Chereads / Reborn as a Pokemon - An Isekai Story / Chapter 10 - With great Power comes... well, no responsibilities

Chapter 10 - With great Power comes... well, no responsibilities

Until I saw that I grew a horn I didn't even think about the possibility that I could be evolving.

I just thought that God just somehow threw me into this world. I already thought that I had nothing special to me, different from all those normal Isekai Stories.

It's awesome knowing that I have some kind of power. I don't know how it works yet but having it is already nice enough.

Finding out how it works is just a matter of time now.

Guessing by my horn it seems to have a connecting with the Pokémon I hunt, now it's just about finding out if I need to eat them or if it's enough to defeat them. Does something trigger the evolution though? I mean why does my body grow a horn and not small Weedle Legs?

Well unless I know for sure better not eat anything weird. I don't want to end up as some Mutant dog with 5 Eyes and 7 Legs.

Anyway, let's check out this beach! WHOOH I'm hyped! Finally something different than forest.

I also need to check out that Island sometime soon. Well, as soon as I figured out how to swim well with this body. I saw dogs swimming in my previous life but that doesn't mean I can do it on the spot,... does it?

I wander down the beach the forest to my left a few meters away. Not to close to the hedges and bushes, because I don't want to get surprised by anything coming out of the forest. But still close enough to hide in the forest as soon sh*t hits the fan.

I have seen some Wingulls already but I'm excited to see what kind of Pokémon are living at the beach and Water, obviously Water-Types but which Pokémon exactly?

Come to a part of the beach where there are more big rocks lying around, so I do the only logical thing and decide to jump from rock to rock not touching the sand. What can I say I'm still human on the inside, although "The floor is lava" is a dead meme, we all played like this as kids.

As I manage to land on the sixth rock in a row I spot some Pokémon about 40 Meters away, I get closer and manage to see what kind of Pokémon they are.

A bunch of seven Buizels are chilling in the sand close to the water. As I come close I see that there are 3 Floatzels swimming in the water, Floatzels the evolved form of Buizel. They are considerably stronger than the average Buizel, so if I go after them, later on, they will pose quite the challenge. All of them are Weasel like Pokémon with brown fur and a lighter colored belly, they have 2 Tails. The two Tails are used for propelling themselves forward, while their flotation sac around their neck keeps their head over water.

They look adorable but because their water attribute isn't bad and they don't have more or fewer legs then me they will go onto my list of potential food sources.

But for now, let's see which Pokémon live at this Lake. My focus shifts back towards the rocks and because I stopped I completely lost momentum. So I step off the rock and take a few steps back, to start my jumping game again.

I kinda miss my video games, but being inside a game universe isn't that bad either. I really have to say it's quite exciting. Well obviously it is, I nearly died once and ever Meal is a fight to the death if you don't count a healthy vegetarian berry diet. I never was a vegetarian or vegan in my human life so being one here is only fairly more difficult.

Sure I have to kill the animals I eat here by myself, but I somehow already got used to it, it's just that I have to do it to survive. It's not like I can just skip my meals.

I get back onto the rocks and continue my journey. The wind blows through the leaves on the trees and the palm trees bend in the breeze. In front of some rocks, small miniature whirlwinds start to form. I hop from rock to rock it's working perfectly for me.

After about an hour I begin to see a spot with more palm trees in the distance. Some more rocks surround the small place that looks like an oasis, well if you ignore the rest of the environment around here the forest and the lake.

I close in and after 2 minutes I walk towards the palm trees and jump up the rocks to see what lays behind.

As I creep carefully over the rocks and peek over the highest one if see a bunch of Oshawotts and Dewotts. Those are Pokémon I'm not all too familiar with because they are out of a newer generation. And I already was a bit too old to watch the Pokémon Anime. Ash Ketchum and Friends just were way too dumb sometimes for me not to cringe.

Anyway, they look cute with their small shells on their bellies and hips. Well, Dewotts look a bit cooler but still, if I was as big as I was as a human I could only think of them as cute. Right now the Dewotts seem to be around 7 to 12 centimeters taller than me. It's not much since they walk on 2 legs and no on 4 like me but enough for me to think of them as less cute in my new body.

I only have one problem now, the problem being that I really don't know how to fight them. Both of the Pokémon groups I saw live in packs. Sure I defeated some Bug-Type Pokémon. Overall around 50 Pokémon if I remember correctly. My level should have tripled by now. Which still wouldn't be much. I felt a storm of power after my wins if I didn't forget one it should have been around 9 by now. That means I'm about level 9, 10, 11 maybe even 12 depending on how strong I was when I was "born".

[I guess I should continue with the assassin strategy for now, at least until I defeat one of the packs. Either the Buizels or Oshawotts. But first ... mealtime. It's a beach there should be some fish Pokémon here somewhere. Even though I only want to hunt Pokémon that won't let me look retarded after I .... assimilated them? Assimilation? Can I say it like that? Makes sense in my eyes...

I want to eat something and assassinations in the daylight don't seem possible with all those eye pairs that can see me.

So the easiest way to food is to fish for it.]

I climb and jump down the rocks ignoring the Oshawotts and friends for now. I skip over to the water. I already made plans to how I want to catch some fish.

I reach the water and go for a swim. I hold out my tongue to find out if it's salt water of fresh water. This doesn't count toward my strategy, I'm just curious. It's fresh water that means I can drink it! Nice.

So I take my quick bath it's been the first bath in this life so it's really needed that I finally take one. Now I continue with my food plan. I step into more shallow water, I guess the swim has pulled some of the attention of fish Pokémon which is a nice bonus.

I fully stretch once dip my Tail into the water and swing it from the left to the right side.

About five minutes go by. And I get a Bite! Quite shocking to be honest, I mean literally I feel a shock. Anyway!

I start sprinting towards land as long as I still feel the bite. It hurts but it's nothing compared to the bug bite I got from Caterpies.

[I guess I got stronger or these Pokemon are just really weak?]

I reach the shore, I guess I'm a lot slower in the water then I was as a human. Shorter legs and walking with four legs really show their effect now.

The fish fought, whatever it is I still haven't looked behind, all my energy went into sprinting forward.

I sprint a few more meters towards land, towards the forest and stop. Fish really shouldn't be able to do anything on land. I look back and spot a white fish. A small white fish, it's tiny to be more exact.

Never seen it before, must have been one of the generations of Pokémon I haven't played.

It looks like a tadpole. With the only difference being that it's white with a yellow line on its body. Big black eyes and a cross-shaped mouth. It's about 20 centimeters long and levitates. Which explains with it isn't gasping for air yet. The yellow line of energy lets me suspect that it's an electric type Pokémon. Well, electric Water I guess? Because it lives in Water? Or only electric?

Well, the thing is that Pokémon can still breath and Move out of the water. Exactly what I didn't want to happen out of the water. Well, now there is no going back. I turned around after realizing that biting me does nothing, it loosened it's bite and is now floating in front of me. I don't know how strong it's electric attacks are going to be but I'm cautious of it.

Before I begin my charge the Tadpole like Pokémon is beginning to channel electricity through its body. I come into range but it's too late.

The white Pokémon discharges and a bolt of small lightning with sparks rush into my direction hitting me. It hurts but it's not paralyzing of strong enough to knock me out completely. I continue my attack and tackle the Pokémon head on. Because it's only floating and isn't connected to the ground by legs it gets thrown backward several meters, after about eight it slides to a halt. Don't ask me how that works I have no idea.

The problem is that all the power of my tackle was just transferred into a long slide losing all its effectiveness.

That did NOT work out as planned. I hoped that if I could tackle it hard enough it would stop floating and hit the ground, grounding itself, making the electric attacks useless for a few seconds.

The fight continues, the white tadpole charges up again, preparing to fire another volley of lightning.

It's about eight meters away so I will have some time to dodge if I do it right, I run towards the enemy and try to figure out when the lightning is fully charged.

Sparks begin to fly. I realize that it's that its time for the electric discharge and not even half a second later the lightning shoots out of the body of the fish like Pokémon.

I dodge it by hairs length, I feel my hair standing straight pulled up by the electricity like someone rubbed a balloon through my hair for 5 Minutes.

I run and close in on the white Pokémon, unsure if physical attacks are the right choice, I know nothing about this Pokémon. I just don't know if another tackle or Bite Attack will paralyze or stun me.

I shake that thought and rush in. Because of my dodge I'm now not going head to head with it, but close in a bit from its left side. It's just a meter way now and trying to turn towards me again, getting ready to fire its next shot, but I'm all ready to close.

I open my mouth and close the last centimeters with a big jump trying to get more power into the impact.

The fight ends in a heartbeat. My mouth closes around where it's neck is supposed to be not far behind its eyes. It gets slammed into the ground by the impact of the hit, still in the hold between my teeth. It screams in pain actually making a noise for the first time.

"Tyyyna! Tyyyna! Tyyynamooo"

[Going by the typical Pokémon naming, I can guess that that kind of Pokémon is called Tynamo. How very creative. WOW]

The Tynamo struggles for a few more seconds before slumping in my mouth it's body losing all the power it had before.

I relax again. Another potentially dangerous situation ending.

I nearly let the Tynamo down, stopping just before it hits the ground.

"No, No, No, No,... oof. I don't want to eat all this sand! That was a close one."

I decide to carry the Tynamo towards one of the rocks which are spread all over this beach.

I try to clean all the sand off the rock with my tail and after that drop the fish on top of the rock.

Now able to clear my head I take a closer look at the Tynamo. Apart from the rest of the body, only the neck took damage. Heavy damage at that. I see that the head was really close to being completely split of the rest of the body. My Jaw has gotten really powerful with all that training.

Well,... not that strong...

The whole Pokemon is about 20 centimeters long. That makes it not even a third of my length, completely ignoring the height. If it hadn't had the electricity and the floating on its side it wouldn't even stand a chance. Even less than all those weedles and caterpies. I guess being pulled out of its swarm also plays a role here.

Just thinking about how a weak Pokémon like this could still pose a threat to me is kind of embarrassing. I really have to be careful. Pack or Swarm most of these Pokémon still pack a punch.

Still. I won. A win is still a win. Time to snack. This isn't going to be more than a snack but it should be enough for the wait till the sun sets. It's basically a schnitzel only that it isn't breaded and in fish form,...

I try a bite, and who would have guessed it tastes like a fish. I never liked fish in my last life neither the smell nor the taste but I don't have these luxuries here. I gotta eat what I can find, fight and defeat.

[At least it tastes like it's grilled, is that because it's an electric-type?]

I try to shrug my shoulders but it doesn't work like it did when I was still human. If looked at from afar it must have looked like I had to burp.

Whatever I finish my snack and search for another rock. I walk about 20 meters to the next rock it's bigger about the size of a dishwasher not like that rock the size of an old TV I used for a plate.

I jump up and lay down. I don't have to do anything all the time right? I'm an animal after all. Why am I asking those imaginary people inside my head? I don't have to justify myself. The irritated look on my dog like face disappears and I stare toward the Island as I wait for the night.

To be continued...