When you wake up in the Dream Informational Extraction Center, you're immediately informed that you will be spending the next several days here before having your memory wiped and returned to the public. Smiling, you nod, secretly knowing Shrek will come to save you at any moment. Exactly sixty nine and four hundred twentieths of a second later, you hear a massive THUD on the roof above you, and a Shrek-shaped dent appears. Panicking, the staff run away. You just sit their calmly. About seven seconds later, another THUD happens and Shrek gracefully lands on the ground. Without a word, you jump onto his beautiful and muscular back and he ferries you swiftly to a ogrelord starship. When you arrive, he introduces you to his friend who he calls Alexandar, who shows you over to what looks like a normal computer screen. He explains to you, "Сожги их на куски". From Shrek's Russian training, you understand and take the controls with a smile. Seven minutes and thirty seconds later, the entire compound is burning and the Plutonians are watching from afar. Before they manage to retaliate, Shrek swiftly flies away. You celebrate the victory with some traditional ogre treats and a mud bath. All is well, for now...