Chereads / Difficult Roads / Chapter 3 - The Longer the Wait, the Sweeter the Kiss

Chapter 3 - The Longer the Wait, the Sweeter the Kiss



The place Bennett had taken me was breathtaking. It was extraordinary in that you could see everything yet it was hidden by trees at the top of the mountain. I wonder how he found this spot? It had to have taken him a while to find the perfect position. It seemed like the idea spot for watching the sunset so I wonder why Bennett had brought me here so early in the day. Then I realized what he was up to. He wasn't planning on leaving until we watched the sunset together. What a perfect Friday so far, I thought.

Bennett pulled out a blanket and a little cooler from his trunk. He motioned at me and asked if I could grab his radio and bring that. How sweet, he is really making this seem like a date other than a platonic friendship hang out.

"Hey Kitty." He patted the spot on the blanket next to him. I wanted to run to it and jump into his arms. Okay stop being a needy bitch Kitty. You're about to start high school and you're in a whole college class with a softmore! But, he is a softmore. He's definitely had sex with someone before and she was probably 16 or 17. I bet she had a better ass and bigger boobs than you. I bet she was prettier than you and way more mysterious. Oh fuck, I can feel the jealous and insecure thoughts invading my mind. Stop it, I try to shake them out. Kitty, you're not good enough for a softmore boy.

Inside of my head I can see a shadowy dark figure that barely speaks above a whisper. She hisses into sight and I see her completely. She's me but far more exotic and enigmatic. Oh no, I can't allow myself to feel this, to think this. I have to push the bad thoughts out. I can't drive myself crazy when there technically isn't anything to drive myself crazy about! I was not dating anybody and owed nobody anything!

"But the girl before you had beautiful blue eyes and luscious blonde hair that smelled like peaches," the figure hissed. Everything turned dark again and all I could hear was cackling.

"Hey Bennett." I forcefully smiled up at him. Please don't notice how much of a crappy mess I am. I was so sure he could see the begging in my eyes because his dazzling eyes turned to a confused look. He look worried. I sign, knowing he feels it.

"Are you feeling all right Kitty? You don't look so good." He leans in to my face, studying it. He starts at my forehead then moves to my eyes down to my nose and stops at my lips. He lingers at my lips, watching them. He brushes his index finger over my bottom lip and I feel like crying. Why did this god of a 16 year old ever talk to me? His eyes close and begins to lean in slowly, pacing himself. His hand slips from my mouth to grasp my jaw and keeps me steady. He's going to kiss me. Holy shit, he's going to kiss me! I close my eyes expecting those soft lips.

Our lips connect ever so slightly and I feel that static electricity that they talk about in the movies. I wrap my arms around Bennett and accidentally pulled him over me. He falls but catches himself without breaking our kiss. He slides his left hand down my sides, alongside my hips. Damn he was smooth as hell. I really am just here with an extremely attractive softmore on top of me and we are kissing. Bennett breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. His boyish grin gave me butterflies all the way into my throat. His stormy eyes sparkled as we locked our gazes.

"You're so beautiful you know? I can't help but gush over those gorgeous eyes of yours. They pull me in every time." He sat up and pulled me up with him. I had hoped he would keep kissing me, maybe more. I shook my head trying to stop thinking. My overthinking wasn't helping the anxiety of everything. We enjoyed the rest of our time and eventually the sun set. Bennett dropped me off at home and I couldn't help but grin the second he left. I began to work on my paper upstairs and stared at my phone, waiting for his text.



After I dropped Kitty off I headed to my own house. It wasn't that far away as we lived just a few houses down. Honestly it was hard not to think about sneaking up her back window and kissing her again. I laughed the thought off and parked in front of my house, walking straight to my room. My mom stopped me before I could rush the stairs and had a very stern look on her face.

"Honey, where were you? I made dinner and you didn't show." She cross her arms and blocked the stairs. Oh god, I am in trouble.

"I was with one of the neighbors. They're in my class at the college and we went to go work on a paper due Monday together." Mom raised her eyebrow, giving me an odd look.

"This wouldn't be the Mullins' daughter? I heard she's in your class. She's very pretty, Ben." I stumbled and stuttered, unsure of what to say. She dropped her arms and waved her hand to lead me into the kitchen.

"I left a plate in the microwave for you. Don't stay up too late." She chuckled under her breath and walked into the living room.

Great, now my mom definitely knows that I like the girl next door. I should've expected nothing less. She was very perceptive.

I thought about tonight. I think it counted as our first unofficial date. I never actually asked her on a dat but I scooped out the spot and it was just the 2 of us. Plus I kissed her. Man, what a kiss. I actually kissed her tonight, and she got so nervous that she clumsily pulled me on top of her. I missed her already, my little Kitty. I need to make my mark on her so everyone knows she's mine by the time school starts. She was so unique that I didn't want anyone else to have her. I sigh, knowing that I still have to do a paper between now and Monday. Well maybe tomorrow Kitty and I can actually meet up at the library to work on the paper. It still needs to get done anyways. I head over to my bed and check my phone. Should I text her about tonight? Should I text her a good night message? I bet she's checking her phone right now but I don't want to be too eager. Dad always said to never call the same night as a date. Then again, that wasn't even a real date. I fell asleep thinking about it. I guess that was my answer.