
Mu Kai looked at Mu Millie he wasn't convinced he would have the doctor on stand by just in case he also wanted to know what his brother had done to freak Mu Millie out too he would have words with him later:" are you sure he will just look at you once just our peace of mind" he knows she hated doctor and hospitals from her last life she didn't have good memories of them.

Mu Millie:" no I told you I am just tired that's all I will rest then I will be fine" she smiled her 100-watt bulb smile to say she is fine inside she was far from it. Her heartbeat was running the 100 metres race she had made to the finish line. She didn't need pampering she had lived a tuff life previously so she could endure this much pain she wasn't built soft like the rich elite pampered spoiled princesses.

Mu Kai looked over and sighed he thought I just keep an eye on her:" okay have a good rest I will wake you for dinner okay he walked over and kissed her forehead and walked out of the too not before he grabbed his brother and dragged him to the garden.

Back in the house when Mu Kai left she saw her brother she called him over he came and sat by her bed:" can you close the door please I want to talk to you" she felt she could trust her brother he would help her.

Mu Taichung closed the door and locked it and then walked over to Mu Millie they both sat opposite each crossed legs:" hey piggy/bunny wants up" he smiled he stretched out his arm as she patted her on the head.

Mu Millie sighed could he make his mind up to give me one nickname:" big bro when can we go home I like this house but there is a certain creepiness that is freaking me out and we are in their territory so we are an open target too, at least when we are home we are in our territory we aren't vulnerable and the babies safety comes first I am anxious that something is lurking around it doesn't feel good, it like there demons amongst us, I felt it from the moment I arrived it was faint but now it's very strong so the quicker the better please " she hoping he would understand without explanation.

Mu Taichung knew exactly what she meant for a normal human with not much power he had felt the same creepiness lurking around the moment they arrived and Mu Millie confirming it made his doubt was clear he was more than happy to take his sister and niece and nephew home, where he knew they were safe because the house was protected by Grandma spells she had put an energy source around the house so it warned them of unruly presence and evil spirits were around. It also hid the house from prying eyes that's why they were always safe each of them also had a protection talisman to ward of many evils when they were out of the house too.

Mu Taichung:" I am happy we think likewise and I agree with getting the children home where I know they will be safe I feel they are special children and will need more protection to let me have a word with Grandpa and can you tell me what freaked you out earlier too" he was concerned he knew something wasn't right from the look on her face. He had come to trust his sister with his life.

Mu Millie spoke she needed to confide in someone why not her brother so far he had only showered her with live since she arrived what was there not trust he was family:" brother the thing is you know that I have some similar abilities as Nanna so their certain senses that are more alert than others my senses picked up on brother in law he is digging up my past I was scared in case he would find out that the children aren't his brothers and what he would do what scared me the most is will I be able to protect you all I don't know if I am that powerful yet? so the quicker we get home the better at least we have a better fighting chance" she was looking at her brother she had a lot to learning her fight skill we're zero she could fight in her last life very well she but she didn't know if she still does the same in this life she hadn't had a combat with anyone up till now? Also in her last life, the chef that rained her in culinary skilled taught her to fight with weapons and combat training she had to yet find out if she still remembers this as she was waiting until the babies were born she didn't want to put them at risk.

Mu Taichung smiled:" okay I will look into it for your rest assure we have covered all our angels Mu Kai has also helped nobody will ever know the truth and Mu Kim I will also deal with him I had a feeling something wasn't right but you have me you have nothing to fear okay my baby sister I will protect you and the children at all cost" he patted her head and smiled.

Mu Millie looked at her teasing brother being serious today she never had anyone to rely on in her past life and this life she was blessed in her maternal family who was willing to love and protect her and her children but that didn't mean she wouldn't learn how to defend her self she had to learn now more than ever she had a lot of enemies known and unknown out there she needed to be prepared.

Mu Millie spoke:" big brother can you also, teach me how to fight as well I need to learn to defend my self and my family now I know I don't have to worry with you all around but I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me especially now we know danger lurks around every corner and also I need help in making a little lab in the house preferably where no one knows some can practice magic and potions and poisons too?" she looked at her brother.

Mu Taichung smiled:" okay I have a little surprise on that topic at home you are going to love it and as teaching you how to fight I was waiting for you to have the time once you recovered then we will start your training not only using your arms and legs you need to learn how to use weapons as well from knives to guns etc okay " he wanted to prepare her for the everything that life may throw her way.

Mu Millie moved forward and hugged her brother she was scared to her core she shaking like leave she didn't know what the hell the ancestors wanted from her she just got carried with the flow of their excitement but now she had time to think she feared everything around her she knew its time to strengthen her inner core to her outer layer.

She didn't want to ever feel helpless like she did when she was married to Feng Chou she never wanted to feel the pain of losing her nearest and dearest it broke her from the inside it was going to take time to take control of the fear that the Fengs instilled in her. She cursed them from the bottom of her heart. She would deal with each and everyone that tortured her in this life as well as her last life.

Mu Taichung could feel her shaking he hugged her whispered:" hey piggy/bunny I am here for you okay sleep now you need to rest tomorrow we go home my sweet baby sister remember this big brother is always by your side no matter what" he patted like a mother would pat their child.

Mu Taichung cursed the Feng's what had they done to my baby sister they broke not only physically but mentally and emotionally. He would find out what has been happening in the Feng's house they would pay with their blood his blood was boiling in anger.

Mu Millie fell asleep after being patted by her brother he tucks her in her bed and kissed her forehead and walked out he had a few people to deal with.

Mu Taichung walked out he went to find Mu Kim he was going to kill him he saw the fear in his baby sister eyes when she looked at him.

He walked out into the garden where the brothers were in deep conversation he walked over he tapped Mu Kim shoulder when he turned around he landed a punch straight in his face when he landed another punch straight in the mouth as he yelled:" what the fuck are playing at scaring my baby sister she has only been in married in your family two, days and this is the result " he turned to look at Mu Kai and asked:" This is how you will look after my sister putting the fear of God into her that she struggles to breathe she has been through enough she doesn't need any more if you can't take care of her then say so I and my family are enough to take care of her and her children for the rest of her life" he still had Mu Kim collar in his hand.

Mu Kim was taken by surprise and thought what he'll have done I didn't speak to her, he pushed Mu Taichung of him he wanted to hit him back but his brother stopped him. He was so insulted he had never been hit in his enter life he was so angry he didn't like Mu Millie this added to that negative side he was seeing in Mu Millie.

Mu Kai looked shocked and thought about what happened he knew Mu Millie looked pale he thought because she had given birth that's why. He saw the fear on her face he dismissed it why didn't he pay more attention to her what was going on he looked at his brother when had he offended his sister in law they had barely met he was puzzled did she meet him in her last life dose she remembers her other life if yes this was bad it was very bad if she remembers when she was sold back to the Feng's from the black market and she ran away straight into his brother's Mu Kim's arms he handed her back to the Feng's without noticing who she was. He only found when they left he didn't find them after that and then a year after that he found she had committed suicide from the top the Feng's building.

Mu Kai looked at his brother then Mu Taichung he asked:" what happen why is she scared for, I swore I will protect her and as her husband, it is my responsibility to take care of her which I will" he walked away he wanted to see Mu Millie he was worried he didn't want to lose her he had only found her.

Mu Taichung spoke from behind him:" she is asleep it took a long time after reassuring her that we would go home tomorrow she settled let her sleep let's talk you two" he pointed at Mu Kim.

They all sat down in the garden on the grass Mu Taichung spoke:" I don't know what you know and what you found out I don't care but let me clear some facts with both of you so you can understand Millie better" he sighed he did know where to start.

Mu Taichung:" when Mu Millie came to them she was already broken mentally, emotionally and later I found physically as well, her childhood after Auntie and her Grandma died were very bad and then he fell into the hands of the Feng's I don't know what happens inside the home of the Feng's until Millie tells us her self we tried to find out but no luck but I know it's not a good experience for here she has very low self-esteem when she walked in the house she broke down after seeing Grandpa the bodyguards also told us she broke down emotionally in the chopper he is fragile at the moment everything scares her she doesn't want to lose anyone else she hasn't recovered from losing her first child Feng Loki I still don't how he died that is also something Mu Mille will share when she is ready so for now take it easy on her or I won't care who you are I will kill you" he had tears when he remembers the nurse telling him about the marks on Mu Millie's body and when he heard her screamed in her sleep for somebody to stop hitting her he was horrified what had she been through.

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