Chereads / World of Grey / Chapter 15 - Forgetfulness and Leon's Solution

Chapter 15 - Forgetfulness and Leon's Solution

Jenifer's trip to a new world: Jenifer didn't think too much of Leon, she had always thought of him as different, he never properly appealed to her and he always acted inappropriately to the situation. Jenifer had always been keeping obsessed with controlling men, she thought of Leon as an easy target to control but once she got him, he felt no different. She had always forged her way through men's lives to control them but Leon had come too easy and there was no satisfaction in taking him.

Jenifer had felt different feelings around Leon. He didn't treat her like trash or do an unreasonable thing to her like all of her previous boyfriends, he had practically treated her like a queen and it didn't make her feel right. She felt as if she could treat him correctly too but she didn't want that, so she had set up an escape into her next boyfriend. She met the guy online and had set up a date at her place, and she knew Leon would show up to see her like that and let his true colors show.

Jenifer staged it with the guy, she brought him to her apartment and set everything up but when Leon she felt as if she didn't want him to see her like this. And as if she had zoned out the entire time, she sat and watched as Leon walked in and shattered himself across the room. She felt an exotic feeling in her heart, she regretting her action and chased after Leon.

But she couldn't catch up to him, and she remained conflicted for the next day. She had told the guy from last night to get lost and was brooding in her apartment over what she would have done, when out of nowhere she felt very tired, so she closed her eyes and put her head in between her legs, in cries of her lost love life. That's when she figured out that she wasn't in her bedroom anymore, she woke up in a wooden room that was furnished in a medieval style and had things lying around, as if she had just moved into the inn room.

She later figured out that what she was seeing was a different world from her own, and she grew accustomed to her new environment until she saw a man that looked familiar. Jenifer had seen Leon with Sam, and she immediately felt her heart flutter, she had found her new life goal, in this world her only goal was to be with Leon forever, whether it be life or death, they wouldn't part from each other's side.

Jenifer had made the logical lead that Leon hadn't gotten over her or found someone new yet because they had just broken up but when she found Leon in the forest she found a heart-wrenching sight. Leon had not one but three girls who he looked like he loved, Leon had turned a new leaf in this world and wanted to be acceptable to more people but his past kept haunting him. He was skeptical about all of the girls' love for him but he tried to keep it pushed to the back of his mind at all times.

When Jenifer had found her Unique Magic she used it all of the time to practice for when she wanted to control Leon, but every time she tried it didn't work. Leon had a mental barrier of some kind on him, he was protected from her magic by some means, Jenifer had set a new plan in motion to replace his old girls instead of her. She continued to pull strings as she grew in power, that's when she started slowly pulling on Leon's female companions.

Eventually taking their minds over for short periods. Those times are when she began planting thoughts into their heads. And by the time they were all set up, she launched her operation that same night. Leon had finished talking to Naomi about her interaction with Jenifer and Leon had disconnected from the group to think about his plan of action.

Jenifer had a connection to the girls that remained active at all times for her to monitor them closely. By the time they all went to sleep, Jenifer had set and used her trap on them. They all went to sleep peacefully as Jenifer waited patiently for the morning's rewards to come in. Leon laid down away from the girls as he remained conflicted about Jenifer being in this world too.

It meant that Leon couldn't live a new life, he couldn't act without worry for his past. Leon tried to clear his mind as he laid down and fell asleep. Jenifer had finished the steps of her plan and laid down in her sleeping bag. Once everyone was asleep, Jenifer's actions started playing out in the girls' minds.

When Leon woke up, he found all three of the girls sleeping on the fur. Leon sat up and yawns, as he looked over and saw Violet sitting up too "Good morning, Violet." Violet looked over at Leon and gave a frightening look as she backed away from him "Wh-who are you and how do you know my name?!" Leon looked puzzled at her and turned to completely face her "I met you a few days ago, you had been lying in a cave starving and possibly out of magic so I fed you and let you rest, once you woke up, you declared me your husband for some reason, so I went along with it and agreed since I had nothing else to do."

Violet looked completely confused at Leon and backed away more "I-I don't remember that, plus nobody would save me if they knew who I was!" Leon looked at her again and stood up "I feared this might happen..." Leon walked over to the frightened Violet and held his hand out "Then how about this: we can get to know and love each other again? And if you still find me in the same light I can let you go be free in a nearby town, ok?"

Violet hesitated for a moment before accepting his offer and taking his hand "D-do you not know who I am?" Leon laughed and smiled at her as he pulled her up "I know that you are my fiance and that your name is Violet, but you didn't ask about my life so I never asked about yours..." Violet smiled and hugged Leon "Ok, you're my husband then. I will let you love me, future husband." Leon felt nostalgia at the moment as he remembered Violet's first time doing these things "You know, you are a very accepting person for someone who found out I don't know your past."

Violet thought for a moment "I don't trust you yet and I probably didn't trust you at first last time, but if you didn't take advantage of me when I was sleeping so you have be a decent person, or a transmigrator." Leon thought for a moment then sighed "So how do you know about transmigration? I thought it must have been a common thing but nobody else seems to understand the concept like you do."

Violet smiled and tapped her head "I'm just super smart about the world, I used to be a pretty knowledgable person before I got..." Her smile slowly faded into a sad face as Leon pulled her chin up and smiled into her face "You don't have to tell me if it's hard to tell you." Violet smiled again right as Leon looked back and saw Naomi wake up "Let me guess, you don't remember anything about how you got here either?"

Naomi remained calm as she stood up and looked around "Who are you and are you, my husband, by any chance?" Leon looked at her with a smile and Violet pouted as she thought she was the only one "Yes, technically all three of you are my wives but how did you know that didn't you forget all about me?" Naomi thought for a moment then sat down next to him "I have no clue but I feel like I know you a lot, you seem like someone my mind wouldn't forget and I also noticed my friend laying next to me, I made the logical connection that you must have saved her from her prison."

Leon had thought Naomi was surprisingly calm but after hearing her logic he thinks he would have felt calm too "Wait, what if you had saved her and found safety here and I happen to be here too?" Naomi shifted away from him and gave him a bland look "That is a good point, maybe you aren't my husband, I didn't plan on marrying a man either." Leon gave her a weirded-out look as he thought she was also acting weirder than usual, that's when Selina woke up and sat up screaming.

Leon sighed as he picked her up and sat her next to the other girls "I will explain everything I know about you all and how we met each other and what I believe happened to you, now shut up and listen." Leon sat down and begin explaining the situation...