"Ok so it's a Friday night," I told myself. Speaking out loud always helped calm my mind. It made me feel less anxious because sometimes too much thinking clouds everything and I got overwhelmed. I'm sitting at my desk with my laptop flipped open. I have my phone with the screen facing up on the side of the keyboard. I lean back into the chair and stretch, letting out an innocent moan. I'm just buying time, I think to myself. What a fucking lonely girl I'm being. I grab my phone and check my notifications, hoping to see a certain someone's name pop up.
It had been 5 days since I met Bennett after the first class. Honestly it was amazing talking to him at the diner and even Becca had expressed interest yesterday when I hung out at the diner after class again. I forgot my phone that first day so I wasn't able to get his phone number or any of his social media but he ended up finding me on Instagram later that night and following me. I remember how my heart soared when I saw his handle under my notifications bar. I was planning on messaging him that night but I wanted to wait. He needed to like at least 3 photos in a row otherwise he wasn't showing the proper amount of interest.
I showed up to class early on Tuesday looking a hell lot better than the first day. I thought since it was technically college and we hadn't got our seats assignment that he would sit next to whenever I sat. I purposely got there early so that it would be obvious that he had changed seats. I was so afraid of being rejected since I couldn't tell if he had even flirted with me at the diner. Class started at the 9:15 AM time but Bennett didn't show. I was so confused and frustrated because the creep teacher made a comment.
"Well my dear Katherine, looks like you're the best young academic in this room." His lips curled up in a smile but his eyes filled with an ugly desire. I wanted to run, but I thought of this class bringing me closer to my dream of having a partial degree before even graduating high school. So, I dealt with the gross stares and inappropriate remarks. Maybe Bennett had something come up and that he would come to school tomorrow?
Friday came and he was there! I had dressed slightly more casual today since I forced myself to stupidly believe he wouldn't show up again. I didn't even get to class on time, I just strolled past Bennett and sat at my now regular seat. I felt his boyish grin and knew he was staring. I had to swallow and it was useless. I felt my heart racing and I knew he was going to make a move. Maybe, probably. I wait until class had almost ended and we were given time to work on our homework before I peeked behind me, trying to see what Bennett was doing. He was writing and looked so serious. As if he felt me staring at him, his eyes wavered up towards mine. We held eye contact for a few seconds before I looked away, my cheeks about to melt from the heat and embarrassment at the fact he saw. I could tell he just had his stupid smirk and playful look in his eyes.
"Students, I'll see you next week. Class has ended and please make sure you complete your papers by Monday!" The professor grabbed his papers and started cleaning up his desk, sorting everything neatly. I checked my phone's time. It was 10 AM. Huh, class ended early today. Ah, at least I will have extra time to write my paper on my option of my favorite modern artist.
I gather all of my notes slowly. Maybe if I bait my time correctly, Bennett will walk over here and explain why he hasn't talked to me or showed up to class yesterday. I finish and he has yet to walk over so I stretch my legs, sneakily glancing in his direction. He is just now standing up to put his things away. I wonder why, I took at least a good minute or 2 to organize my notes in my bag. I shrug to myself and prop my bag over one of my shoulders. I turn on my heel to walk home and pass Bennett's desk.
He grabs me by the wrist and stops me. I look at him, my stomach fluttering. Fuck, I feel sick. I wondered if he would offer me a ride home since he knows I walk to class.
"Kitty, hey." He smirks that boyish grin. My knees feel week. He was so handsome, I couldn't relax. I swear his navy blue eyes swirling with golden freckles looked straight into my soul.
"I found your insta, was kind of hoping you would message or something. I thought we were becoming friends?" He let go of my wrist and started walking backwards towards the exit. On cue I followed, walking straight.
"I mean," I blushed, "I thought you would message me since you found me." I tried to sound flirty and confident but I feel I came off as stuck up and prudish. Bennett's smile turned neutral. Ah shit, I definitely came off as stuck up. I signed, hoping he'd forgive me.
"You need a ride home, right?" He turned around walking correctly now. We walked over to Bennett's car. Like a gentleman he opened my door for me.
"I, um, noticed you hadn't shown up to class Wednesday. Was is like a rebellious skipping or maybe you met a girl?" Fuck, that was totally inappropriate of me to ask.
"I-I, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just blurt it out like that. Just thinking out loud." I blushed and wished I wasn't in his car. I looked at him, almost feeling like I had to cry out of embarrassment. He probably thought I was a stupid little girl.
"Kitty, lets stop by the diner again. After all you are my knight, remember?" He smiled warmly at me in that boyish way. He knows I just want his time, his annoying presence.
We pulled into the parking lot of the diner. It was almost 11 AM by the time we got there and I knew the lunch special would start soon. I heard Kitty's stomach groan in hunger and knew that lunch at the diner was the perfect excuse to spend more time with her. I turned off my car and sat there for a second. I looked over to Kitty. Man, she was really beautiful. I admired her eyes, seeing them up close. They were stunning, a unique mixture of emerald green and light golden brown. The rings around her eyes were flecks of yellow encircled by a deep blue haze. Even just sitting there doing absolutely nothing I felt nervous. I heard her stomach rumble again. Alright, that was my signal to go inside. I take one last look at her mesmerizing hazel eyes.
I open the door for her to walk in, holding back from touching her body.
The door chimes as we both walk into the diner. Kitty heads straight for the counter and greets the waitress. The smile Kitty has is intoxicating.
"Becca! How was your day pretty lady!" I gleam brightly at her, smiling as wide as I can. I hadn't seen her in 2 days and missed my almost daily soda and gossip.
"I brought along my friend again!" I say almost too excitedly and Bennett laughs while sitting down at a table. His eyes glitter with laughter. Becca winks and brings over 2 sodas.
"So are you going to tell me why you didn't show up to class Wednesday or are you just going to keep me hanging?" I whisper, afraid of being too pushy. I tried to be somewhat humorous, but his changed expression says otherwise. I pause, thinking that maybe I was being too forward. I pulled the coke close and sipped while I waited for his answer. I couldn't help but need to know the reason he didn't show up. Our eyes met once again.
"Yeah, well I was a little disheartened when I didn't get a response from you on Monday night so I didn't show. I honestly didn't think you would notice. I mean our hang out was cool and all, but when you didn't reply I figured it wasn't memorable for you." Bennett shrugs, looking down with a sad puppy dog look upon his face. My heart sunk at his reaction. I pulled out my phone and looked at my Instagram dm's. It didn't look like he had sent me any messages. I reached out my phone to show him with my other hand grazing his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry Bennett. I swear I checked because I really wanted to talk to you too! I just didn't want to confuse you with my intentions." He grabbed my phone and suddenly I felt his shoulders shaking. Oh fuck, what'd I do now? His gaze meets mine and I can see him fully erupting in laughter. Why was he laughing? I took my phone back so aggressively he facial expression turned to shock.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh. Kitty, you're such a blonde" He continues laughing as my face turns redder and redder. I looked to see my phone now just see get clarity on what he was even talking about. Oh shit! I'm such a dumbass, I should've caught that! I grumble to myself. I hadn't actually follow Bennett back so his message was in my message requests from people who I didn't follow. I saw his message now and looked at the time. Oh my God! He messaged me only 10 minutes after he had dropped me off at home on Monday. I smiled so hopelessly, I just pray that Bennett hadn't seen that cheesy smile.
"Well, now that we are done with the interrogation my little knight, how about we actually go out and do something that isn't eating or sitting in a classroom? I'd hate for you to actually start that paper tonight and I want to show you my special spot that I found when I skipped. I think you'd quite enjoy it." He said with that boyish smirk of his. I hope that his heart was racing just as furiously as mine is.
This girl was everything already. I had already known her for barely 5 days and I felt as if I had always known her. Sure I have dated and had girlfriends before but Kitty was special. Getting to know her was easy and I loved the way I made her squirm whenever I smiled at her. Plenty of girls have told me I was hot and handsome, but Kitty made me feel as more than just looks. She liked asking questions and getting to know me. I was going to relish in the moments I had with her.
My plan was to take her to his hike that was just outside the small town. Since I skipped class yesterday I didn't want to stay home and have to explain to my parents as to the reason why. So I drove. I drove and explored and tried to find cozy little hideaways to bring Kitty to. I went regardless of her not responding and figured this would a great way to have her make it up to me. Yes, I would have to punish my little knight for not replying when she should've. Heh, I grumbled to myself, maybe I'll kiss her and take her breath away as punishment. I opened her side door and waited until she was sitting comfortable before walking around the car to the driver's side.
"So you probably know where I'm taking you, right? I mean you grew up here so I'm sure you had a boy take you" I show off a cheeky grin to her as she shakes her head in embarrassment. I can see her face all flustered and I know her heart is racing. I can almost hear it, its so loud.
"I actually moved here about 6 years ago. I started 3rd or 4th grade once I got here so I don't really know much. Plus I don't have a license and pretty much all the boys I know are pricks." During the last sentence Kitty had crossed her arms, mumbling about some boy. That piqued my curiosity. Could she already have a crush on someone and maybe she just sees me as a platonic friendship? I mean we have only known each other for 5 days so maybe I should't have got my hopes up.
I honestly can't believe Bennett implied that I had a lot of boyfriends. Like hell I did! Boys wouldn't even look at me. Well all except for one, Ryan Summers. I remember Ryan Summers. He was my other "boyfriend" if you could even call what we had anything at all. He was dreamy with his deep brown, soulful eyes and chiseled jawline. He kept his black hair shoulder length and had skin the color of caramel candy. He was my first kiss but he broke my heart before it could go any farther than that. I shook the memory way, it wasn't even 2 months ago now. A piece of me was definitely in love with Ryan still, but Bennett was honestly new. Plus, he felt special. Bennett felt like eating fresh cotton candy at my local county fair. He smelled amazing too like blackberry body wash and lightly scented cologne. It was intoxicating just to be near him and I couldn't wait for the car to get to his secret spot for us. For me.