Chereads / World of Grey / Chapter 19 - Dark Forces and The Request

Chapter 19 - Dark Forces and The Request

When Jenifer arrived in the city of Mosspoint, it took her some time to adjust to where she was. While this adjustment was being made, she 'bought' a map and 'bought' an Inn room for the night. The next morning she overheard some nearby people talking about the Duke of Mosspoint. She was intrigued and left to the castle in the innermost part of the city.

Once she arrived in the area, she searched for the entrance to the castle and once she found it, she thought up her plan and continued on. She walked up to the guards at the gate and they drew their weapons and pointed them at her "Halt! Access is restricted for citizens, the Duke of Mosspoint doesn't take kindly to lowlifes!" Jenifer smirked and quickly used her magic on the guards.

The two men that previously guarding the gates now were busting into the Duke's chambers with their weapons draw "What is the meaning of these guardsmen?!" A sleazy man was sitting on the edge of the bed snarking at the guards around him to stop those intruders when Jenifer walked in and spoke to him "I'm here for a favor, Duke of Mosspoint."

The Duke looked at the girl smirking across at him "I own no such favors to a lowlife commoner! Why aren't you seizing that woman, guards?!" The guards all around the Duke were standing calmly and Jenifer walked up to the Duke and smirked at him "I need your help, Duke, I want you to start whipping up some troops for me and prepare yourself for attacking someone."

The Duke was about to complain when Jenifer used her magic and he sat back down "Yes ma'am, train troops and prepare for attacking." Jenifer smiled and turned to walk off, but once she reached the door she spoke to the two gate guards "Go prepare me a horse-drawn carriage for a trip to the nearest Duke or Baron." The two guards straightened up and bowed in synchronicity "Yes ma'am!"

Jenifer smirked and the guards ran off, as Jenifer headed for the door she stopped and peered over her shoulder to speak again "Oh, and if you hear of a 'Leon' anywhere, let me know immediately." The Duke nodded and Jenifer laughed maniacally as she walked out of the room back into the darkness.

I stop walking to let out a quiet sneeze and a few sniffles "Are you getting sick? The Cold Season is starting soon, maybe you should buy some winter clothing for yourself?" I look back at Violet who was talking with haste and pat her head "No, I don't feel sick, someone must have been talking about me that's all. Anyway, do you all feel warm in your winter clothing? You will probably have to wear it during the whole of Winter."

I look back at Selina in her red and fluffy overcoat and Naomi in her thick grey jacket and smile "I like mine, it's fiery red just like my Fire Magic!" I look back at Selina posing in her overcoat and laugh, she blushes and pouts the rest of the way "I think this jacket is light enough for me to fight in and warm enough for me to survive in, that's a good combination for me."

Naomi examines her jacket and Violet walks up next to me in her long, almost elegant purple coat "So where are we going? You said this lady was someone you were supposed to meet?" I look forward and point at a small building between two other stores "She is gonna build our hideout, but I never came to get her, so I will get her now." I look over at Violet who is staring at me, she averts her gaze to the building as Selina and Naomi walk up in front of me.

I step inside of the building and hold the door for Violet whos the last one to enter "You all are safe!" I look over to see Josephine behind the counter with a few trinkets in her hands, but she quickly sets them down and walks over to me "I thought you all were gone or something because you never came yesterday." I laugh awkwardly and point over my shoulder at the three girls "We had a run-in with some trouble so they don't really remember anything about me but we all are safe now so don't worry."

I see Josephine sigh in relief then walk back over to the counter and grab a small cube "I'm glad you all are ok, I'm assuming you came here because you still need that hideout built right?" I nod and smile as she walks up and grabs my hand, I reach back and hold my hand out for the girls to take, they all layer their hands on mine and I use my crystal ring to bring us to the outside of the base "Let's get started shall we?" After all the girls adjust, we nod and set out to build our hideout with the help of Josephine.

After working all day, Josephine pants and sits down in a chair, I sit next to her and catch my breath too "That was the last piece of furniture to make, the hideout is now officially complete." Violet walks up and sits across from me, and Selina sits near her "So... Can we talk... Payment, Leon?" I sit up and calm down as she does the same "Payment? Since when did we have to pay?"

Josephine looks around for Naomi but just sighs "Naomi told me that you all will be paying my accepting my request free of charge, all I ask is that you escort me to the next town over." I think for a moment if we accept her request we will get to keep this hideout free of charge, but we'd have to escort her. Maybe escorting her will help us broaden our connections, so it would be beneficial to accept "I will accept your offer, we can escort you to..."

Josephine jumps in "Honeycliff. The town is called Honeycliff since its famous for its honey farms." I imagine tasting some sweet honey and feel my mouth water "Yup, we can escort you there and back, for no cost." Josephine smiles and stands, I follow her as she rises "Good, then let's get going, I will be leaving tonight, I have already prepared everything so I'm completely ready to go." I look at her and sigh, I stand too and smile "Fine, I don't see why not."

I brought all of us back to the town and we set Josephine's cart up with our stuff "Where did you get this cart from anyway?" Josephine smiles broadly and tells me "I borrowed it from a merchant friend who will be staying here in town for a little while." I laugh and she sits down on the seat, Naomi walks up to me and informs us "Everything is set to go, I'll be driving the cart so you all can relax in the carriage in the back." I give her a nod and all the girls follow suit, then Naomi walks off and soon the carriage starts moving.

"So care to explain what happened to your wives?" I look at Josephine and pause "Fine, I'll explain the story, but you gotta listen closely on your own." I hastily explain the story, Josephine constantly stopped me when she had a question and I answered them until I noticed that Violet and Selina had fallen asleep on my shoulders "They still appear to love you despite losing their reason to love you."

I look back at her "Well, they never really had a reason in the first place so this isn't surprising, I'm not sure why they love me at all but they do." Josephine thinks for a moment when she stops to yawn, I feel myself get slightly drowsy too "Let's postpone this conversation for the morning, then we will finish what we started." I agree as she lays down on the seat and drifts off to sleep.

I stand and hop out onto the front of the carriage where Naomi is driving from "W-what are you doing Leon?" I move her over a little and sit next to her "I came to talk to you, they are all asleep and I'm not fully tired yet." I look over at the dark figure next to me that's focusing on the road ahead "F-fine, we can talk but you need sleep too, so let's not talk for too long!"

I laugh and wave her off, which is pointless in the darkness but I do it anyway "So do you think that you'll end up loving me again?" Naomi remained silent as I continued "Do you already love me again? That was quick!" She giggles and finally speaks "No, I don't love you again yet, but I do feel closer to you than a normal person." I smile and continue asking her questions, and soon we are trading questions all night...