Chereads / Daughter of The Snow Godess / Chapter 17 - A frosty visit

Chapter 17 - A frosty visit

Before I could say anything, a guy ran into the mess hall shouting, " A MESSENGER IS HERE!! HE WILL BE GIVING A QUEST!"

Everyone jumped out of there seats and ran outside to see if they were chosen. I walked calmly to the scene and saw a towering man made of icy clouds.

I really didn't understand why everyone was so excited. From what I have understood, these quests are extremely dangerous.

"Hello heroes!" He chanted.

I started climbing a near by tree to get a better look at that man. His presence made the demigods shiver.

"Guys, don't worry. It is probably another quest for me." Jake said stepping forward.

Cheers erupted from the crowd and he wore a cocky smile on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"SILENCE!" The man yelled.

Jake took a few steps back and let the man speak. "Your world is in great danger. Khione has been captured and if she is not released she will unleash an endless winter!"

Everyone started browsing the crowd, probably looking for me. I stayed in the tree, not wanting to make an even bigger scene.

"Child of Khione, step forward!" The man commanded. I stayed in the tree scared of what he would do to me.

"Okay, you want to play this game. Fine." He said raising caltrops made of ice in the air. Everyone backed up. "If you don't come out, this won't end pretty." He threatened.

I slid down the tree, still not revealing were I was.

"Okay then" he said releasing all the caltrops at the demigods. They all ducked hiding behind one another and screaming in fear.

I held out my hand and froze them mid air before they could hit anyone. They glided past the demigods heads and came behind me. "What do you want from me?" I asked.

Everyone looked at me dumbfounded. I dropped the caltrops on the ground and walked forward past the crowd. I stood in front of my man showing no sign of weakness.

"We found out first hero, now I need a fire summoner." She shouted.

Seth stepped forward shaking.

"Are you crazy, he could kill me!" I shouted.

"Don't you dare defy me." He chanted. "You can't do this quest without him!"

I looked over at him with a look on terror on my face. Our eyes locked and he began to tremble.

I looked back at the man, but he began to dissolve.

"Where can we find her?" I asked but it was too late. He was already gone.

The whole crowd was silent for a minute and Apollo came running. "What happened?" He asked shouting to everyone.

His eyes automatically came to me and I felt as if though he was starting to blame me for all the commotion.

"A messenger visited," Seth said breaking the tension.

"Okay, everyone return to breakfast. I want to see you too in my office."


We sat down in Apollo's office keeping our distance from each other. We both didn't understand why me were being sent on a quest together when fire and ice don't work well together.

"Okay, tell me what is going on." Apollo demanded.

I gestured at Seth to tell him, and he ranted about everything the messenger said. Apollo listened carefully and occasionally looked at me. I just nodded in clarification.

When Seth was done speaking, we sat in an awkward silence for around 5 minutes will Apollo processed everything he just heard.

Finally he spoke up and said, "Well, we don't know if this messager is telling the truth especially since he gave so little information about the situation. But if he is right, and Khione is to release an endless winter, you too should prepare for your quest."

"What?! Are you insane." I said. I knew I shouldn't be talking to a god in such a way, but what he was saying was insane.

Seth backed me up and said, "Did you see what I did to her during Winter Prisoner Escape? What if it happens again?"

"Do you not know how to control your powers?" I asked with concern.

"Of corse I do! I meant just in case."

"Really? Because you don't seem so sure."

"Enough!" Shouted Apollo. "What I say goes. You two should start packing. We will discuss this quest more at the campfire tonight. You will leave tomorrow morning after a nights sleep. Understood?"

Me and Seth stayed still and hung our heads.


"Yes sir." We said together. We both walking out of his office.

We walked outside in silence. I wanted to say something to him, but I didn't know what.

He turned to me with fear in his expression. "I have always wanted to go on a quest, but not with someone I can easily hurt. I want you to know that I would never hurt you intentionally in anyway."

I nodded and a small smile came to my face. "See you tonight." I said.


Once we parted, I ran to my cabin and sat in my egg chair. I didn't even bother going to my Greek lessons. I sat in my chair for a little bit but then realized I was wasting my time.

I had to get packing.