Chapter 45 - 45: UNEXPECTED ARRIVAL (2)

Mu Millie could only helplessly watch as her baby girl wouldn't breathe she couldn't move she could only pray that her any girl would be alive and well she didn't go through another life and all this pain for nothing she cried at her been so useless.

The baby boy who was born earlier was in made-up bed he pointed his finger at his sister and smiled. The whole room froze as they watched he pointed at his sister and his sister burst out crying after coughing up mucus.

Mu Kai breathed a sigh of relief as he smiled led at his son he knew he was a warlock even when he was in his mother stomach he showed signs of being very protective of his mother and now his sister he would be a good son and protective older brother, the baby cried her lungs out to say I am here and it's cold she was wrapped in blankets to warm her up. Mu Kai gave the baby to the midwife to look after not before placing a small amulet around her neck it was the same as the rings he then walked over to his son and did the same he smiled at him and whispered:" hey little one welcome to the world looked forward to seeing what powers you have a son" he like saying that son it made his heart fill with warmth.

Mu Kai was so engrossed in the children that he forget there were other people in the room until the midwife that was dealing with Mu Millie called her name loudly in panic mode. He turned around to see the lifeless Mu Millie there on the bed. He ran over and asked:" what's happened to her" he was worried.

Midwife spoke:" she has fainted due to exhaustion and fear of her daughter not breathing, she has after all given birth to not one but two babies she will be okay she just needs to rest we will clean her up and she can rest nothing to worry about" she tried to reassure him.

Mu Kai touched Mu Millie nose to see if she was breathing which she was he breathed he didn't know he had held his breath in shock. He kissed her lips and said:" okay clean her up and I will get the maids to clean the room do we need to take the babies to the hospital" he didn't have a clue what he was doing.

Midwife:" no the babies are healthy and well but you will need a few things for the little tykes we all settled them in and when you go back you can take them to the doctors in the meantime we will watch over them " she smiled as he wrote down everything she would need he took the list and looked at it he was clueless he didn't know what half the stuff was.

He called the Butler and gave him the list and said:" I want it done asap okay" he smiled.

Butler:" yeah young Masters and congratulation on the birth of your children" he smiled.

Mu Kai smiled:" yes thank-you so much" he remembered he needed to ring Mu Millie family to let them knew too.

He took out his phone and rung Mu Jade it was early morning the phone was answered in one ring:" hello grandpa it's Kai speaking just to let you know that Millie gives birth to a boy and girl all three are fine and resting" he didn't know what else to say.

Mu Jade was reading his morning paper with his real in his hand stood up dropping the cup to the floor:" what really oh my lord when? how? Wow, congratulations to you too we will be there shortly" he cut the phone.

Mu Jade:" Huan come quickly where are you " he needed to share the news and make the necessary arrangements and get the helicopter ready he wants to just be there.

Mu Huan and his Mu Jiajing and Mu Taichung and Mu Kim came running thinking something happened.

Mu Huan:" what is it are you okay dad" he was worried.

Mu Jade:" Millie had the babies make the arrangements we need to go and see her " he was on cloud nine he was a great grandpa he was happy.

Mu Jiajing spoke:" father we need to take all the things she needs they wouldn't be prepared is she okay are the babies okay poor Millie all there by her self she would be scared out of her witts" she started yelling orders at everyone she needs to get there and make sure her daughter was okay as well as her grandchildren.

Mu Taichung spoke:" wow my piggy/ bunny gave birth I am an Uncle cool" he turned to Mu .kim who was in shock:" hey man congrats on becoming an Uncle too," he thought I am not sharing them with you.

Mu Taichung suddenly asked:" Grandpa what did she have" he wanted to know does he a cute little niece he didn't mind a nephew but he had had a niece.

Mu Jade: "Oh I forgot when you get there you will find out" he smiled at his answer he knew he didn't want to say.

Mu Kim was left shocked it was only a bit back that his brother told him that he found the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with he also told him she was pregnant and he was the father he needed to marry her before the babies arrived which he did and now the babies were born he had to tell his parents they had kept this hidden for too long. They had become Grandparents and his sister had become Auntie he was an Uncle wow! He had to wrap his head around all of this?

He took out his phone and rung his parents he told them everything and also told them that his brother told him to keep it a secret he would tell them himself. The parents were angry as well, as happy especially when they heard it was Mu Millie secretly his mother always wanted her best friend daughter to marry into their family and she had become a grandparent of not one but two children. They informed him they would fly out straight away they also wanted to see they're grandchildren and scold their son. my Kim told yhem that they would have to wait until a brother told them himself or he would very angry.

Mu Kim got off the phone Mu Jade and Mu Huan and Mu Taichung heard the conversation they decide not to correct him until they had spoken with Mu Kai and Mu Millie but secretly Mu Jade was happy with this outcome his Granddaughter was safe as well as the Great Grandchildren.

Mu Millie had slept like a log she was exhausted it had been a long night she woke she felt like she had been run over by a bulldozer her whole body ached she was hurting in places she didn't know existed. She looked around to see there was a large crib it was old but beautiful the craftmanship on it was unique the was symbols craved out on it but for some reason Mu Millie knew it was protection spell to protect the newborn. She still felt she was a daze with the magic and spells and gremlins and ghouls and witches and warlocks and now the crib with the symbols what else she was going insane slowly.

She looked over and Mu Kai was lying on the sofa asleep he looked tired too he was so handsome sleeping he looked like prince such an aura of nobility she looked at him and remember he was with her the way he looked after her and then when her baby girl was having trouble breathing he handled it as a father would or this is what a father should be like loving, caring, she smiles and thought I am really lucky that he came into my life speaking of a baby girl she looked over into the crib and seen her children sleeping she smiled they were her babies the precious things she owned.

But then fear kicked in of what if's. They scared her she didn't want to lose them like she lost Feng Loki her precious baby boy he suffered too much he was loved by his family that she can't deny. But after he was murdered the killer was never brought to justice she was treated like she had done nothing. Mu Millie helpless watched. But when she was falsely accused of the killed unborn baby she suffered two lifetimes of torture. She felt cheated, hurt, humiliated, but who cared for nobody she was the only one who missed her baby boy?

But as she looked at them she noticed they smiled at her while sleeping she smiled back she breathes sigh they made her fearlessness with those smiles she began to think of all the mischief they would cause as they become older that sounded nice to her 'older' they would at least have a chance to grow into handsome, beautiful people that would have heads turning to look at them. She then a sharp a pain in her heart she was saddened at the thought of her memories of Feng Loki she was also her most precious baby but life dealt a cruel hand.

She tried to sit up she mourned she felt all sorts of pain everywhere, she woke Mu Kai who sat up like a robot he turns to see where the noise was coming from he saw Mum Millie and ran over. He helps her sit up:" are you okay you need something are you in pain should I call a doctor" he looked at her worried.

Mu Millie chuckled:" hey how about we breathe first so many questions in one go I just feel aches and pain it's the aftermath of given birth a think a few pain killers will do the job all I need is a big hug" she smiled she wanted someone to hug have been through a lot she would have her family but they weren't around some would have to do she just wanted to feel alive.

Mu Kai looked blankly did he right did she ask him to hug her:" hmmm" he was acting cool but inside he was like a little kid who just a treat he was jumping for joy.

He walked over and sat on the bed he shuffled over and hugged he pulled her in and rubbed her back gently. Her body was warm because she wasn't wearing a bra he could feel the softness of her breasts they made his body whole react. He was surprised when she placed her arm around him and held on she was responding to his hug this was progress it would be only a matter of time before she would give her self to him.

Mu Millie whispered:" will the babies be alright? will they survive this time? will they be safe? I am scared kai help me protect them this time?" she had tears flowing down.

Mu Kai was taken back with what she said:" hey look at me" he pulled back and held her face:" I promise you I will protect them with my life and they will become prince and princess of my family and your family and you have me now so it's time to lean on me and use me however you want Millie" he looked at her. He pulled her forward and kissed on her lips he lingered there for a bit before letting go. He wanted more he pulled her forward he kissed her again this time he deepened it he manages to pry her mouth open he pushed in his tongue in he raided her mouth he was surprised that Mu Millie didn't pull away she let him was she to upset or was she warming up to him? He didn't want to know all he wanted was this kiss never to end.

Mu Millie was scared when she thought about her son Feng Loki and what happened, she was scared if Feng Jo found out would he try to take her kids away, she didn't want to lose them this time it was to pain full. When Mu Kai told her to rely on him she was overwhelmed nobody had said that to her it made her want to believe in him, when he kissed her she felt the warmth and love oozing out she didn't want to stop him she recuperates his love she felt his love she was confused was he for real?