He shocked Mu Kai and Mu Kim who was watching a grown man cry why? They knew this man since he was born nothing made him cry not even the death of his beloved Grandma and Auntie.

Mu Taichung spoke gently:" my sister has lost a lot in life mostly our fault for not stepping in bringing her home, she's is only found herself ( he meant her true identity )and these twins are the reason she hasn't taken her own life ( or the lives of others) they give her the happiness that she once lost, they don't make up for her loss she still feels it freshly embedded in her mind it was precious to her, nobody would understand her pain unless they experience it themselves? She smiles like 100% light bulb but that's only for the show inside it's dark and sad, she feels useless she wasn't strong enough to save her little tyke and stand up to the tyrants! she wakes up screaming still she has nightmares she lives that one moment every other night of only God knows what, but they are enough to cause her anxiety I only know from the babbling that she does is very unpleasant, it's hard to understand what she's been through and how painful it was I can't listen to it, it's extremely painful it sends shivers down my spine, it shakes me to the core that one person can be that cruel and inflict that much violence on one person but when you ask her about it, she won't say what it it is, she shuts off so I don't ask anymore she will tell me when she is ready unfortunately my sweet baby sister comes with heavy baggage like you already know as much or maybe more than us , Kai she needs lots of love and tenderness she needs to know she and her children are safe she needs a lot of assurances that she is safe that's why we need to take her home she feels the safest" he looked at Mu Kai.

Mu Kai sighed he knew there was a lot that he didn't know but the last life he knew than most, all he needed was Mu Millie to trust him a little he would handle the rest. He just needed Mu Millie to use him as she wishes he would fulfil her every wish even the strangest ones. He remembers what Millie asked him the other day would he help her take revenge did she mean the Feng's and the Chan's maybe that's where to start from. He looked at his brother he was rubbing the back of his head like he was trying to digest what he heard. He knew his brother, was only looking out for him but he needed him to back away from Mu Mille he couldn't lose her he only found her.

Mu Kim thought now he might have overreacted he hadn't even said anything he just looked into her background he was getting ground from all angles she must be very special to all of these people and his brother was a love-struck fool. As he tried to analyse the situation he thought to himself as she cast a spell on all these people so they would follow her blindly, that could be the only explanation otherwise the smartest people he knows the leaders of the underworld can't be fooled into protecting one woman she must be very powerful if she can get these all to submit themselves to her. He thought that his brainstorm was correct he had to more vigilant of this gipsy witch and stop her from controlling her brother and his friend and his family.

Mu Kim spoke:" Well firstly I would like to say I haven't spoken to sis in law but I will take into account her feeling when I approach her in future" He sighed he should leave it, just to his brother. But he would watch from a distance he needed to protect his brother from the clutches of this evil women maybe the rumours that the Chans spread were right after all?

Mu Kai. Spoke:" I am sorry I will be more gentle and patient with her I know I rushed the wedding but it was all with good reason I can wait for her to trust in me I promise I will love and protect her in this life ( he know he couldn't or chose not too safe her in their last life he wasn't sure anymore)and they are my children why wouldn't I protect my angels, I wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon is I will fulfil every promise I made her when I did the marriage ritual" he smiled he was going to try harder from now one had to get her to trust him.

The two men turned to look at Mu Kai they left surprised and shocked they thought it would take place after the babies were born. And both families would be present for this special ritual what was the rush.

Mu Kim knew one thing that the children had to belong to a warlock otherwise they wouldn't have survived the ritual and he also knew that Feng Chou wasn't a warlock so that meant that his brother has to be the father but how was a mystery she must have lured him, there is no other explanation for this, he, however, smiled at the thought of his niece being of a gipsy witch descend ( which for warlocks it means to link into the royal family) because his ancestors in ancient times were the royals of that era and very powerful at that this was this must be the same royal clan which his ancestors tired to wipe out but his ancestor ended falling in love with the princess, they say she enchanted him with a spell they eloped to be only hunting by both sides and in the end, they were found it was told that the witch was pregnant she was held captive until she give s birth to twins, one boy and one girl the clans thought of punishment for the two was to separate them by taking the male heir because he was a warlock giving the Gypsy witch heiress.

After all, she was a witch, they had come to this conclusion after they tried to kill the parents as well as the children, either side couldn't kill and lord only knows they tried both children were protected by a shield of unknown identity that was put around them by their parents.

And his nephew was the prince of the warlocks he had royal blood in him wow! But to have both royal types of blood was rare he knew now their lives was connected by fate was and they were in danger they had to take home to the Mu's mansion which hidden from the world.

Mu Taichung had heard the story from his Grandma and he knew of this marriage ritual he also knew his nephew was a warlock which had gipsy blood in him he was sure special he members his Grandma saying it was very rare it was a chance in a million that it would ever happen but it also meant that this baby boy life in danger he would be hunted by his kind and others so they could steal his manna making him the ultimate warlock weapon he would rule over all the other warlocks, they had to take him home keep him safe until he would be warlock only then he would be able to protect himself. Little did he know that this child was already a warlock that had been accepted by the ancestor. He wonders if his sister knew what special children she had given birth too did his Grandma know that it would be his sister that would be one who would give birth to such precious baby's. He wonders what kind of power his niece would have would she also be partly warlock would she hunted by other witches too oh boy! They were going to have their hands full he needed to know more about the children he would ask his sister when they got them home. He also now understood the strange aura they sensed when that arrived the danger had already begun and his niece and nephew wasn't even a couple of days old. The quicker they were home the better at least he knew the barrier around the house would keep them safe.

Mu Kai wondered what happens to the men who went into deep thought he thought they were angry they weren't invited to the marriage ritual but he wanted it just to be him and Mu Millie so tuff deal with it he thought to himself he smiled as he remembered the ritual the way Mu Millie held on to him because she was scared the face she made was mesmerising he fell deeper in love with her he did know when he started to love her but he always did every time he closed his eyes he would see her forts the chubby fire year old then the chubby 10-year-old than the chubby teenage than the beautiful pregnant women who slimmed down into sexy gorgeous women! He only knew that she was his first and only love.

As three men were in a world of there own there was a loud bang from inside the house they came out of their thoughts quickly as they dashed in to see what had happened they came in and Mu Huan and Mu .jade came running from the sitting room they all gathered in the hallway looking at each other. They then heard the banging again it was coming from Mu Millie bedroom they all ran they tried to open the door it was jammed they knew the three inside we're in trouble no matter how hard they tried they couldn't open the door. They knew it had to warlock demon how he got into the house was also strange he must have found out of the birth of the children they would kill the children and absorb their essence to become powerful. They couldn't let that happen they all struggled to get the door opened.

Inside the room, Mu Millie was awoken when she could feel something present in the room she felt very uneasy she lept to the crib the children were awake they but didn't cry we're looking around they both cheekily smiled at their Mummy. Mu Millie grabbed her children in each arm and moved into the corner of the room she saw someone near the door of the room.

It lured in the shadows but she knew it was evil she could sense it's aura it was full of darkness which Mu Millie couldn't decipher yet she was very new she had a lot to learn what she was sure of it's murderous intend it was here to kill her and the children. She promised herself that she would die defending her children she wasn't let anyone take them, or harm them, they had just seen this world last life they didn't have a chance this time wouldn't be the same. This couldn't happen she couldn't lose them like Feng Loki this time. Mu Millie thought when you need the men they are never around otherwise they pester you?

What she didn't know they were struggling to get in. Mu Kim and Mu Taichung had run back out to see if they could climb in through the window. They had to get to them before any more pest turned up they both climbed up to the window with ease and on to the balcony only to find the balcony window was locked and they couldn't get in the tired to break the glass but no luck, Mu Kim remembered that the glass in this house was replaced with bulletproof glass and then they were protected by a spell. He cursed inside thinking they made to protect from intruders getting bit news doing its job except they needed to inside today.

Mu Kim yelled over to Mu Taichung:" it's no good unless sis in law needs to opens the door from the inside it's all protected from the outside" he sighed.

Mu Taichung heard Mu Kim and started yelling:" Millie if you can hear me try to open the balcony door for me, Millie can you hear me you're not alone we all hear open the door" he was terrified of what was about t9 happen inside.

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