Mu Kim looked at Mu Jade he knew he hadn't given a warm welcome for Mu Millie he answered and this old man has been watching me like a hawk:" we will protect her she is now one of the family and she is carrying the grandchildren of this family so liking her or not has nothing to do with it anymore and as far as her past is concerned I did look into it but it's inconclusive so she has nothing to worry about?" he looked smug.

Mu Kim did make enquiries about Mu Millie background he was suspicious his brother couldn't find her, Mu Jade refused to give her whereabouts, why was it hard to trace her or did his brother already know where she was it was strange there was a lot discrepancy that he couldn't work out he hated not knowing, then recently she turned up out of the blue and she is pregnant with his brother's children. His brother is been becomes mute about the whole events.

He didn't like It didn't sit well with him he loved his brother he didn't want him to get hurt. He wasn't sure if he could trust Mu Millie just yet? he knows his brother has been searching for Mu Millie for a long time what he didn't understand how she was hidden for so long and why they weren't able to track was it a spell or something else. He didn't trust witches and Mu Millie was a gipsy witch they were very powerful.

This for him was highly suspicious his gut was telling him something wasn't right so he decided to check into Mu Millie background and her upbringing. He did find out what the Chan's had spread rumours about Mu Millie but looking at Mu Millie he knew she wasn't a wild child or a girl who was into clubbing or pub crawl to drunk every night then sleep with men, for he has only seen her twice now she was timid women, when he looked deeper he found that they were baseless rumours even to the point that the Chan's claimed that Mu Millie wasn't Mu Jade's granddaughter Chan Wen was which cleared any doubt that they were a bunch of low life's. How could you not know she is one of the Mu's her looks were the biggest giveaways her eyes were another she wouldn't need DNA to prove she was the Granddaughter of Mu Jade.

What shocked him was that the Chan's sold Mu Millie to the Feng's they claimed it was a marriage alliance the marriage that happened to have an exchange of a billion dollars which was a very large amount for a chubby but cute girl then it all happens very quickly and quietly but Mu Millie was never seen in public as the daughter in law of the Feng's which was also suspicious with the Feng's been in the limelight all the time. Feng Chou has seen in public with Chan Wen clung to his arm. He didn't understand why he married Mu Millie then why just not marry Chan Wen that was very suspicious for him as well? What was the mystery behind all of this?

He also discovered that Mu Mille killed someone when he tried to get further information he found it was sealed no further information was available or could be found. Lastly, she had a child which died under suspicious circumstances which also was sealed by the hospital and Feng's. And also discover that Feng Chou was to wed his childhood sweetheart Fen which turned the tables completely he had so many questions but no answers? where did Mu Millie fit into this whole messed up people? How did Chen's fit in and who was Fen? But the person behind covering the information is very powerful. What was the truth? the only person that could tell him was Mu Millie her self would she choose to disclose the truth or keep it secret? But he wanted to know? He was very curious and concerned about where his brother was involved? However, he did have one ace up his sleeve he could ask his brothers very good friend Feng Jo since it was his messed up family maybe he could shed some light on this?

My Jade looked at the young man in front of him and knew what was running through his brain right now he didn't like anyone looking at his granddaughter in this suspiciously he would deal with them regardless of whom he was.

The men walked back into the room as nothing had happened. This was noticed by Mu Kai and Mu Taichung they looked at each other for answers.

Mu Millie was telling her Auntie about the labour and how Mu Kai took good care of them all. They all smiled they way she spoke so highly of Mu Kai they smiled. Mu Jade relaxed knowing he had made the right choice. What trouble it brought in the other world he didn't know and didn't care so long as his granddaughter was happy he was happy too.

For him, Mu Millie deserved her share of happiness because of the troubles we're coming too once they discovered Mu Millie it was a matter of time until they also discover the truth of what havoc they would bring only time would tell and they would use every underhanded method to achieve there goal. He had kept them at bay so far by pressing them into a corner for now.

Mu Kai didn't miss a single sentence and was smiling he had got Mu Millie we're he wanted it was a matter of time when she would fall in love with him he would wait patiently for her.

Mu Taichung was watching everything he wanted to know what his grandpa and Mu Kim talked about they were very serious when they walked in something is happening and if involves Mu Millie then he wouldn't hold back he knows they were warlocks but that wouldn't stop him he had aces up the selves his Grandmother had taught him to protect himself. He wasn't happy when Grandpa told him Mu Millie was to wed Mu Kai not he didn't like Mu Kai he was a good honest person but he had just got to know Mu Millie he didn't want to lose her so he suggested that the groom move in with them some could keep an eye on them and now seeing the men together he knew he did the right thing?

Mu Huan was all's ears with the conversation with Mu Millie and his wife as well as the conversation that had just taken place with his father and Mu Kim, he was becoming wary of Mu Kim he needed to keep, an eye on this young man especially now that it concerned his niece he didn't want her to be upset about anything or anyone he would let that happen he also knew that the men were more powerful than him but his niece's safety was top priority he needs to get Mu Millie home safely where he and his family and the protection Grandma had left around the house would protect all three.

What he didn't know that his niece would be the one protecting them she had absorbed her energy from the amulet her energy levels were completely ready for to use her aura was stronger than Mu Kai's and Mu Kim's after absorbing some Of Mu Kai's power from his amulet as well his essence from his manna she had double her light energy because she only absorbed his pure light, not his dark energy which the warlocks had that's why it was easy for them to kill witches and their entire families with batting an eyelid, she was still a gipsy pure witch it also gives the ability to use the same sort of weapons Mu Kai and Mu Kim would use. When they used their magic to attack or other controlling spells.

Mu Millie had along the way to go with battle training as she was pregnant which hindered a lot of dangerous spells and training that she couldn't practice so now she would be extra busy learning it all she had to manage to learn all the spells and all enchantments and all the healing rituals and another ritual that secretly her Nanna only knew about that had only past along there ancestors many tired to find these out it wasn't written down only in incased in memory for safety, and Mu Millie had studied all the history of their great ancestors only to find they weren't that great she found a lot of them had turned on their own to save themself what a bunch of hypocrites, there they were preaching about been loyal to the ancestor?

Mu Millie while talking to her Auntie could feel the atmosphere in the room she had all her powers on so the sensitivity mode was on she could read peoples feeling towards her she could sense the danger her reflexes were very sharp she was highly sensitive mode she did know how to turn it down it was very overwhelming for her she could hear very well only too well she heard the conversation that Grandpa and Mu Kim had she also could feel his hatred growing regarding her she was anxious with this person being around her children was he dangerous she didn't know him she only net him twice she tried to rack her brain to see if there was any information about him in her past life that would help her suddenly out the blue she could read Mu Kim like a book she knew everything about him from his birth to his teenage years his first girlfriend to now she didn't even know she had this ability in her she was shocked she looked around but couldn't see the person she was looking for she thought were is Nanna only she could explain this to her.

Mu Millie completion changed she went very pale, very rapidly when she found out that this person was checking up her history her first thought was what would he do if he found out that his brother had lied about the children he had a very dangerous aura around him unlike his brother she was weakening thinking about what happened to Feng Loki she was fearing it would happen to her twins.

Auntie notice Mu Millie was very quiet and looking towards Mu Kim she also noticed she was very pale:" hey sweetheart what is wrong are you not feeling well honey call the doctor quickly" she looked at Mu Millie and then at her husband.

Everyone looked towards Mu Millie at this point worried Mu Kai had already seen Mu Kim and Mu Millie lock stares at each other one was scared one was staring in confusion. Mu Kai yelled for the doctor my Millie looked at them and realised she had stirred emotions of everyone she had to learn not to show her own emotions on face spoke:" I am okay I just need to rest I tired that's all nothing is wrong don't call the doctors" she smiled at everyone to reassure them.

Mu Kai looked at Mu Millie he wasn't convinced he would have the doctor on stand by just in case he also wanted to know to what his brother had done to freak Mu Millie out too he would have words with him later:" are you sure he will just look at you once just our peace of mind" he knows she hated doctor and hospitals from her last life she didn't have good memories of them.

Mu Millie:" no I told you I am just tired that's all I will rest then I will be fine" she smiled her 100-watt bulb smile to say she is fine inside she was far from it.