"What are you humming?" Connor asks with a smile as he sits beside me.
"It's Hooked by Why Dont We. You probably never heard it." I replied.
"True that " He chuckled back.
As we try really hard to understand Mr. Kirk, Connor suddenly whispers to me "Do you like that guy?"
"Which guy?"
"That guy on the left."
"Yeah he is kinda cute." I reply with a smile.
"Please steal him, his girlfriend is cute." His words make me laugh.
"Sure ." I reply with a chuckle.
Obviously I won't date that random guy, and obviously Connor was kidding about the girl, so we get some coffee and sit under a tree commenting on random couples. "We could be siblings you know?" He suddenly says. "Sure!" I laugh back. I didn't really have romantic feelings for Connor, and i hated my only older sister. So, it would be fun to have a fake brother with whom we can tear up couples and keep the pieces to ourselves.
"Who was that super pale guy you were with" Catherine asks.
"Come on, it could just be a new friend, stop pressurising her Cath" Samantha says to shut her up. Samantha is the kind of girl with a lot of friendzoned guy friends. So for her, having a guy as just a friend is more obvious that having the guy as more than friends. If she doesn't notice how much attention her "friend" Jake gives her, she will probably die single. However, about Connor, I agree with her. "We sibling zoned each other lol" I let them know. Catherine's eyes lit up, "Lovers nowadays start off with sibling zoning you know?" . "Eww" Samantha and I say in monotone.
I wake up in the middle of the night with an instagram notification. It was Gary.
Gary:Hi .
Me:Umm, how can i help you
Gary: Nothing just checking on you
Me:umm ok
I almost fall asleep on my desk in Physics class before Gary suddenly shows up saying "Can I sit beside you ?" I didnt want to sit with him, but i didnt want to seem rude either. "No she sits beside me today" says Connor's voice. I give Connor a thankful look. "Do you want me to beat him up next time onwards?" asks Connor with a laugh.
I wait in line with Sam and Cath for food at lunch when I rant "I wish i had enough money to buy a soda in my pocket". "Wow you definitely need to sell your kidney now" mocks Sam. I glare at her while a creepy voice says behind me "How much do you need?". A chill runs down my spine as i turn to face Gary. " Oh hi Gary. And no, I dont need money." I reply as I take my food. I dont notice what Gary was saying about lending me money as i rudely walk away with Sam and Cath.
"Who was that Weirdo?" asks Catherine.
"Jordan's roomie." I reply.