I managed to ignore Connor for a good 24 hours after he said that he likes me. But we have psycology class in exactly 15 minutes.
He gave me a hearty smile as I entered. I took a sit beside him in the far back, which is not our usual spot. I figured he wanted to talk things out. Things got awkward as soon as it could. I won't deny we both were smiling goofily like idiots. The awkwardness broke when Alex came by and said "Can i sit beside Princess Leah today?" . "Sure " I replied with a smile. The teacher turned off the lights. Great! a movie day made it all more and more awkward. We were emotionlessly staring at the screen when I felt his hand creeping onto mine. I looked at him and he seemed closer than he should be. I could see him, staring into my eyes, not blinking, his face, edging closer and closer to my own, and in a moment we were so close his lips almost touched mine...and then it did. Surprisingly he tasted great to be honest. (I thought he would taste like dead fish).
"YOU WHAT??!!"
Sam and Cath yelled together for so long, it soon turned into a monotone.
Not that I wasnt excited. We grabbed jars of icecream and I told them how it all happened.
I HAVE A BOYFRIEND EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Well I am THIS excited because I never had a boyfriend before. Perks of being a complete introvert.
Dating isn't that difficult, i didnt know that. On the other hand, its more difficult than I thought in other terms. For example, it didn't really matter what people said. On the other hand, even little gestures like holding hands gave such serious adrenaline rush, I'm surprised I didnt pass out,....yet.
Some things that Connor does is SO cute. Sometimes he would ask permission before socialising with someone. And when I ask him to do something, he does that without thinking twice. And I don't know how, there is this form of trust.
However, everything is cute, until it becomes a burden.