My heart thumps. I check my phone screen and it reads 8:19 PM. Damn, Bennett was supposed to meet us at the park by now. We weren't that far from his house.
After I asked him earlier to go to the party and drive us he quickly responded with a "yes ;)". I was still scared of him thinking that we were just using him as a ride but I was going to make it up to him tonight. He was going to get many, many kisses from me. We had finished getting ready and devised a plan to sneak out of Gina's room to the park that was down the street from her. It was fast and easy to maneuver our way out but I specifically told Bennett to meet us at this bench. I told him we would leave Gina's house and it would only be a 5 minute walk to the park. I even sent a picture of the spot earlier and had my location posted. My phone buzzed. I looked at the notifications and it read Bennett's name.
"Hey, just got here. I'm by the bench?" I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought he might have stood us up. He could do so much better than me anyways. Stop, I tel myself. Not here, definitely not right now.
"God damn! Is he here yet? My fingers are frozen! I can't even feel my hands anymore." Kendall was rubbing her hands together and blowing on them. It was oddly cold for a early summer evening. Hopefully the alcohol we were about to drink would warm us up. I was hoping that Bennet would hug me and never let go.
I called him on the phone.
"Hey Kitty." I could hear him smirking. My stomach filled with butterflies. I was so nervous now.
"Hi Bennett. Can you see us?" I waved my hand in the air. I could hear him chuckling over the phone I hear his car revving and I look to see him parked just a few feet away from us. His car blended in with the grey gravelly road. I shout to my friends that he was here.
We all rush to get in the midsized SUV. As I head for the backseat, Gina looks my way shaking her head and points to the front seat. I feel the heat rush to my face when I open the passenger side door and slide into the seat next to Bennett. He just looks over to make eye contact and shines that boyish smile towards me. I got lost into his eyes again. I could never not be mesmerized by his swirling ocean eyes. I shook my eyes away knowing that I probably stared a little too long. My friends giggled in the backseat proving me right. Fuck me, I guess. I got too lost in his intoxicating gaze.
"Hey, you look really cute. Hope you didn't dress up for just me." Bennett looked me up and down, grinning from ear to ear. Oh great. He was checking me out. I just flash him a smile and a wink. I look back to my friends and I can see them just laughing. They both joined hands in a heart shape and puckered their lips towards me. I couldn't roll my eyes enough. I was ready to get to the party.
You could hear the music from a block away. It was loud EDM blasting out of speakers on both the inside and outside of the house. There were already numerous cars lining the driveway and we ended up having to park a few minutes down the street. We had to walk but it wasn't too bad honestly. My friends ran ahead of us, desperately wanting to join the partygoers.
Kitty was captivating in her little outfit tonight. My heart raced and I couldn't help but ogle her beautiful body.
"Hey your friends are already off to the party it seems." I was taken aback by the sudden detachment. I would think Kitty's friends would somewhat stay with us instead of rushing off. I wasn't going to complain too much though because now it was just Kitty and me. I laughed and ran over to open the passenger side door for her.
"My dear knight, your night of wonder awaits you." I bow and wave my arm towards the party. Kitty blushed and I smiled back at her. I loved how I made her so nervous and weak.
She slowly got out of the car and stood there, only looking up at me. She looked happy and it made me warm. Warm all over. Ah fuck, too warm in some spots. I grabbed her chin with my right hand and lower myself down to kiss her with fury. I wanted her to know how gorgeous she was tonight and always. Kitty immediately relaxed and wrapped her arms around me. When we let go, I grabbed her hand and we walked towards the party.
"Hey do you drink? This is like maybe our 3rd or 4th hang out and I haven't figured out what type of girl you are just yet." I grinned at her, teasingly, holding 2 cups of beer from the tap. I just wanted to test how far I could annoy her before she realizes that she doesn't like me. She stutters before aggressively grabbing the red sole cup from my hand. She took a big gulp before wiping off her face and glaring at me with those magical green brown eyes. I was impressed. I wasn't planning on drinking more than a beer or 2 since I was the one driving and knew that I would have to get the girls home safely. I especially wanted to care for Kitty and make sure nothing would happen to her.
"Hey are you new here or something. You're like really hot so, like, I'm Maria." Some girl, obviously already drunk, had rushed up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. I shook my head and took Kitty's hand against to walk away. I look at Kitty and sensed a hint of jealousy. I wonder if she knew that Maria girl? She was pretty but nobody compared to Kitty tonight.
"Let's go find my friends. I just want to check on them to make sure they haven't jumped any boys. Gotta take care of those poor boys that will eventually fall in Gina and Kendall's claws though." Kitty walked off and eventually I lost her. Ah fuck dude. How was I going to find her in a house full of people and the music so loud I couldn't hear my own thoughts?
About an hour goes by and I just gave up. I had finished my first beer and while I was walking over to get another, I see Kitty talking to Gina and Kendall. I should really say trying to. Gina was grinding on Kendall and Kendall was slapping her ass. They were pretty gone, but Kitty was just laughing and shaking her hips in place. I went up to her and grabbed her free hand. She looked up at me and her face turned tomato red. Ah, she's definitely buzzed.
"Hey Kitty. I've been looking for you." I was upset that she seemed to not be looking for me. You'd think she would've wanted to somewhat stay close since she was the one who invited me. I know we didn't know each other super well but I felt a real connection.
"Oh it's my lord! Little Bennett. My Bennetton. Bennettito." Kitty laughs and jumps onto me wrapping both arms around my back and her legs around my waist. Her drink almost falls from her house and definitely spilled but she somehow caught it. I was shocked at her touch, only patting her on the back then taking her off.
"Kitty, walk with me to get a drink. Then we can sit down and enjoy the party together." I grab her hand as we walk towards the kitchen. I make myself a mixed drink this time, requiring something stronger. I get Kitty just a can of coke. Just like what she drinks on our diner dates, I though smiling to myself. I hand over her drinks and I could tell she's been staring. Kitty grins so nicely at me as she grabs the soda then sets it down. She grabs my hand and squeezes it, then kisses me on the cheek.
"Hey Bennett, lets go outside where it's quieter and there's not so many people." My face lights up as Kitty begins to lead me into the outside patio. We end up in a swinging loveseat that forces us to sit really close with our bodies touching.
"How are you liking the party?" I casually wrap my arm around her and she giggles.
"It's fun Benny. But I'm glad we are out here right now." Surprisingly she leaned over, cupping my face with her hands, and kissed me passionately. Her mouth connected with mine in a more intense sensation that we had the other time. Our lips parted as our tongues swirled around each other, enjoying the taste. I immediately wanted more and pulled Kitty closer. I could feel her dainty hands clutching my shoulders tight. We parted, out of breath, and I jumped up lending my hand towards Kitty. She took my hand, standing up too.
"Kitty, you are so beautiful. I'd love to keep seeing you out of class like we have been. I just want to be closer to you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I wrapped my arms around her, fiercely waiting for her answer.
Did he just? Oh my God, you have got to be shitting me. Either the drinking has made me really start hallucinating or Bennett just asked me to be his girlfriend. That was really fast. I'm overjoyed of course, but why here and now? It wasn't the right time. I sit back down on the swing seat. I looked up to Bennet and his face was hurt. I could tell I offended him by not responding faster. My thoughts spin in my head.
"Bennet, we need more time. I-I need more time." I twirl my thumbs nervously, looking at my feet. Even with the booming music it suddenly becomes quiet. I kick some nearby rocks, trying to fill the silence between us now.
"We have only known each other a week. I want to know that you aren't just a normal teenage boy. I have been hurt by someone else and I'm afraid to get attached too soon again." I stand back up and embrace Bennett. After a few seconds he drapes his arms over me and I feel wetness against my cheek. I look up to see that he shed a little tear. I was surprised he cried at that. Honesty we had only been hanging out for a week. It didn't seem long enough to officially claim him as mine, regardless if I already considered him mine. I wasn't ready to be his girlfriend.
"Hey Kitty, it's alright. I just wanted you to be officially mine. I'll wait until you're comfortable, I promise." He hugged me tighter and I saw his boyish grin. He leaned over and kissed me again. I let the alcohol take over and kissed him back harder just as I did earlier.
"It's really nice out here. I'm glad it's just the 2 of us now." I nuzzled my face into his chest. I sat back into the swinging chair and motioned for Bennett to join me. We both finished our drinks and Bennett put his arm around me again.
"So Kitty, you wanna go take a shot together later? I bet you a lunch at the diner if you can handle just one little shot." Bennett laughed as I just nodded. I really enjoyed his boyish smirk.
"Yes, but for now I just want to sit here for a bit and drink. It's too loud in there." I take another sip of my drink and close my eyes, leaning into Bennett's shoulders.
About 20 minutes goes by and we find ourselves back inside about to take our shot. Bennett pours the liquor into a cup and we clink them together and gulp. It was disgusting and the burn hurt my throat. I cheered knowing I won because I took the shot with no issues. Bennett grabs my hand and drags me into the living room where my friends were now dancing with other guys. He spun me around in a twirl and I realized he was trying to dance with me. I started shaking my hips, throwing my hands over his shoulders as he wrap his hands around my hips. We started swaying to the high paced song.
Eventually we meet back up with my friends and decide to leave. Bennett was fine to drive but my friends were very obviously drunk. I was buzzed since Bennett and I went inside and took another shot. We got to the front of Gina's house and he dropped us off there. It was late enough to where we could easily sneak in without being noticed. I ran over to the driver side to give him a quick kiss goodnight. It was a wonderful night and I'm glad that Bennett and I decided to take time to start our relationship.