Chereads / Daughter of The Snow Godess / Chapter 19 - Bathing in the moonlight

Chapter 19 - Bathing in the moonlight

Evan was towering over me. "Gods Rital, you slept through lunch and dinner! Get ready for the campfire! It is in 5 minutes!"

He ran out of my cabin and I got up to change into a t-shirt and shorts. I ran out of the cabin and arrived at the campfire just in time before Apollo started speaking.


"Okay, we have many things to discuss tonight. First of all, I would like to congratulate Jake and Jocelyn on a successful quest!" Apollo announced.

Everyone began cheering and Jake and Jocelyn stood up from the wood bleachers. I stayed standing behind Apollo keeping myself hidden.

I wondered what exactly they had to do, maybe it was a suicide mission or maybe they just had to go fetch something.

Apollo started discussing problems happening with the camp and how to improve it. You could tell everyone was waiting for him to bring up the visit we got today.

He finally brought up the quest Seth and I would embark on. "We need to forgive out how much we should contribute towards this quest."

"Nothing!" One yelled. "We shouldn't help Khione's daughter since she is plotting something against us."

Everyone began nodding and I hung my head down in embarrassment. Seth came beside me. He was wearing a navy sweatshirt and blue jeans. It looked really good on him. 'Stop thinking such things.' I told myself.

Apollo turned around at us with a softened expression. He wanted to help, but he couldn't since no one else wanted to.

I stepped forward and all the talking died down. "We aren't asking for much. All your parents will suffer from this winter if Khione isn't released. We don't need much, just enough money to get around."

Everyone stayed quiet until Jake stood up. "I agree. We should give them as much money that they need." He gave me a small smile making me blush. I gave him a look of thanks.

"Okay," Apollo started. "All is favor for giving them the money needed?"

Jason's hand shot up along with many others following him. Around 2/3 raised their hands meaning they would give us the money.

"It is settled them," Apollo announced. "They will get the money they need and will leave tomorrow morning. Now, how long do you think they should have before we declare they don't come back?"

No one spoke, probably because no one had any idea about how long it will take. "I think a week! Someone yelled. That seemed like so little time to me.

I once again stepped forward. "Give us 2 weeks. That is enough time."

"Sounds good with me. Seth and Rital," Apollo announced looking forwards us. "I hope you have a successful quest." Then he turned back to the rest of the demigods. "Thank you heroes! Have a good night! War games are before dinner tomorrow."

All the demigods cheered and jumped of the bleachers running to their cabin. I was kinda upset I didn't get to play even with everything that happened last time.

I walked up the hill and instead of going inside my cabin, I decided to go on the roof.

I sat there with my face to my knees wondering who the voice in my head was and why I kept having the dream of that giant cell. I felt I tap on my shoulder and jumped up.

"Relax, it is just me." Seth said sitting next to me. "What are you doing up here. You should be resting." He looked really good in the moon light, and I turned away from him blushing from my thoughts.

"I am bathing in the moonlight." I answered extending my body like I was tanning. I began to uncontrollably tremble and curled my body back up.

"Okay then, what were you thinking about?"

"What?" I asked.

"You looked deep in thought."

"Nothing, it is just about my dreams."

Seth say up with a smile on his face. "Demigod's dreams can tell us a lot about what is happening and what will happen. What did you dream about."

I hesitated but decided to tell him the truth. I started telling him about the giant cell and the voice in my head.

"Are you living under a rock?" He asked. "That is probably where they are keeping your mother! Do you know where the cell is?"

"No idea, it is just pure rock around it."

"That is okay. But remember, when you have a dream let me know. It may be able to help our quest."

"Do you think that voice in my head is my mother?She said save me and Khione is locked up."

"Lots of our parents speak to us in our heads. So maybe."

I looked out into the sky admiring the moon and the stars. Seth put his hand on my shoulder. "I know you are worried. But we will save her."

I liked his reassurance and gave him a warm smile. His touch warmed my body making me even more comfortable.

"Okay," I answered. "You should go back to your cabin and rest. We have a long day tomorrow."

"Ya, goodnight Rital." He said taking his hand off my shoulder.

For some reason, my heart skipped a beat hearing him say my name. I brushed it off and went into my cabin to get some shut eye.