.. i try to turn back ( i flinched and close eyes because of sudden move towards me.. but someone grab my mouth before i scream.
i was about to open mouth when somone put me in bag... i start struggle but it wasnt worth...after lots of moving... i feel cold solid sturcture under me.. maybe Throwed somewere cold i start sturggle to breath... all i can hear was male and female voice around me paniked.
i hear door closing sound.
(after lot of try's i am relased from bag... i saw i was in darm room and room is cold. my body slowly shivering because of cold...
(all come after meeting)
ara: ok from here bye... ah today i will have warm sleep.
he: dont you think you are so much.
ara: nah... ang-i mean honey am coming...
mark: is she teasing.
mark:its working..
he:(turn to him little shoked) get the hell fast
mark: i cant they stop my entery.
he: then die here
mark: same to you!
he: (roll eyes and leave)
ara: (come inside) doll... wait.. were is she?
(start looking around under bed, table, sofa, balcony, whole room is empty.. )
she found her phone were sho'es pair and handwear drawings...
suddenly door open..
he:ahh..still not sleeping
ara: why are you here?
he: like you dont know reason.. oh come on let me see her.
ara: she's not herr
he: then were is she? taking bath? or in garden?
ara: when i come here room was empty.
mark: is she again runaway?
ara/tae:(flinch )
tae: again?
mark: nothing. i just want to check on her.
he:who are you to check on my girl?
mark: i brought her here.. look down i have more right! she's not your's.
he: why the hell doing this. you must be satisfied right?
mark: yes i am.
ara:(remember)ah this drawing.. and she told me...
mark: why your face is like that.
he: cause she's your sister.. (laugh)
mark: and you are my brother (laugh)
ara: were is mom dad?
he: they headed to eat dinner.
ara:ahh! stop them!
(run out of room they both followed her)
she stop on track eyes wided..
ara:(shout) mom and dad stop(but its late)
both come from behind and stand shoked...
he: call the doctor
mark: gards takr them in bed room
after sometime.....
ara: mom dad are you fine?
they nodded.
dad: how you knoe it was poisoned ?
ara: hon-.. i mean someone told me. wait... were is sh-
ara: oh i need to go.. mom daf i take leave. boys you are coming with me.
here.... ahh... its so cold.. i check myself i got fever.. i cant handle this tempreture anymore.. i getup again surching chrcking this dark room... and i feel something wet under me... (i paused) again checking.. on floor some pieces also falled... its rubbery... like... wait.. i scream.. not dare to look up.. i was frozed when blood drop driped on head...
its room were meat is kept... i get in corner of room.. (its not like i tried.. i try to bang door, shout.. but westing my energy is not worth.. its cold.. am feeling sick and a bit sleepy.
mark: who on earth dare to poison.
ara: she told me someone in our relatives want to poison mark. then you come they have great chance to kill everyone but we dont done dinner. i think they take her somewhere with them. but she leave drawings..
mark: therefore she dont let me eat inside castel... wait.. same drawings i found in my room while surching for her.. but it was directed towards kitchen side.
mark: she should have told me earlier.
he: like she trust you huh...
mark: shut up.
ara: it means kitchen and this connected. plus point close relatives
ara: remember who is close to us.
he: i think we should hurry i dont think she's fine.
mark: you are just worried dude. she must be fine.
i close eyes thinking i will close for few seconds and open.. trying hard to be awake... but.. its cold and feel good when i close eyes.
i close eyes...