How was I going to show my face on Monday after the mess I made at the party? God I embarrassed the hell out of myself drinking that much. I vowed I'd never drink that much again, I barely remember what happened after my 5th shot. The first day of high school was surely not going to be one to forget.
As too why I drank so much at the back to school party, well, it all started when the summer before high school started.
Groggily I pressed snooze on my alarm. Fuck I was so not ready to be up right now. I leaned over to check the time off my phone screen. Fuck times 2. It was 8:40 AM. I officially was going to be late to class. I had a 9:15 AM summer class at the community college and it took almost exactly 20 minutes to get there. I sat up and stretched my arms out wide.
God, why did I sign up for this class? I'm going to be the only 15 year old in class surrounded by grown adults. Of course I couldn't get Kendall or Gina to take it with me. They were too busy focused on the beach and boys to want to take an Modern art class with me. I loved my friends but they had decided now that we were in high school, their lives would revolve around partying until August rolled around. I rolled my eyes at the thought of it.
By the time I took a shower and got ready it was already 9:00 AM. Shit, now I really have to rush. I decided that running there would be faster than having to wake up my hopelessly lost dad so I laced up my sneakers and threw all my supplies in a backpack. I'm really starting the day all kinds of good today, I thought sarcastically to myself.
I show up and check my phone for the time. Fuck me, I forgot it at home. I head to class and noticed everyone had already taken their seats but luckily for me, class hadn't started. I took a seat at the front and started setting up my notebook and pencils. The professor turned around and laughed looking at me.
"I see we have someone already taking advantage of the free summer college classes available for all students entering 9-12th grade. You must be Katherine Mullins, young one." He chuckled looking at his clipboard and making eye contact with me. I only just nodded and groaned, the day couldn't get any worse. I was here to get extra credits and pad my GPA. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Class has started so I hope everyone who needs to be here is actually here." He winked at me. No fucking way in hell dude, I screamed inside my head already. As the professor started the class and started to drone on brush strokes and famous modern artists, the doors to the class swung open. Of course I looked back, along with the rest of the class, to see who it was. There was the most gorgeous dude I had EVER seen. I'm talking about the tallest glass of water that I'd ever want to drink. He looked maybe 16 and had the jawline of a Greek god. His short but perfectly curled brown hair was styled so well that just a few curl fell into his eyes. And then there were his eyes. Now even from far away I could tell he had beautiful azul eyes that were priceless jewels. Such deep blue shouldn't exist but here he was.
"Now it looks like we have another young student ready to take on the masters of my favorite art period! I presume you are Bennett Carpenter." The professor clapped and marked off another name on his list. The teen god just smirked and half heartedly shook his hand in the air. I couldn't help but take a glance every now and then. A little peek didn't hurt, I told myself. That is, until I got caught.
I had looked over and maybe stared just a bit too long and accidentally made eye contact. And my, his eyes were more than just gem like. They swirled around like an angry ocean during the full moon. Maybe he was just angry that I was looking at him though, who knows. Either way I felt the heat rush to my checks and quickly looked away. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw him smirk and my heart raced. Oh god he was hot. I took one last glance and he made eye contact again. This time he winked at me before I blushed and looked away for the second time.
Once class had ended I gathered up all my shit and dumped it in to my backpack. This time I had time though to walk back home so I was taking my time. As I was zipping up my backpack though I took another look to see if Mr. Glass of Water was still here only to be disappointed when no one was sitting in his seat. Oh well, at least I have something to get me to be here on time for the next class. Something besides that pedo teacher.
During the walk home I passed by the diner. I knew I didn't have my phone so there was no way for me to tell my dad that I stopped somewhere but he was at work so it didn't matter. He never gets off before 5 PM anyways so I was fine to get a milkshake before walking home.
I walked in and the bell rang on the front door. I saw my favorite waitress Becca working the day shift. I walked up to the counter and sat down.
"Why hello there sweet thing, I'm glad to see you today. You started your first college class today, right?" Becca smiled so blissfully at me. She was the classic beautiful belle. Gorgeous blonde hair that shone like molten gold when the light hits just right and blue eyes that mirrored the clearest blue Hawaiian oceans. She was truly stunning and almost every guy wanted to be waited on her. She was busy every time I came into the dinner, especially today with it being the first true week of summer break. At least for some people.
"Hey Becca!" I smiled at her, glad that she remembered I started my class today, "yeah it was my first day and it was amazing learning about Monet and Frida Pinto. Plus there was another kid around my age and let me tell you he was a stud!" I had squeaked the last part out because as Becca was laughing at my comments I had just spotted the stud I just so happened to be gloating about. Oh fuck and just like that, my heart dropped out of my chest. The stud looked at me with a coke in his hand and smirked, walking towards the counter and plopping himself on the seat next to mine.
"Hey you just love to stare and weird out people, don't you?" He gleamed at me with that stupid boyish smirk. My heart was racing so hard. I embarrassed the shit out of myself just now and he actually came over. I bet he did it to prank me though, but I tried to ignore that part of my brain.
This time I got a better look at his Azul eyes. While they were of the deepest blue, they had little specks of gold scattered around. Beautiful golden pieces like a cracked Japanese pot. Jesus Kitty, please knock yourself out of this daydream. His lips were full and his teeth were pearly white and everything lined up so well when he smiled. And from almost every time I've seen Mr. Water today, he's been smiling. He waved his hand in front of me as I apparently spaced out with my cheek rest on my fist.
"Oh I'm sorry what? Um Becca, I'll take a coke please!" I shook awake with my face warming up to beet red. Oh no. Why me I yelled inside my head.
"Listen," he stuck his hand out, "my name is Bennett but you can call me Ben for short. What's your name? I see you're taking modern art as well." My pulse rapidly increased. He kept grinning the boyish smirk at me and I knew he was waiting for an answer. Shit, what even was my name? I'm 15 and never talked to a boy. How do I even react and what do I say?
"It's . . . Katherine. Bu-ut I actually go by-by Kitty." I shook his hand and thought I was such an idiot for stuttering like that.
"Kitty here's your soda. Also Josh in the back had some extra fries so I had him make a plate for you." Becca dropped some fries and my coke off, all while winking at me.
"So um, Bennett. Oh fuck, I meant Ben, there's some fries you know, if you want some." I pushed the plate towards him.
"You know what, I like how you say Bennett. You are my special college buddy and hereby are now allowed to call me Bennett." Bennett leaned over and grabbed a fry and used it as a sword to fake a knighting ceremony. He tapped the fry to my left then right shoulder as he knighted me to call him Bennett. I laughed so hard I thought coke would come out of my nose. I pushed the fries plate closer towards Bennett and thank him for the honor of his new nickname name. Today didn't suck all that much after all.
"So Kitty, what makes you take a college course during the only free time you'll have in high school? I can't imagine you woke up and decided to take the extraordinary boring modern art for fun." I guess Bennett did have a point with his question. I mean modern art is beautiful but I can tell just from the first day that it would be a grueling class. Plus I'm giving up unbelievable parties with my best friends to spend 5 hours a week with a creepy old professor. To be honest I wasn't exactly sure why I did it after talking to Bennett.
"You know, my dad told me I shouldn't waste my summers in high school and I know why not? I actually want to stay here and go to this college after college so I thought it's better to take advantage now I guess." I slowly stirred my coke with the plastic straw. I took a sip and looked over at Bennett waiting on his response. He just smiled.
"Awe so you think that drinking and getting high and not doing any college courses during your summer is a waste of time." He batted his long, envious eyelashes and spoke with a pout. I squinted at him. My lips curled into a shy smile.
"I detect sarcasm my lord."
"How dare you knight accuse me of such nonsense. Sarcasm is sacred and shall never be taunted again." He stuck his nose up and dipped his coke with his pinky up. I jokingly punched him in the arm. I'm glad I took modern art.
"Do you drive, my lord?" I asked after we had finished our sodas. He smirked.
"Does thy knight need a ride home?" I shook my head yes, blushing. Bennett looked at me and paid for our drinks and grabbed his car keys.
"After you knight. Knight of the corner counter!" I just realized I never found out what school Bennett goes to. Does he go to my high school?
"So, Kitty," he leaned over towards the passenger seat but far enough from my face that it wasn't close, "what school do you go to? I just moved here a couple days ago and I'm starting at the high school in August. My dad got a management position out here so voila." My heart raced, I still couldn't stop staring into those golden flecks that poured into his sapphire colored eyes. Was this even real?
He started uncontrollably laughing. I just looked at him puzzled and wanted to ask but was embarrassed of what he might have said.
"Oh I'm going to the same high school actually. I'm starting 9th grade this August." I was nervous that Bennett might think I'm just a stupid middle school girl since I actually hadn't started high school yet but I had hope. I was ready for high school and the opportunities high school had over middle school. I was already thinking about the ap classes, clubs, and sports I was going to try out. I had always looked forward to high school and didn't want to be judged before I even went. Bennett's luscious lips just curled into a smile and asked where my house was.
"Aren't you going to tell me what grade you'll be starting?" I choked on my heart hoping he wasn't a senior just looking for fun. I felt brave asking but my cheeks flustered with warmth. Why was he taking so long to answer.
"I'll be starting 10th," he chuckled, "I started school late so that's why I'm already 16 almost 17 and just starting softmore year. Where's your house my dear knight?" Oh thank god he wasn't leaving soon. I internally cheered and pointed in direction of my home.
Oddly enough, Bennett ended up being the kid of my new neighbors down the street. I blushed as he parked alongside the rode in front of my house. He walked me to my door and gave me that boyish smirk. He jokingly bowed and winked, waving his hand as he walked back to his car. At that moment I had decided that high school wasn't going to be so bad after all.