Chapter 46 - 46: UNEXPECTED ARRIVAL(3)

Just as Mu Millie was about to say something she heard a faint cry it was her daughter. Before Mu Millie could respond, Mu Kai was already near the crib he picked her up gently and rock her in his arms the crying stopped Mu Millie looked over and thought wow! He is good he stops the baby crying. Mu Millie as she watched the duo she thought to her self he is a keeper I should turn him into her very own nanny he is perfect? She was hatching a plan in her head.

Mu Kai walked and looked at Mu Millie she seems to be in a daze he smiled and thought what goes on in her head she dazes a lot? Mu Millie felt them stood next to her she smiled at then Mu Kai gently placed the baby in Mu Millie arms.

Mu Kai:" I will go and fetch some milk she people hungry " he headed to the door and walked out.

Leaving Mu Millie dumbfounded she thought does he know what he's doing OMG! her eyes widen and thought he is so cool I am liking him he is thumps up? Mu Millie looked down at her baby girl she was cute the little bundle of joy lay and stared at her mum. Mu Millie looked at her features and whispered:" thank God you resemble your mother even your eyes are like mine not that I have a problem you looking like your father! it's just I don't want them to knew they might take you away I can't let them anywhere near you or your brother they already have taken one of my children" she smiled at the baby and cuddled her.

As she held her baby girl her baby boy started little whimpers they were so small like he wanted something but didn't want to make a fuss about it he let out a few more whimpers. Mu Millie struggled to get out of bed with the other baby in her arms. She looked at the baby in her arms and the one crying in the crib she wasn't sure what to do which one should put down and which one should she pick up.

Mu Millie was still in her dilemma when Mu Kai walked in with two bottles of milk he looked at Mu Millie who was half hanging of the bed trying to climb out and then at the crib where the baby boy was whimpering he smiled. He walked over to Mu Millie picked her up princess style with the baby In Mu Millie arms and place them both back on the bed he gave Mu Millie a bottle to feed the baby she was holding he then walked over and picked the baby boy who was now smiling seeing someone was paying attention to him he came and sat on the other side of the bed placed the baby in his laps while he fed the baby's milk to him.

Mu Millie was bowled over by the way Mu Kai handled all of this without even a frown he was so patient she thought she was dreaming could there be a man like this in this world in tho day-age she was loving what she was seeing not only had he won her over but she was his biggest fan he was a life safer she didn't know what she would to without him only if Mu Kai knew she had already accepted him.

As they finished they swapped Mu Millie burped the baby girl and changed her nappy then she did the same for the baby boy. Mu Kai placed them back in the crib both babies were asleep.

Mu Millie looked at Mu Kai he looked very tired she tapped the space where Mu Kai was just sat to say com and sleep here. Mu Kai didn't need to tell twice he jumped in bed next to Mu Millie whispered:" goodnight " she turned to look he went to sleep he was very tired. Mu Millie looked at the sleepy head next to her and smiled she whispered:" you are my prince charming you are everything I want in my partner thank you for coming into my life" she kissed his forehead.

Although Mu Kai didn't show any emotion he pretended to be asleep he heard everything he felt everything he was so happy and giddy inside. He had almost won her over he couldn't stop now?

In Mu's Mansion


Mu Jade was very impatient he wants to be there already. He kept asking his daughter in law how much longer he want to head out he was worried about what Mu Millie would be doing all alone he didn't know Mu Kai had all under control after being advised by Mu Millie Nanna was there every step of the way they made him look like the hero when they were helping? He wasn't going tell Mu Millie he could also call Nanna for help it was either her or his idiot ancestors who were all much of idiotic men who didn't have clue!

They all headed to the helicopter as the four of them Plus staff. The security team and secretary as well. They took over an hour to arrive as the landed nearby they had to carry everything old man Mu Jade didn't wait for anyone he headed to the house as fast as possible. As he made it to the door he was let in by the butler he headed straight upstairs to where Mu Millie was he couldn't wait to see the newest members of his household he had never excited to see them.

He knocked on the door what greeted him surprised him. Mu Kai was feeding his daughter and talking to her while he's was rocking the crib with his foot to keep his son calm until he finished his daughter. Mu Jade immediately walked in washed his hands and picked up this Great Grandson and took his feeder as he fed him he couldn't help it the baby was hungry. Both men didn't speak but quietly fed each baby. Mu Huan, Mu Taichung, Mu Jiajing arrived they were shocked at the sight before them? made had never held his children or Grandchildren when they were this age he would pat them from a distance.

Mu Millie woke up to the noise to see the two men on the sofa feed the children and the other three watching with there mouths open she smiled her family was here.

Mu Millie was the first to break the silence:" hello everyone you made it" she was happy they had arrived.

Mu Taichung walked over to Mu Millie and hugged her:" hey Piggy/bunny how are you! Congratulations on my niece and nephew" he smiled.

Mu Huan followed:" hey little one well done I happy to see you are alright" he patted Mu Millie the head.

Mu Jiajing came and sat on the bed she hugged Mu Millie:" hey my girl how are you in any pain I have brought everything you will need I sorry I wasn't here when you needed me the most" she sighed.

Mu Millie smiled she never thought in this lifetime she would get people who would care about her and her near if she was okay come all this way to see her she was happy the tears flowed down they were happy tears.

Everyone froze they thought something happened especially Mu Kai he thought she is pain all this time she was acting brave and now Auntie is here she has shown her vulnerable side.

They all crowded her to see.

Mu Jiajing:" hey my child are you in pain where does it hurt I will call the doctor" he was worried.

Mu Jade:" yes, yes call the doctor quickly little bun it will be alright I'm here " he looked at his granddaughter worried.

Mu Huan:" yes I will call hey don't cry you make Uncle cry too" he wasn't sure what to do.

Mu Taichung walked over he looked to see Mu Millie smiled he knew she was happy he had learned to observe Mu Millie reactions:" hey piggy/bunny are those happy tears if you don't stop you gonna flood the house how many times have I told you those tears are precious " he smiled.

Mu Kai was worried until he heard Mu Taichung he sighed with relief he thought he was in so much trouble he would get scolded for making their precious girl cry.

Mu Mille choked back her tears:" sorry everyone for scaring you I am happy to see you that's it I am not in pain Kai has taken good care of me and the babies" she smiled.

Mu Kai heard what she said and thought if the elders weren't here I would have kissed you a thank-you.

Mu Kim was watching all this from behind everyone he watched how they all pampered Mu Millie he thought I suppose she deserves this she has just given birth to two children his niece and nephew as he took a looked at the twins he saw they both looked like their mother even had the same eyes of their mother he smiled a little he wasn't sure about Mu Millie but he was sure about his beautiful niece and nephew they were cute he wanted to hold them but he has to wait his turn. He observed how his sister in law was a cry baby she was like a child her self how would she take care of these two newborn thank God the family was around her.

Mu Jade had watched Mu Kim since he arrived he watched the way he observed Mu Millie he didn't like it he didn't want anyone to look at Mu Millie with a question mark it was none of anyone business. He wouldn't let anyone treat Mu Millie with judging eyes he would pry them out regardless of who they were. He would protect his Granddaughter from prying eyes she had suffered enough.

He walked over and stood in front of Mu Kim to block his view he would kick him out of the house if he said anything to Mu Millie. As they all settle in for the night Mu Jade took Mu Kim to the side to have words with.

Mu Jade didn't beat around the bush he was straight forward person no-nonsense:" is there something on your mind is it that you don't like little bun for any particular reason?" he had a frown on his face.

Mu Kim looked at the old man and though he is very protective of his granddaughter:" no Master Jade I'm okay with Millie but I don't know her so I can't make a judgement of her yet my brother likes her so it's enough for me?" he could feel the murderous aura coming from Mu Jade.

Mu Jade knew he had enquired about Mu Millie past he didn't know what he had discovered but he would let him hurt Mu Millie:" I knew you have been prying into Mu Millie past if you want to know anything all you have to do is ask I will tell you about Mu Millie life, its complicated and it's only going to get more complicated now as they all find out she is here so if you don't want to protect her stay out of the way?"

Mu Kim looked at Mu Jade what did he mean this old man doesn't miss anything does he, he knows that gipsy witch has married a warlock what's the big deal she has come under their protection she was the daughter in law of his family and naturally they would protect her, he knows that much, he didn't know the marriage ritual had taken place and that they had joined to lots of ancestors they were once where the enemy's this couple had brought them together and his brother and sis in law were the ones that were predicted in the prophecy foretold by the ancestors everyone thought it was a myth, they no longer believed that there was a couple out there that could complete this marriage ritual he had seen many come and try and died that they all thought it was impossible. He also observed Mu Millie and there was nothing special, about her apart from his brother had fallen hard for her. He couldn't read her magic aura that was hidden well by her protection spell that she had been practised.