Chereads / Where I strangely belong (jikook) / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: The beginning

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: The beginning

"What's up Jiminie" Tae asked in a whisper through the phone.

"Tae..." Jimin said quietly with a sniffle.

"Jimin?? Are you crying? What's wrong??? oh my god hold on, lemme go outside first."

Jimin could hear some rustles and Taehyung's father asking him where he was going. "I'll be back, appa. Please, continue eating everyone~" He said in a cheerful tone.

After a few seconds. Taehyung came back to the phone call once he was outside.

"Jimin what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I- I didn't want to call and disturb you but I didn't know who else to contact." Jimin said as he sniffles again, wiping his tear-filled eyes.

"What? No! Hey, it's fine haha don't worry about it Jiminie. Now tell me what's going on."

"Something...Something happened at the office earlier. I stormed off and was venting my frustration away by letting my legs take me anywhere as far as they can take me, for 3 hours. I don't know where I am and I have no money to call a cab cause I stupidly left my bag at the office. My phone is dying too! I mean I know I could just...walk back to the office following a gps, but I don't think my legs can handle 3 more hours of walking again...Plus I'm kinda too embarrassed to go back to the office right now..." Jimin vented as he slumped down a wall, hiding in an alleyway.

"Wow what the fuck- Okay you know what, just hold on tight. Send me your location and I'll come pick you up bro. I'll be there in 20 minutes or so?"

"Thanks Tae...What about your dinner thing?"

"Meh~ I was getting bored anyways hahah they'll understand though, no worries. I'm hanging up now! Send me location asap!"

The line went dead and Jimin quickly sent his location to his best friend. Feeling guilty for asking for his help once again.

A few minutes later, he got a text from Tae.

From: TaeTae :P

Jiminie! I'd be passing by your office on the way to you, do you want me to pick up your bag before picking you up or do you want to pick it up together after I pick you up?

7:35pm seen

Jimin thought about it, thinking it was better for Tae to pick it up without him if he didn't want to accidentally see Jungkook again today while he waits in the car or something. He curses to himself, why does it matter if he sees Jungkook again?

Oh right, cause Jeon fucking Jungkook is too much to handle.

From Chimiechimchim

I think it's better if you help pick it up for me. Sorry Tae and thank you.

7:39pm seen

Taehyung was already in his car by the time he read the message. He smiles to himself, shook his head and drove away.

15 minutes later

Taehyung walks into the lobby in awe. "What the fuck- Jimin wasn't joking about this place not fitting the job..." He muttered to himself.

'How do I get inside and get Jimin's I just- sneak in or ask...what would be faster.....' The male was deep in thought. Slowly deciding it was probably better to ask since he wouldn't know where it was if he snuck in. Ignoring the thought that said sneaking in would be more fun.

He grabbed the nearest person by the shoulder and turned them around. The guy he turned around had bright red orange wavy hair. "Where's Jiminie's bag." Taehyung asked simply.

Hobi was just simply walking by until some handsome tall brunette pulled him away. He looked at Taehyung with wide eyes, out of shock. "Um. Hi???" Hobi started as he quickly measured the brunette with a confused expression.

"Hi. Sorry you're not my type. Where's Jiminnie's bag?" He said simply once more.

Hobi gave him a scowl, offended at the rejection, even though he never even confessed anything.

"E-Excuse me???? I did not say I liked you or anything." He shrugged the big hands away from his shoulders and looked away from the brunette sassily. "I'm assuming you're a friend of Park Jimin? Come with me. His bag is upstairs with Jin hyung."

Tae said nothing as he continue to looked around as he follows, waving at random people. Hobi scowled again, thinking whether Taehyung had some split personality disorder or something.

They made their way upstairs only to find that Jin and Namjoon's shared office was already locked up. Hobi walked into Yoongi's office and asked about Jimin's bag. "The guy behind me is a friend of Jimin's. He's here to pick it up for him."

Yoongi was confused why it seemed like his usually bright friend was in a foul mood. He's usually happy when with new people too. He shrugged it off. "Yeah Jin Hyung and Namjoon had to go somewhere earlier so they left it with me." He said as he gave the bag to Hobi.

The red head took it and thanked Yoongi nicely. He turned to the brunette, squinting his eyes, pushing the bag against Taehyung's chest. "Here. Follow me to the exit." he said dryly as he left with his chin up high.

"The fuck? What'd you do to him hahah he's usually bright around new people." Yoongi asked Taehyung, curious.

"Told him he wasn't my type, he got upset." Taehyung said with a boxy grin. Yoongi raised his eyebrows at the tall man.

"No wonder~" He said as he laughed it off. Telling Taehyung to quickly follow Hobi out.


"Jiminnie~" Taehyung whined as he caught a glance of a small blond male sitting against a wall in a suspicious alley way. Knees hugged against his chest and face hidden behind his knees.

The blonde male looked up and smiled happily after seeing his best friend.

"What the fuck, what are you doing hiding in some dangerous and suspicious alley way at night?? What if the rats eat you! You'll die!" He said as he helped Jimin up.

"What. The rats would be the least dangerous in this situation Tae- You should worry about some dangerous people lurking around, not small rats-" He replied as they walked out of the alley way.

"I saw a rat as big as my forearm at the dumping area! You can't call that small!"

"What the fuck were you doing at the dumping area???"

"Oh I get it." Jimin said quickly with a laugh.

"You were there cause you're trash." Jimin teased. Honestly, he was just happy to see his friend again after everything that had happened.

"WOW. Is this how you repay back my kindness?" Tae said as he faked some exaggerated crying noises which made some heads turn, judging them.

Jimin only slapped Taehyung's arm and ran to the car when he saw it, in embarrassment.

Taehyung was too tired to drive all the way to Jimin's place and so the blonde just decided that it was better if Jimin just slept over at his best friend's place.

Unlike Jimin, Taehyung lives in a fancy as fuck suite that resides in a fancy hotel that his father owns. Not to mention that he lives at the top floor.

Jimin was gloomy once again after their fun talk ended. He was now on the dining table chair with a blanket around his body and over his damp head after a nice long shower, drinking peppermint tea. He was sitting on the chair with his feet up, knees against his chest.

Taehyung came back as he finished his turn of showering, bringing his own cup of tea.

"Hey Gloom face, when are you gonna tell me what happened~"

Jimin chuckled at the name Taehyung called him.

"You're not going to believe what happened. The whole thing is weird, I don't even know where to start."

Taehyung took a seat across from the blonde with his chin up high. "Challenge accepted, surprise me!"


"Holy mother of penguins. WOW. WOW. OK I FAILED THE CHALLENGE." Taehyung screamed as he stood up in shock.

Jimin just face palmed in response.

"Ok but seriously, that's some freaky shit. That necklace has some voodoo shit going on with it! Pretty cool but like, fucking scary. How do you say 'I'm hungry' in latin???" Taehyung asks.

"Tae." Was all Jimin said.

"Admit it. For some weird reason, you know right?"


"Knew it"

"Ugh" Jimin rested his head on the glass dining table.

"Okay but that aside, I'm really sure it's connected to that hot boss whose pants you wanna tear off."

"Oh my god I do NOT want to tear his pants off" Jimin defended himself, only to be ignored by the brunette.

"Ok so like, he gives you some weird necklace that activates some freaky shit within yourself. Not to mention you said some witchcraft spell or something after you put it on. And how it feels like it completes you in some way." Taehyung summarizes as he went to his fridge and took out a slice of leftover chocolate cake. He took the cling wrap off and gave it to Jimin. The blonde only took it and took a bite out of it without a spoon.

The brunette continued "The thing you have with Jungkook too! It's like...there's something we't know that a lot of people seem to know."

Jimin continued eating his cake and paused "Wait. Why did you correct that?"

Taehyung could only sigh and look away.

" there something you're not telling me?" Jimin said as he put his cake down. Looking at his best friend, hoping he hasn't been hiding anything important from him.

But the guy's reaction only made Jimin feel sad. Taehyung's lack of response made Jimin's heart sink.

"you do know something...right?" He hugged his legs and hid his face. "Just like everyone else. They know...something...but no one tells me anything."

Taehyung snapped his head to the side when he heard soft sniffles. He frowned sadly as he looked at Jimin with worry and guilt in his eyes. He got up and went to his small friend quickly. The brunette pulled a chair beside the blonde and hugged Jimin from the side, resting his head on the back of Jimin's head.

"Jimin-ah...I'm sorry for not telling you anything...But it''s just not possible for me. I want to tell you but I can't. Please stop crying." He slowly rubbed his friend's back. He knew these things really hurt Jimin on a really high level. "Look at me, Jimin-ah."

Jimin wiped his eyes and looked up at his bestfriend.

"I know what I'm doing is basically what bad people from your past have been doing. But I'm not like them. Do you know why?"

Jimin urged Taehyung to continue as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Unlike those people, I'm here for you. You're my best friend and no matter what I know about you, I wouldn't trade you for anything. I don't really care about the things I know in some way. I've never seen you any differently when I knew."

Jimin stared at his best friend who was currently giving him his amazing boxy grin. He felt his eyes sting again and his vision became blurry once again. He was touched. He never knew what he did to deserve such an amazing friend. But he's thankful.

"Yah, I told you not to cry~~ You crybaby~ Aigoo" Taehyung teased as he pushed Jimin's shoulder, causing for the male to almost fall off the chair and laugh.

Taehyung patted his friend once more and said "I can only tell you one thing though Jiminie."

Jimin hugged his legs tighter, feeling a little tensed that he was going to find something out atleast.

"When you told me the things you just said, I wasn't shocked from hearing it for the first time. I was shocked cause I thought 'it's finally happening'." He paused as he thought for more words. "And I was kinda amazed at the same time. But trust me when I say this, Jiminie. Don't quit this job. It's really important for you to keep going on this path. And I'll make sure you keep going."

He rubbed his friend's back once more. "The thing is...I can't tell you for a lot of reasons, and I'm sure you will find out why someday. When you do, you will understand. Also, one of the reason to why I can't tell you is because, there's only one person who can open your eyes to all the answers you've been asking all your life." He paused once again and took a deep breath. "And I'm almost too positive that, that person is Jungkook."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at this information. Having a hunch that Jungkook knows something and getting confirmation that Jungkook DOES know everything are too different. Jimin looked at his cake again. "Does this mean I can't get away from that pervert..."

Taehyung laughed and stood up, patting his friend once again. "Fortunately for you! And why are you saying as if the interest between you two is one sided? You obviously know that but are denying it!" He says as he goes back to his seat.

Jimin could only laugh, not feeling like fighting against his friend this time.

"Thanks Tae...For everything."

"Meh~ I guess there's some advantage of having such a weird friend right?" He said as he laughs. "Also there was this hot guy in your office. He seems to hate me for some weird reason."

"What- What does he look like?" He said as he proceeds to eat his cake.

"Red orange wavy hair? Nice face but grumpy. He led me to where your bag was."

"He...sounds like Hobi Hyung, but grumpy??"

"Yeah, he needs to chill. Good thing I rejected him."


"Yeah we met and I told him he wasn't my type when he looked at me weird. I mean I like girls."

Jimin could only facepalm. "Tae, oh my god."



Jimin's phone rang.

The blonde male who was sleeping in a guest room woke up, annoyed as hell. He sat up with his bed hair. He took his phone which was charging on the side table. The call stopped.

Jimin checked his phone and widened his eyes when he saw 7 missed calls from Jin hyung. Last night he got a text message from him, letting Jimin know that, that number was Jin's number.

But what shocked him even more was that he received 10 missed calls and 8 messages from an unknown number.

Jimin was about to read the messages until his screen changed, showing him that the unknown number was calling him again. He gulped and answered.

"YAH! How many times do I have to call you and text you?" The familiar voice said.

Jimin was surprised, but he knew this voice. He would recognized his boss' voice anywhere.

"I-I'm sorry. I slept really late last night" Jimin replied with his bed voice. He spoke gently too.

The line went quiet.

"Hello?" Jimin asked again.

"Check your messages." Jungkook said as he hung up right after.

Jimin stared at his black screen. Scowling at it after Jungkook just hung up on him.

He sighs loudly and checked his messages.

From: Jin Hyung

Jimin, sorry to call you so early and on your first job too, but we had a meeting yesterday and it was decided that you're to join our team. We've been working on a case for 2 nights, so you're going to have to join us for this one since you're already in. We're at the scene, please come asap.

4:30am seen

Jin Hyung sent a location.

4:30am seen

From: Unknown number.

Park Jimin-sshi. I've been calling you for the past 20 minutes. Wake up and come to the location Jin Hyung sent asap.

5:00am seen

Park Jimin-sshi. Are you up yet.

5:05am seen

Park Jimin-sshi. Text me back when you're up.

5:10am seen

Park. Jimin. Are you still asleep???

5:12am seen


5:13am seen

Wake up, we're short on hands. Wake up.

5:13am seen

Yah. Wake. UP.

5:20am seen

I'm calling you again.

5:24am seen

Jimin scoffed at first but got up angrily when he saw the formalities dropping as he kept reading. "I'm going to choke him later." He said out loud as he quickly got a coat and gathered the things he needed to bring. Wishing he could choke Jungkook, but then he remembered that the younger guy was his boss. He sighs angrily.

Quickly washing his face and brushed his teeth with a new brush that Taehyung gave him yesterday.

He saw that the place was actually nearby, so he thought he could just run there and reach there in 10-15 minutes. Not wanting to bother Taehyung again. He left a text to him, saying he's going out for work.

He slipped on his boots and ran out. He ran as fast as he could, puffs of white smoke coming out of his mouth since it was cold.

17 minutes later.

Jimin stopped at the gate of the area he was told to go to. He was gasping for air, too tired. It was then when he received a message from Jungkook.

From: Fucking Sadist

Where are you?

5:45am seen

To: Fucking Sadist

Gate. Ran here. Coming up.

5:45am sent

Jimin dragged his feet as he sped walked through the gates and walked up the steps towards the big public library. He froze at the door cause everything was dark. He also noticed there were cameras on camera stands around the entrance area.

He was about to turn back before he heard some rustling behind him, feeling the hair on the back of his neck rise. Something blew into his ear. He jolted inside and ran to the elevator, passing by a few more cameras that were set up around there. He looked around, as he hugged himself.

"Fucking hell. Please open!!" He whispered loudly at the elevator door. He wanted to cry and die on the spot, his job just started and he's already scared to death.

He felt his legs shaking when he heard some bare footsteps behind him. He can't turn around. He doesn't want to see anything he's not ready to see.

The moment the elevator doors opened, he ran inside only to bump into a hard and warm chest. Jimin would've moved away as fast as lightning, but the familiar warmth and scent, made him stay. He rested his forehead on the other male's shoulder. Body still shaking in fear. The elevator doors closed and stayed on that floor since no one pressed on a floor button.

Jungkook looked down at the smaller male, confused. "I was about to pick you up from the gate Park Jimin sshi. Also, Get off." He said when he felt the strong urge to hug the blonde male. He stared at the blonde head, hair still showing signs that the guy just got out of bed and was messy from running.

"W-Wait..." Jimin took a few deep breaths and let out a shaky breath.

Jungkook looked at him again, still confused at the reaction. "Did...something happen outside?"

Jimin shook his head slowly, bringing a shaky hand up to Jungkook's chest to push himself off.

The taller male grabbed Jimin's wrist gently. "What happened. If something was out there. You have to let me know. It's part of out job after all..."

Jimin looked up at Jungkook, seeing how serious he was, he knew he shouldn't hide it. "S-Something blew into my ear when I was at the entrance. A-and it was following me towards the elevator."

Jungkook felt the smaller male tremble. "Wait...Are you...Are you scared??" He asked. Things are going to be difficult if Jimin is the type to get scared easily. He took Jimin's silence as a yes and sighed, letting his wrist go.

The blonde male felt ashamed and down when Jungkook's warmth left his small wrist. But before he could even start being gloomy, he felt Jungkook's hand on his waist as he slowly pushed him behind him. He took out a wireless earpiece from his pocket and switched it on, giving it to the blonde. Telling him to put it on, it connects them to the others who were upstairs, in a room with the small screens to show what their cameras, that were set up around specific areas, were pointed towards.

"Good morning, Jimin." Jimin heard the other guys from the other side greet him. He greeted them back quietly.

"Stay behind me. I'm going to open the door." Jungkook said, hovering a finger over the button to open the doors. He turned his head to look at Jimin who quietly complied. "Okay?" Jungkook asked, making sure Jimin was okay with that idea. Jimin nodded with a soft "okay".

Jungkook took Jimin's small hands and rested them on his own waist. "Hold on to me if you're scared. And don't run away from me." He said. The whole thing reassured the blonde as he clutched onto the clothe around Jungkook's waist.

The doors opened as Jungkook held down on the button to keep the door opened. He leaned outside with caution and saw nothing. "Have you finally decided to come out?" Jungkook said out loud, calling out into the air.

"Jungkook the room tempreture has been dropping since Jimin arrived. It's particularly cold near the elevator across from where you two are." Yoongi said from the other side.

Jimin couldn't look up. He rested his forehead against Jungkook's back and closed his eyes shut.

"Jackpot." Yoongi and Namjoon said in unison after a while.

"Oh I see her alright." Jungkook looked straight at the ghost of a teenage girl which they've been trying to call to for a few nights already. She had only been messing around with them previously. He felt Jimin tightening his hold onto his shirt. He rested a warm hand over Jimin's shaking hand.

"Kim Jae Ri, daughter of Kim Kang Hyuk and Kim Jin Ri. We've been trying to call you out for a few nights already. Why have you decided to come out now." Jungkook asked, no hint of fear in his voice.

He watched as she pointed a bloody finger towards the uncovered hand on Jungkook's waist.

"Fuck." Jimin heard Yoongi curse quietly from the other line. It was full of static too.

Jungkook held Jimin's other hand in response. "What do you want with him."

"He....must....not be here..." an eerie dragged out voice said out.

The blood drained out of Jimin's face. He wasn't stupid. Even though he can't think straight, he was damn sure that they were talking about him.

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"They...we will come.....and he...will...die."

Jungkook was about to respond, but the earpiece in his and Jimin's ears were screeching loud that they winced and threw them off, bending down. Camera screens in the hallway were breaking around them.

Jimin had let Jungkook go when he was taking the earpiece off. Unfortunately for him, he also opened his eyes. He looked up to get back to Jungkook but before he could even do so, the ghost from earlier let out a loud screeching wail. Jimin looked up to see her charging towards him.

Jimin's legs gave up and he backed away against a wall beside the elevator.

"Kravurueslaquem! Acterivatesq!" Jungkook shouted as he did several hand movements, quickly running in between Jimin as the ghost, drawing visible shapes into the air, towards the ghost.

She screamed in response, when the shaped lit up, blinding and burning the ghost. She clawed on her own skin. She started to burn and thrash around.

"We will meet again, Kim Jae Ri." Jungkook said as he watched her burn away. But what disturbed him was how she was smiling before she disappeared.


He heard quiet whimpers and sniffling behind him. He turned to see a pale Jimin, body shaking in fear from what just happened. Jungkook felt his stomach sink at the sight, falling on his knees in front of Jimin and pulling him into his arms and chest. "She's gone. You're safe."

Jimin closed his eyes when his face was pressed against the warmth that is Jungkook's chest.

"Jungkook! Jimin!" They heard as Namjoon and Jin came out through the emergency stairs door.

"Oh god. What happened." Jin said as he came towards Jimin to comfort the small male.

Jungkook handed Jimin to Jin and got up towards Namjoon. "Well...She was really angry at him"

Namjoon nodded "Yeah we heard that part. Things have been bad before, but not as bad as this..." He said as he gestured towards the broken cameras.

Jungkook rested his hands on his sides, thinking what he should do next.

The two turned towards Jin and Jimin who seemed to have calmed down a little.

"Park Jimin-sshi." Jungkook started, gaining Jimin's attention. "Did you wear the necklace?"

Jimin looked down and touched his chest, where the ring should be. "A-Ah...I took it off before sleep, last night...Forgot to put it on before running back here.

"Ahh.....That's...probably why." was all Jungkook could say.

"Is...wearing it important? In relations to...well...all these?" gesturing to the whole scene.

Jungkook nodded. Jimin sighs.

"Jeon Jungkook-sshi. When will you explain things to me?" Jimin asked as he slowly got up, Jin helping him.

"Not now...But I promise I will. But before that, you're going to have to come with me. There are some people you have to meet first." Jungkook said, not looking at Jimin.

"It seems like we're done here. Are your earpieces working?" Jungkook asked Jin and Namjoon. They nodded.

"Good, tell the others, it's time to pack up. Do you think you could help carry the cameras outside Park Jimin-sshi?"

Jimin nodded, he should atleast do this to be somewhat helpful to the team. He walked to the furthest camera, feeling a bit more brave since the 3 other males were here. He was about to pack up the camera stand until he saw something moving from the corner of his eye. He froze again, slowly looking to his side. Seeing something with long black hair covering its face and eye peeking out between the gap of its hair.


Jungkook was looking towards Namjoon and Jin who were walking towards the now working elevator.

"Jin and I will go back upstairs to help pack the other stuff. Will you be alright with Jim..." Namjoon trailed off when he turned around.

"...W-where's Jimin." Jin asked in fear.

Jungkook snapped his head back at the information that Jimin was gone. "FUCK." He tore off Jin's earpiece and and ran deeper into the hallway. "Yoongi hyung! Please tell me if you caught anything from the outdoor camera. There's one angled towards our way."

"Checking. I'll have to zoom in first"

Jungkook stopped at every room, quickly checking if Jimin was in any of them.

"Holy shit…" Yoongi muttered.

"Is that...Oh god...what the fuck…" Hobie said right after.

"Guys tell me what happened." Jungkook said as he continues searching.

"'s a carrier...the one from the...thing you told us….It took Jimin and disappeared on the spot…"


Jungkook stopped running and panted, he grabbed a handful his hair and screamed in frustration. Things took an impossibly bad turn.

He ran back to where Jimin was last seen, according to Yoongi.

He got down and felt the floor. "It's still really cold here." Jungkook muttered as he rolled up his sleeves, pulling out a pocket knife from his back pocket.

"Are you..."Namjoon started.

"Yes. Both of you go back upstairs." He said without looking at them as they quickly took their leave, putting his index and middle finger together and proceeded to cut the tips. He winces a little as blood started to gush out. He took a big breath before he rested them on the floor where it was cold. Starting to mutter out a mantra as he drew shapes onto the floor, writing in some letters that would only come out from witchcraft spell books. His eyes started to glow red as he continued, saying everything in one breath, drawing everything in one breath.

Once he was done. He put his palms together and ran his bloody finger down his right eye and down to his jaw, keeping that eye closed, followed by running them down his lips. He quickly pulled out a strand of his hair, licking it once and put it down in the middle of the circle he just drew.

Jungkook opened his right eye that had become all black, closing his left eye. It was through this eye where he can see where Jimin was. Jimin had been carried into a dimension where no human should even be in. If Jungkook doesn't move fast, things could detect the blonde male and kill him.

This kind of case has never happened. At least not in the modern days. The last time this case had happened was in the medieval times.

A part of him, knew everything has happened because this was Jimin. And things are only happening because he finally met Jungkook. More than that, he wasn't wearing the necklace.

He can't lose Jimin. Not when he finally found him.


Jimin didn't know what happened, but one moment he was in the library, making eye contact with a ghost. Before he could even call out to Jungkook, he was in an unknown place. Alone. Not even with the ghost from earlier.

He backed away, seeing nothing but a misty black swamp. Black water, black trees with thorny vines, black grass.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Fear creeping onto him. He heard some rustling.

Jimin broke into a run, not knowing where to go, or where he was. Only slowing down when he thought that he was a little bit safer. Lips trembling as he hid behind a big tree. Sitting as he hugged his legs.

He jumped when he heard a voice. Only to feel desperate when he realised it was Jungkook's voice.

"J-Jungkook-sshi? Where are y-" He was cut off when he felt something drop on his hand. He looked down and saw blood. He touched his right cheek and looked at his fingers to see blood, more than that, the tips of his fingers were stinging in pain. He looked closer and saw that they had a cut. It didn't take long until he noticed a metallic taste reach his tongue.

He used his other hand to touch his lips, which he also found out was smeared with blood as well.

He felt panic coming onto him. "Don't panic. Please. It's just me. It's the only safe way for me to get to you..." Jungkook said softly. "Also don't say anything, I can hear you in your head, just the same way you can hear mine. I'm looking at everything through your right eye."

"H-How is this happening??" Jimin asked, unable to process what was happening.

"I can't explain now. But you have to do something quick."

Jimin heard some dragging rustles from behind him, like some cloth was hovering over the ground and making its way towards him. He got up and sprinted away once more, only to be chased by the sound this time.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked in a worried tone. When he saw Jimin get up and start running. Jungkook can Jimin's thoughts but not whatever Jimin is hearing.

"Jungkook!" The sudden drop of formalities surprised Jungkook, but it made him worried even more.


Jungkook was so frustrated, if only he could be physically there. Thing is, there is a way but the risk of that spell is too high for both of them. He knew it was too much to ask for, but he asked Jimin to look back so he at least knows what's coming after Jimin.

"Please Jimin-sshi, it's the only way I can help you!"


"Jimin! Please!"

Jimin whimpered.

"I'll get you out of there. I promise. So please..." Jungkook begged.

The way he said it was so desperate. Jimin felt small bits of courage seeping into him. Panting as he kept running. He gathered all the courage he had left and looked back.

Jimin's breathing became irregular when he saw that there was more than one that's after him. The one from earlier, the carrier, was hovering over the ground, its white cloth was dragging over the grass as it followed Jimin. Another was a deformed looking being, stripped of all its skin, crawling after him.

"Fuck." Jungkook said, he had originally planned to guide Jimin somewhere safe, and show him how to draw spell casting circles, to get him out of there.

"J-Jungkook! W-What do I d-do?"

"H-Hold on..."


"Hold on! Trust me. Keep running. I'll get you out no matter what."

Jimin was tired, his legs and lungs were burning but he couldn't stop, he didn't want to stop. The blonde wished so bad that this was all just a huge fucking nightmare. He couldn't believe that it was his first day of job even. Not to mention his fucking boss isn't telling him anything but to just keep running.

"I can hear you Jimin. Just—I'm almost done." Jungkook said in a rush. Jimin had forgotten that the guy could hear his thoughts at the moment.

The blonde gasped the moment he saw that he had nowhere to go as he slowed down and stopped at the edge of a grassy cliff. He saw that there was another cliff right across from where he was, it was rocky unlike the cliff he was on currently, but it was too low for him to make it out alive if he lands there.

"Ok im done. Jimin, if you don't want to die being killed by the monsters, JUMP BETWEEN THE CLIFFS!" Jungkook yelled.

"WHAT?! ILL DIE IF I JUMP." He screamed out of his mind and hear no more response from Jungkook.

"Jungkook??" He thought once more. No response. He looked at his fingertips that were bloody and had a cut just a few seconds ago. Now it's back to normal.

'Did...DID HE HANG UP ON ME?? OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT?' Jimin thought angrily.

He looked back and saw how the beings were getting closer.

"FUCK YOU JEON JUNGKOOK. I SWEAR TO GOD IF I DIE. I'LL FUCKING WRECK YOU." Jimin screamed into the air and jumped off the cliff. The beings from earlier stopping at the edge of the cliff, not following after Jimin.

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