Chereads / Reborn as a Pokemon - An Isekai Story / Chapter 11 - The Night fell... (1/2)

Chapter 11 - The Night fell... (1/2)

((Hey Guys, sorry to add this into the story but changed the last chapter to make things more interesting. There are now 7 Buizels and 3 Floatzels rather than just 10 Buizels. So no major change which needs you to read the last one again.))

I wake up again, seems like I dozed off. The night fell and it's dark enough to level up and hunt, well assassinate some poor Poké-Fellows. I really don't know if what I do is right. I'm kind of fighting a moral conflict inside me. But as far as I know, it's the only way to get stronger... and I want to be strong enough to defend myself and not die to some human or wild Pokémon. And well, if there is someone important in the future I would hate to let them die because I can do anything to defend them.

I stand up and look around. I can see pretty ok for this kind of darkness. I'm pretty sure that I couldn't see my hands as a human. But right now as a Pokémon I can see about 10 meters far after that it gets really blurry and the contrast of different things is nearly impossible to differentiate.

The Oshawotts and Dewotts shouldn't be far away if I remember correctly. But the abilities of the Buizels and Floatzels has piqued my interest a bit more.

Not only the propelling tails, fins on it's arms but also the flotation sac. The walking on 2 legs and shell shuriken of the Oshawotts and Dewotts can wait in my opinion. Well, the Floatzels walk on 2 lets as well... using hands seems useful in some cases, but unnecessary for now.

I wonder if I can evolve those Floatzel fins so that I can use some kind of Water Blade like Grovyle can use Leaf Blade. Uuuuh I'm getting all hyped up.

Well, it's no use thinking about it I guess. Let's get to work.

I start walking into the direction where I last saw the Buizels and Floatzels, I won't run I feel like the possibility of running into a nocturnal Pokémon would be far too great. Also, I don't want to wake up any potential targets. Even though it's not much darker in the forest at this time, the beach feels a lot less scary. As I'm walking down the beach I look around, I guess it's less scary because there are fewer places to hide or fewer opportunities to get attacked from above.

I walk closer towards the lake, small waves hitting my feet. The water is cold but it doesn't bother me, as much as it would have when I was a human. I wonder why. The sky is clear only a few clouds cover up some stars, the half moon is brightening up the night. Here and there I step onto some shells and small rocks.

A rock formation comes into view, I slow down. Was it here? It seems to close to be the spot with the Buizels and Floatzels...

I close in on the rocks from the left side and try to peak around the rocks.

Hmm..., lots of sand. Rocks but no Pokémon. That's disappointing.

Ok, so they weren't here. Did I walk that much? That's surprising. If this takes to long I will just hunt whatever I find. I guess I'm getting impatient... one of my worse traits I seem to have kept from my prior life.

I look towards the sky.


What can you do... let's keep at it. I continue my search.

So I have been walking for about 45 Minutes now and I saw neither nocturnal pokémon nor any other Pokémon that are asleep. The Reason for that is probably because I can't see anything that it more than 10 meters away...

Now another rock plateau comes into view. It looks the right size this time. I guess I made it after all. I can't believe I walked for an hour on the way to the Oshawotts. Time really flies when you have fun if you count playing the floor is lava alone as fun.

I sneak close to the larger rock plateau. The plateau is about a meter high, and pretty steep so I doubt that I can climb it here without making to much noise. I have to find a spot where I can walk,... or climb up silently enough to wake nobody up.

I start going around it from the left, trying to use the sounds of the lake to cover up my steps, not that I make a lot of sounds the sand and my paws pretty much make no noise.

I try to look for any spots that are either lower or less steep to climb up. I'm pretty sure that this is the spot where the Buizel pack is living, I begin to recognize the plateau.

About 4 minutes later I seem to have made nearly one lap around the plateau. I begin to lose hope and start to wonder how in the world the Buizel pack gets up there every time.

I start to concentrate onto a rock nearly out of my vision range. I walk towards it and then I see that together with a second and third rock it looks like it formed really tall and big stairs. It's not ideal but should work fine enough to climb up the plateau.

A moment later I stand a top of the plateau. The moon spends barely enough light to see what is up here. Other than 3 bigger rocks the plateau has mostly a flat surface. Don't as me how this came to be. It looks unreal, but what would one see as realistic in a world of electric mouse and Turtles with trees growing on top of their shells and don't even get me started on the legendaries.

I look around an can see about three sleeping Buizels near me. As for the other Buizels and Floatzels, I can't see them yet. But everyone seems to be sleeping. Which is good for me, I guess they all feel to save on top of this plateau.

[Ok,... let's do this. Better get over with it before I start feeling sorry for those poor guys. Getting killed while sleeping is definitely not the way I want to let my life end...

While I'm on the topic,... if I can defeat some Noctowls can I get the Ability Insomnia?

Not having to sleep sounds handy. Well, maybe it doesn't work to that extent but not getting put to sleep in a fight is handy enough. I should definitely try to get that ability.

Wait. Can I even get Abilities? Do I already have one, maybe that evolving thing is my ability? Hmm...]

I put my mind back onto the present and the current task.

I try to walk as silently towards the closest Buizel. It's laying in front of one of the big rocks, together with 2 other Buizels which are sleeping a few steps away. I still haven't found out the best way of sneaking on 4 feet, but it works fine so far. I make my last step. I stand in front of the first Buizel, it's neck only a few centimeters away from my front paws.

I take a deep breath.

I open my jaw and slam my teeth as deep and hard into the neck of the Buizel. The eyes of the Buizel open in shock and it tries to gasp for air, feeling that it is getting no air its eyes seem to open even wider as it stares into my right eye.

[OOHH F*CK! Don't tell me that doesn't kill it! I can't bite into its neck harder than this! My mind races when I get the idea I needed]

My grip stays strong. I lift the Buizel and rip my head from left to right, with the Buizel still in between my teeth. I shake it back and forth for about 3 times when I realize that it's hanging lifeless in my mouth.

[Sh*t! Please tell me nobody heard that?!]

I look around in panic still not letting go of the Buizel.

[ooofff... that was close I think. It was silent if you exclude the shaking part... I will have to drag the Buizels away before I send them to Poké-Paradise. I really don't know how to think of this in a more positive way. What I'am doing right here is going against all the morals I have learned to respect in my past life...]

I close in on the second Buizel.

Same Position as before it's neck just to my feet.

I get excited. If I mess up it's going to be a nine versus one Battle that I will very surely lose.

I take a deep breath again...

[This is sh*t is even harder than I thought.]

Moments go by and I strike. Same as before the Buizel wakes up and stares at me in panic. I stare back just as panicked as it stares into my eyes. The Life vanishes out of its eyes. The first hit seemed to have been enough to defeat it.

[I wish this would stay this easy but I doubt that will be the case, especially later when I have to deal with the Floatzels...]

By now my mouth is dripping with blood. If I had to guess, I would think that the fur around my mouth is bloody and my teeth have taken on a blood red color. Considering that my fur is mostly light grey nearly white it has to look really fierce.

Only one Buizel near this rock is left. And I have to say now that the other two are already defeated I think I can win against this one as well.

I try to shake the blood off, I really am not used to that much liquid around my mouth. Blood or not, it's just not normal. I step towards the 3rd Buizel but to my surprise, it is already looking at me in terror.


The Buizel starts to panic and is only a second away from starting to scream for help as it already sucked in all the air it needed.

[I have to do something now!]

I jump towards the Buizel, it's less than a meter away so I'm able to close in on it in a heartbeat.

The Buizel doesn't seem surprised about my reaction but is shocked nonetheless. It's not loud yet but it manages to let out a:


before my jaw closes around its neck. The hit was not as perfect as it was with the previous Buizels but it manages to pierce the trachea enough to not let it make more noise.

I shake the Buizel in my mouth while making sure not to let go before it surely is dead, I really can't risk the other Pokémon waking up.

The Buizel stops moving and as I loosen my grip the neck of the Buizel slips out of my mouth and the whole Pokémon drops lifeless onto the floor.

I look around if something in my surroundings has changed. I see two more Buizels. They rolled over in their sleep but nothing seems out of the ordinary. I can hear a Noctowl in the distance.

[Just wait for me I will get you someday...]

I shake off the blood and walk over to the other two Buizels. I'm glad that I didn't have to fight or kill the Floatzels yet.

[I think they will be on a whole different Level. I believe Buizels evolve around Level 25 or somewhere in their level 30s. I guess that's about 15 to 20 Levels higher than me currently. Maybe I should leave them for later on. ... No, wait... They will probably sleep closer together if I come back another night. Then there will be no chance that I can even try to defeat them without endangering my life. I have to defeat them all tonight.]

I frown. I somehow doubt that I will be able to pull this off.

I stand in front of two of the four last remaining Buizels. The first three assassinations went okay, so I'm not too worried about these, which makes me a bit calmer. My breathing became slower and overall I'm less excited.

I repeat my assassination. The two Buizels die nearly instantly, it seems like either my bite has gotten stronger or my technique has gotten more effective. I drop the second Buizel as I feel new power flow through me. It seems like those 5 Buizels were enough for me to level up again.

There are 2 Buizels left I guess there is no chance that I level up once more before I have to fight the Floatzels.

Speaking of the devil where are those Floatzels anyway?

I look around. Behind me is the rock where the first three Buizels were sleeping. On the other side are no sleeping Pokémon. I start walking around the one where I currently stand at, its a bit bigger then the first one so the possibility of the last two sleeping on the other side is quite high.

And as expected on the other side are sleeping 3 Pokémon.

Sadly it's not only the two last remaining Buizels but also a Floatzel.

Well, let's deal with the Buizels first, before thinking about the Floatzel.

********** A Minute later... *************

I took care of the two Buizels without problem. After killing 5 Buizels I got the hang of it and no problem to deal with them, well at least as long as it's a surprise attack, or if they are sleeping.

Now to my main problem. The Floatzel is not only about 1 to 1.20 meter tall but it's neck is also a lot stronger and thicker.

[Hm. Well the Buizels have their Floatation Sac completely around their neck, so their neck might not be stronger but at least as thick as that of the Floatzel...

And the neck of the Floatzel is unprotected at it's front.

I didn't have any Problems of just ripping through the floatation sac as of yet. But I guess the one of the Floatzel is in a different league. I would have to bite it twice to get to the neck from the back. Once to get through the sac and the second time to go for the kill, I doubt it will give me the time to do that.

So i will have to attack the more dangerous front to go for a one hit one kill strategy.

Well I guess it's the shortest way to cut it's air supply for it's lungs anyway so I guess it's the better choice anyway...]

[Although the Neck muscles scare me a bit, I should put some trust into the Teeth that were originally of Poochyenas decent.

Speaking of it... they evolved didn't they? I should be able to use bug bite or something similar don't I? Should I check ...]

[But how do I trigger those moves? All I did until now was using the body parts that I had from the start... agains a water type like Floatzel I should probably use some kind of Electric Attack.]

[Ok so very simply put Electricity is electrons moving around. And a Electronic Discharge is Atoms splitting of Electrons becoming positive charged. I guess thats what Electric Types also do. Pikachus are storing electricity in their cheek pockets, so I guess some Pokémon are able to store electricity while others can generate it, or absorb it?]

[I know Poochyena can use Thunder Fang, when I played the game one of me Poochyenas was able to use it. I don't know why some non electric Pokémon can use electric moves but there has to be some kind of scientific explanation in this world...]

[I defeated one Electric Type Pokémon, so I should have absorbed some of it's abilities right? So if I just concentrate on what I want to do and think hard about what has to happen to trigger the move I should be able to use Thunder fang don't I?]

Snap back to reality. The Floatzel is still sleeping happily. About 2 Minutes past during my inner Monologe.

The stars and the moon still shine bright in the sky and the sound of the small waves of the lake and the wind blowing through the palm trees palm leaves can still be heard.

I start concentrating, trying to feel the electricity flow through my veins. After a few seconds I beginn to feel a small current and try to force it towards my teeth. The holes in my teeth to be exact, don't ask me why it just feels right.

My tongue feels funny and as I open my mouth I can see sparks flying out of my mouth. The buzzing sound of high electricity out in the open becomes audible.

The electricity dissipates and I start jumping up and down.

"HOLY SH*T! It works! It works! I can't believe it! This is awesome! This is so much more badass then I thought i could be in my next life! ..."

Suddenly I stop jumping happily.

As my excitement peaks I realize my mistake.

I didn't vent my excitement just through a big smile and happy thoughts,... I actually said that out loud. In the middle of the night. Where the loudest noises come from distant Noctowls some waves and the wind.

My head slightly turns towards the place where the Floatzel was sleeping.

The Floatzel not only woke of but is already looking at it's dead Pack members. It looks up in search of the culprit when it sees me.

"Sh*t. I'm so f*cked."

[Please let the Thunder fang Attack work again. Please.]

As I stare back at the Floatzel it readies itself to fight.

[Dammit I can already hear the fighting theme song in my head] be continued...