I sat next to her, and without a word she hugged me, I felt my shoulder wet and knew she was crying, I hugged her back and she sniffed, when we let go she noticed the wet patch and apologized I told her was okay.

Arimas and Shreya joined us too Skylar was happy that Shreya was okay, Shreya said nothing about the spell as the four of us talked.

"I'm gonna miss you" Skylar told me sniffing I laughed

"Are you serious?, you'll see me in school, you act as though you're leaving the country" I told her still laughing

"You don't understand, when my dad finds out you know my secret he'll move us again" I sobered up immediately this wasn't good

"So don't tell him we know" I shrugged

"I will try, but it won't be easy, I can't lie to him" Skylar told us looking down at the ground. Shreya opened her mouth to talk but the phone rang she put her index finger up motioning Skylar to wait, then she went to answer the phone.

Shreya returned ten minutes later

"That was your dad Skylar, he says he won't be back home til midnight, so he needs you to stay over tonight, and go to school from here tomorrow, he'll pick you up from school tomorrow, I told him that would be fine" Shreya told us Skylar screamed out of happiness hugging Shreya then me, she went to hug Arimas but stopped, the smile she had on her face rubbed away, she managed a small smile towards Arimas but shook his hand, Arimas had a hurt look in his eyes but he hid it well, I needed to sort this out I knew Arimas loved her, and I was kind of sure Skylar liked him too, but the fact that he is a vampire stopped her from getting closer to him, why? I didn't know but I vowed I would get them together they were both my friends I needed them to at least get along, Arimas was great, it was Skylar I needed to talk to, but I decided to leave it for now, right now we needed sleep, it had been a long day. Arimas left after hugging Shreya and I goodnight he waved goodnight to Skylar and left

"Why are you so mean to him?" I asked her after Arimas left she shrugged

"I don't trust him, he's a creature of the night"

"What? Are you crazy? That creature of the night helped us, he's good"

"We didn't need him, we were fine without him, he's a killer"

"He's never killed for blood" I told her folding my arms across my chest

"So he says, like I said I don't trust him" she said in a final tone she got under her sheets and closed her eyes I sighed I will get through to her after much needed sleep I'll try again. With that thought I left her room and went into mine I crawled under my covers, without changing, and went to sleep.