My eyes went wide when I realized what the figure was. "Goblin!" I said aloud. I was so captivated at seeing this being that I could not take my gaze from it. I could tell it female because it's outfit was filled out at the chest area. I looked from its bare feet that had four toes each to its surprisingly toned legs inside a set of tight black leggings. I continued examining this female goblin and noticed it's long ears that arched back had little splits and small chunks missing in the bottom sides. Her hair appeared to be an ink black color with a dark purple sheen in the candle light.
I caught the glint of something when I moved the candle closer to her face and saw she was wearing my dead mothers necklace. I quickly grabbed it and snatched it off the goblin. I jumped back when the motion startled the goblin awake. it saw me and started chattering wildly as it readied itself to jump me again. I realised my dagger was still on the ground but I didn't notice the gem in the necklace started glowing. 'if I can reach my dagger...' my though was cut off when the goblin jumped me. I drop the candle in my right hand and reached for its neck. I grabbed and started to squeeze but stopped when it's glowing eyes started to roll back in its head. I let go and stood up. I realised my room door was open and ran to shut it so the goblin female wouldn't escape.
I realised the only light in the room was the necklace in my hand and the goblin started chattering again. I frowned as I stared at the glowing greenish yellow eyes then was shocked when I started to understand what she was saying.
"Human scum.....i kill you.....will not be prisoner.....die first..."
My eyes went wide. I was dumbstruck. "you speak my language!" at hearing my voice, the goblin female stopped 'chattering-talking' ?? and tilted her head to the side in confusion, "how human know my speak?" her eyes narrowed and she crouched again ready to pounce at me again. I looked at the glowing necklace in my hand. I held it up and looked at the goblin, " I think this is letting us understand each other"
"that is speak stone." her eyes relaxed a little and I noticed she glanced around the room a few times but I was lost in thought at the moment. The necklace my father gave my mother was magical. did he know? I should ask him about it when I see him today... oof!
I was harshly brought out of my own head and back to reality when the goblin threw all he weight into my chest and I slammed against the room door. my body jolted the hinges and slid down to the floor in a sitting position.
the female goblin started hissing and cursing when she saw I didn't fall the way she wanted. I started laughing at her frustration and that only made it worse, "Cassa stupid. Not hit right. Stop laughing! stupid human!" she glared at me and I would have been dead if her looks could kill. I pulled my legs closer and crossed them so I could set more comfortable in front of the door.
I rubbed my chest with my free hand and smirked at the goblin, " you are strong for a female goblin." She straightened up and stared at me. I could see a wry smirk on her face and she flexed her arms at me. She quickly grabbed her stomach when it lightly growled. "I have food" I held up my hands and her eyes narrowed as I move slowly towards my desk. Her gaze was glued to my movements as I slowly opened the drawer and produces a few strips of dried meat. I held out one of the pieces toward her and she snatched it from my hand and chewed it apart, "more!" she jumped at me and tore the other strips from my hand and chewed them apart as well. I couldn't help but laugh because for some reason I never got the feeling of being scared. maybe it was the sheer fascination or curiosity of something new but I was totally captivated with this new creature eagerly chewing on the dried meat. The glow from the necklace started fading and I grabbed for the candle and relit it. " I can't see in the dark" she stared at me and growled, crouching down against the floor again and I couldn't help but laugh when i saw the small piece of meat hanging from her sharp pointed teeth. "must leave. you give food. not kill you" I stopped laughing when she spoke and I stood up and looked at her with a smile, "you are not a prisoner. if you want more food, then I can get that for you," I stepped to the door and opened it with a smile.
"Fine. I wait here." she grunted and sat down on the floor so i left out of the room. I ran to the larder and grabbed a few more strips of dried meat. a chunk of cured pork and a jug of water. I also grabbed a needle and some thread and a some extra candles then went back to my room. I slowly stepped inside the door, watching for any signs of attack. I relaxed a bit when I saw the female goblin had moved to my bed. I intentionally left the door open as I went to my desk and placed the items on the top. I lit the extra candles and heard a little grunt from the goblin. "sorry. I need more light" I said as I tossed the cured ham beside her on the bed. she jumped at the sudden movement and growled at it until she started sniffing then attacked the chunk of meat. "what is your name?" I asked as she ate and she froze stiff." at my question. I looked at her when I didn't hear the furious sounds of her chewing.
a tense few moments passed until she slowly looked at me, "names exchanged between mates," her eyes widened when she said that. "oh no. I didn't mean anything. I was simply asking your name. I am Ered." then quickly went looked at my desk and attempted to string the needle I brought.
"Human not evil? no want to mate Cassa?" she questioned and i related her last question as a firm statement. she relaxed at this and went back to chewing on the pork chunk. "I can fix your clothing if you want." I waited for a reply but i was hit with some piece of cloth. When I straightened it out and realised what it was my face turned beat red and I did my best to resist my urge to look around. I have never had anyone in my room besides the rare occasion my father came in to wake me in the mornings. never mind a half naked female 'goblin' at that.
"why face red?" she said right beside me and I almost jumped out of my skin and fell off the chair. I could plainly see that was in fact female from the top half in the extra candle light and immediately covered my eyes with my hand. "don't do that!!! humans don't freely show there naked bodies to someone they just met!!" I yelled at her and Cassa went back to my bed and laid down and her front staring at me, "ok. I covered. you look now?"
I slowly parted my fingers my figured and gave a huge sigh of relief then went about stitching her torn top. "beautiful name. Cassa." she chuckled in response then silence.