He didn't text.
I really thought he was going to send something but I guess he decided not to. I mean why would he? He's probably talking to another girl right now. I looked at my desk to check on my paper. I had stayed up so late that I fell asleep at my desk. I was waiting up all night and ended up writing part of my essay due on Monday. I checked my phone notification and the time read 8:07 AM. Wow, it's early on a Saturday morning. I decided I wouldn't just wait around for Bennett to call. I touched my lips where he kissed me. My heart fluttered thinking about the static that happened when he kissed me and grabbed my jaw. Amazing work, I thought. Maybe I should text him? I decided against it. I thought it would be nice to hang out with my best friends today. Bennett can wait, it might even make him want me more.
I called Kendall and Gina. I put the phone call on a 3 way and yelled hey.
"How's it ladies? We should do something today!" I was a little surprised they answered their phones considering I know there was a major party last night. They probably just got to bed a couple hours ago.
"Kitty, my most favorite bitch. Well except for my wifey right here." I heard Kendall laughing obnoxiously in the background. Gina was still drunk, obviously.
"Well i was thinking we could go to a party tonight. I'm almost done with my pa-" I get interrupted as Gina starts screaming into my ear.
"Yes, yes, yes!! Literally have been waiting since summer started for you to ask! Party tonight at the twins palace. I'll text you the address and maybe we will meet some boys!" Gina sounded like I never call her when I have talked to her throughout the week. I've just been busy with school and Bennett. Oh shit, I need to tell them about Bennett.
"Can I hang out at your place until then? I'll have my dad drive me." I hear extra shrieks and I start to get ready.
After I'm done getting my overnight bag together I wake up my dad. He rolls over growing.
"Dad, hey dad. Can you drive me to Gina's? Her mom said I could spend the night and I almost finished my paper." I shake him until he's fully awake. He sits up straight and looks at me with a concerned look.
"Wait, why did you wait until last minute. Why didn't you ask yesterday after hanging out with them at the drive in." I forgot I lied to my dad about where and who I was with. I knew he wouldn't approve of me being with a 16 year old boy. My dad could get so protective at times it was ridiculous.
"Because we just talked about it this morning, it was just a super last minute thing!" He scratched his head then nodded. He got up to go change in the bathroom and when he came up he grabbed the car keys.
"Be safe sweetheart. Don't do anything I wouldn't do at your age." He honks for me to say I love him. I rolled my eyes but told him anyways. I didn't want him to think I was going to be facedown drunk tonight.
"Ginaaaaa! Kendalllll! Where's your mom?" I ran up to Gina's room. I was surprised to see her mom wasn't here but her car was.
"Oh she went for a run. Apparently I have a running mom now." Gina laughs, sobered up some. "She'll be back in another 10 minutes or so, she just left maybe 15 minutes ago."
I nodded and grin. My stomach rumbles. I wasn't hungry but I knew it was because of nerves. I wanted to tell my best friends about Bennett so badly. It grew quiet for a second. Kendall has fallen back asleep and Gina got up to use the bathroom.
Ah shit, was that my phone? I get it out of my backpack and see what my dad had to say now. I look at the phone screen and had to hold back my yelp. Bennett just messaged me! Holy shit, he finally messaged me! Gina peeked around the doorway of the bathroom.
"Um, your phone rang? I know it's not your dad, Kendall is sleeping and I didn't text," her lips curled into her mischievous smile, "who was it?" She quickly tackled me into her bed. Of course the commotion woke up Kendall. Fuck me, now I have 2 monsters to deal with. I rolled my eyes, giggling.
"Well, that's one reason why I wanted to come over. I might have some news." I blushed, pointing my phone towards Kendall and Gina.
"Not to brag, but I think we're really cute together. ;)" It took so much out of me not to respond right there and then.
"Guys, I met this super hot guy in my college class." I started jumping up and down hoping they would cheer. And they did.
"So like have you kissed orrrr you know?" Kendall winked at me. I blew a raspberry back at her. That slut.
"I've literally only had one boyfriend and he was kind of a jerk to me. Obviously we haven't done anything crazy but we did share an amazing kiss last night" I typed in my passcode to show them a picture of Bennett. Their mouths dropped and I swear I saw Gina drooling when they saw him. I had sneakily took a picture of him yesterday at the diner. I knew I wanted proof.
"Holy fucking shit dude! He's sexy af!" Gina screamed and grabbed my phone. She zoomed in on his eyes then his face. She was bouncing all over the place at this point. Kendall just looked at me smiling.
"K.I.S.S.I.N.G" Kendall just made smooching noises at me. I rolled my eyes, that kiss was amazing. My friends could tease me all they want.
"You should invite him tonight. Like to the party." Gina hip bumped me and winked. I laughed and said that I would think about it.
I messaged her first like she's probably been waiting for even though I dm'd her and she definitely didn't respond. Be cool, I told myself. She didn't know you messaged her the first time.
Sent. Oh no. Was I too forward? I mean I hella kissed her last night, I was on top of her no less. She's gotta like me right? God, she makes me nervous. I was going to wait until she responded to see if she wanted to write our papers together. I kind of started it this morning but my head was so in other places. I couldn't help but think of Kitty's lips, of her body in something tight that compliments it. Stop, you are literally working yourself up.
I waited for her response and it felt like forever. I'm a dude, I shouldn't be so scared and nervous to talk to a girl. I mean I've had plenty of girlfriends and even lost my virginity last Christmas to my ex. Like it shouldn't be this hard to just be together. I'm going to ask her on a real date if we study together today.
I laid down on my bed, thinking of her beautiful haze eyes that glistened and sparkles. Why is it that this smart girl decided to waste her time with a loser like me? Maybe she's just trying to get with me for clout, I'm an older dude after all and that's the only reason my ex was with me. I was just the goofy trophy. It didn't matter that I was in love and would've done anything for her. I have to move on though. Kitty is the perfect girl in my next chapter in this new town.
I head downstairs to get some breakfast and mom was home today. I was pretty surprised but not really since she's a nurse and her hours change a lot. Normally she works days though but since we moved she's been working nights.
"Good morning my beautiful madre. What kind of food do you have today?" I smile at her and flash my hungry for homemade waffles look. She read my mind and flicked her wrist in the direction of the counters.
"Ben, you know I always make you waffles if I'm off on the weekend. I spoil you too much." She pours the mixture into the waffle iron and starts cooking scrambled eggs. I sit down excitedly awaiting my breakfast.
"So I was thinking about inviting Kitty from down the street to work on our paper again." My cheeks stuffed, I could barely talk. Mom was sitting down with me drinking her coffee. She winked and laughed.
"Oh dear, I haven't seen you this clumsy in a while. I can tell you like her. You're acting just like you did with that Shelby girl." She tried to stop when she saw my sad face but she was too late. It did hurt when Shelby broke up with me but then we moved and I wasn't going to let her affect me anymore. Mom leaned back in her chair and stretched.
"I suppose it's alright. Just please don't get into any trouble. She seems really young and naive. I heard she's just now starting high school so she may not be at the same level as you dear." I knew she would say something cause I'm starting my softmore year and Kitty is just starting high school.
"It's fine mom. This is a new school for me too. The only difference is I can drive." I gulp down the rest of the food and rush to get ready. I was going to check my phone but I wanted to be ready just in case first.
I check my phone as I got out the shower. 1 notification from Kitty. How did my heart just fall out of my chest at the response.
"Hey Bennett! So I'm going to a party tonight with some girlfriends and wanted to know if you could drive us."
Did she just use me for a ride? I really thought she liked me more than a taxi. I sighed. She kissed back too hard to not be into me. There's no way, especially cause I probably was her first kiss. She's gotta like me. I looked in the mirror and smiled, hoping to boost my nonexistent confidence.
"Ok so I texted him ladies! The way he kissed me yesterday there's no way he'd say no! Plus I'm sure he's been to so many parties so he will blend it just fine!" I sounded self-assured but inside I was crawling in a ball like a scared child. Was I too bossy asking for a ride? What if he thinks I'm just using him? What if he doesn't want to show me off and make whatever we have public? So many insecure thoughts shared space in my mind. Would they ever go away?
Gina and Kendall were on the edge of the bed now. They loved my positivity and were ready to gossip the whole day. They talked about going to the mall and buying new outfits to show off for the party. I just smiled and laughed, pretending everything was ok.
At the mall we found the perfect clothes that showed off our assets. Next it was to Sephora and Ulta to pick out our make up for the night. We 3 had already decided to go neutral but emphasize our best features. Gina was a pretty face, but skinny with no chest or butt so we got her all dolled up in the hair and face . For her outfit she would wear a crop top and skort, nothing too showy. Kendall had big boobs that looked almost fake so we simplified her make up and got her a busty romper. And me, well they had joked about getting me laid tonight even though I literally wasn't even dating Bennett so my make up was that no make up look. I ended up wearing a pair of daisy dukes that fit my big butt nicely and a cute tube top that showed my slight cleavage. Tonight we didn't look 15 that's for sure. I just hope that Bennett wouldn't think we were trying too hard.