Chereads / Reborn as a Pokemon - An Isekai Story / Chapter 15 - Pseudo Legendary?

Chapter 15 - Pseudo Legendary?

****** Karls Perspective ******

I wake up. I slept like a rock it's around noon now, I slept half the day. This relaxing lifestyle really is my thing.

[I wonder if something changed on my body. I should have slept throughout the pain.

I should probably check that first and afterward figure out how my changes are triggered. Even now I don't know what gives the changes just defeating my opponent or eating them. I really should figure that out now.

I guess I just found the task of my day. So first finding out what changed. Then finding out what triggered it. Then going up the rocky part of the beach.]

Winggulls circling the sky, I can see Fish-Pokémon swimming in the crystal clear water. I walk through the sand towards the Water.

As I reach the clear lake water with only a few small waves hitting my legs I look down to see what changed.

„Holy f*cking sh*t! I look fricking terrifying!"

What I did not expect but which totally makes sense, the whole Area around my mouth is colored red, blood red to be exact. All those Buizels I assassinated, it was obvious that they would leave their mark on me.

After calming down from that little shocker I wash my face and look into my reflection again.

My horn still has it's normal length dark parts on my fur became darker while the other brighter parts didn't change their color, my nose became black even darker than the dark parts of my fur.

Regarding my build I seem to grow closer to my evolved form Mightyena, I look more mature and less puppy like. I seem to have grown again the Buizels were around 75-85 centimeters tall, I seem to be a bit taller than them now around 85 centimeters. With the difference that they are that tall on two legs. I reach that hight on all four legs, which makes no sense. On the other hand what sense does growing by defeating other Pokémon make, also I defeated some of them and no only one, so in a way growing a bit more makes sense I believe. With my strong carapace strengthened shoulders and less bushy but now thicker tail, I seem cooler and less adorable than before. The growth of my body in comparison to my head makes me look more adult then like a puppy with a big head and big eyes.

My snout became longer, probably to get more room for my teeth.

My upper jaw grew a new teeth on each side similar to the one Floatzels got, which makes me wonder, I only defeated one is that really enough for me to grow new teeth?

I watch myself closer in the water.

[I really don't get the way my evolution works. Not at all. It just makes no sense.]

As I finish that thought a wave hits me.

I shake the water off and watch how the wet me looks like.

My jaw became not only longer but wider as well.

Now that my fur is sticking to my body I see that the difference I didn't notice, my hind legs got more muscular, the hair that was growing on them seems less think so that if try you don't notice the difference.

My jumps and bites seem to have gotten an improvement it seems. more muscles and armor on the front of my body, I should be able to fight fair easier now. which means I can hunt or better eat what I choose now. Caterpies were good and all don't get me wrong. But I ate so many of them I could really take a break eating them.

[Now back to the topic at hand, why and how do I evolve more and more?]

I start walking into the direction where the cliff starts and big boulders make up most of the terrain.

[Alright, so I have no heads up display, no helping voice in my head, and no Guild where I can find out how my evolution works. I even doubt that some Pokémon Professor could help me with my Question, no other Pokémon evolves as I do...

I read quite a few Web and Light Novels I should be able to figure out a way to figure this out. The only thing comes to my mind is meditation, be it training through meditating or getting a deeper understanding of techniques and fighting through meditating. Either one would help me I think. A try wouldn't hurt right?]

I look around I don't see any Pokémon on this part of the beach.

[The Buizel and Floatzel,... right there are no Buizels anymore. Anyway, they should be a few hours away. I don't know if there are some in the rocky terrain but I believe there should be some. If I take a break here I should notice them early enough before they get to close. I will meditate after all and won't take a nap or something.]

I turn towards the forest, with the lake to my back and sit down to start meditating.

[Right but how does one meditate? Never really did it before. Well I tried obviously but that never worked out, always lead to sitting around doing nothing...]

[I believe I read about it once but was it sitting still and thinking of nothing or sitting still and trying to sense your surroundings? I guess I can only try everything I can think off...

Urghh... I can already tell that this will take a while...]

**** At the same time with Pokémon Wildlife ****

**** The Beach Scouting Squads Perspective ****

Nick, Darren, Jake, and Richard currently stand atop of a higher section of the beach, if you can still count it as part of the beach, it's rocky hard terrain, filled with big boulders and a cliff separating the water from the higher ground of the stone plateau. They just checked upon the Shinx and Rockruffs and are on their way to see if the Buizels and Floatzels are ok.

A ten Minutes ago they told their Team Captain Claudia that up until now they did not find anything out of the ordinary. Not even five minutes later they got a status update, apparently Evan, Tessa and Tom got Intel on the Pokémon that killed all those Insect-Type Pokémon.

Jake a young Eurasian, skinny looking Guy, with short brown hair and brown eyes, about 1.75 meters tall, who just reached the age of 27 is on the lookout with binoculars. On top of their Hummvee like Offroad-car.

While Richard, Nick and Darren are on the lookout for any Wild-Pokémon assaults.

Nick and Darran two brothers aged 23 and 25, with short blonde hair and green eyes both around 1.80 meters tall are leaning against the side of the car. Nick is starting to inspect one of his Pokéballs after he finished cleaning his glasses, while Darren just squatted down and let his Pokémon out, and just about to pet his Houndour.

Richard is the oldest one of the Group with his 30 years, is still sitting on the driver's seat. The Windows is rolled down and while his arm rests in the open window his head rests in his hand. Richard is with his 1.78 meters height wise just between his colleagues.

The Latino has black shoulder length hair, purple eyes and a large Gyarados tattoo on his left arm, getting covered up a bit by the T-Shirt he is wearing.

Richard is looking tired when asking:

"Hey, Jake! Did you find anything yet?"

"Naahh, nothing the beach seems empty from here if you disregard the Wingulls and a few Fish-Typ Pokémon jumping out of the water. I guess we can -" -Jake

"Jake? Jake? Found something?"

Darran and Nick turn around and look up towards Jake.

"Well, I guess so. I didn't see it at first because of it's bright furr and because it doesn't move." - Jake answering calmly

"What do you mean it doesn't move? *Nick is putting away his Pokéball and turning around*

"Is it just standing there waiting or what?"

"No... that's what confuses me. It just sits there with closed eyes." *Jake, sounding a bit irritated*

Jake talks quieter now „I have never seen a Pokémon that looks like that..."

„... wait. Holy shit that must be that pseudo-Legendary!" ... and he is back at his max Volume

"Guys we found it!"

The other three now give Jake their full attention.

"What?" Richard gets out of the car and just like Darran and Nick walks to Jake to get hold of the binoculars.

Darran climbs up the Humvee, trying to get a look of the mysterious Pokémon.

Nick isn't as impatient. He tries asking Jake if it's still worth it climbing up.

"Jake,... Jake!... Is it still sitting there?"

While giving Darran the Binoculars Jake answers.

"Well, yes. It's just not doing anything."

"He is right. It's just sitting there. Well, that's not what I expected. Can we name it or something? I mean we aren't the first ones to see it but, calling it Pseudo-Legendary is a bother..."

Darran asks and looks at Richard, Nick and Jake.

"We probably should get some info about it first shouldn't we? I mean we practically know nothing about it." Richard answers.

"Well, yeah. But just walking towards it seems dangerous. I mean we know from Claudia that it's not attacking humans but what makes them so sure, just because some farm girl told them? That's not really the safety that I wish for. Also not going towards it with my Pokémon seems mental, after knowing of the massacre it did in the forest..." Nick clearly has his doubts about the idea.

Darren adds: "And if it's as intelligent as they say this could be a trap planned out by it."

"Exactly!" Nick nods in agreement.

Jake jumps down from the car. "Alright, so we basically know nothing right? Only that some girl with her Growlithe met it and she and her Pokémon came out alive right? So what's the big deal? Let's just walk over to it and talk to it. Maybe you to knucklehead brothers are just hyping up that Pokémon."

Richard: "I guess that's all we can do. If you exclude waiting here until it moves and see where it goes first.

And even then we would still have to confront it. I would prefer it if we meet it when it's calm and not hungry or about to go on the next spree."

Nick and Darren look at each other before answering to Richards suggestion, Nick: "Well I guess you are both right. It's not even as tall as a Growlithe after all. If four guys like us can't deal with it before getting our Pokémon out I don't know what can."

"Five probably." - Darren adds.

"Very funny, Darren" Nick rolls his eyes.

Jake: "So we go down there now and talk to it?"

"That would be the plan" - Richard

Nick: "Do we take the car down with us? It would be safer that way."

Jake: "But it would hear us coming from farther away, what if it runs way hearing us coming?"

Darren: "It could have already smelled us minutes ago, and we wouldn't know because it's just sitting there."

Richard: "Let's bring the car for the safety, if sh*t hits the fan we can still jump back into the car. If it runs away we can still chase it or observe how it moves."

Everybody agrees and they jump into the car to drive down and confront the Pokémon it head on.

**** A few seconds later ****

The Squad drove down from the rocky terrain and arrives on the hot and gold gleaming beach sand. Richard and Jake in the front, while Darran and Nick are manning the back seats.

Only 200 Meters Distance to the Pokémon, the distance getting smaller and smaller by the second.

Jake looking through his Binoculars: "It's not smaller than a Growlithe... it's quite the bit taller. Did it grow that much in a few days?"

Darren on the seat behind Jake: "It grew? Is it still just stilling there with its eyes closed?"

"No. No. it's not. It's staring at me... right back through my binoculars"- Jake

"Well, that means it isn't deaf and it's not afraid of cars. I guess it's up to us what we do with that information." - Nick

Moments later they arrive and get out of the car about 15 meters away from the Pokémon. Meanwhile, the strange Pokémon continues to stare at them.

Richard: "Alright Guys, it seems we didn't intimidate it, but still no sudden movements. And no Pokémon before it shows that it's hostile."

Everybody nods silently, closing in on the Pokémon. Only 5 Meters distance is left between the group and the Pokémon.

Jake *whispering*: "Guys, it's creeping me out it keeps looking at me."

Darren *whispering*: "No clu...."

"Well if you watch me from so far away isn't it normal that I look back at you?"

Darren gets interrupted by the strange Pokémon.

"Holy shit so it's true you can talk?!" - Darren seems like he didn't really believe what he got told before.

The Pokémon much different than described, now looking much more like a mature dog or a wolf closes his eyes for a second. Everybody is a bit irritated, but before anybody can show a reaction the Pokémon opens its eyes again.

After opening them it says: "I guess that farm girl ratted me out huh? I should have known to be more careful, how careless of me."

All four look at each other after hearing the phrase "ratted me out".

Richard carefully takes the word: "Can I ask how you know that it was that girl that told us?"

"You can, but that's a question which is easy to answer for me. She's the only human here that I have talked to, sure it could have somebody else told you but, she still had to tell others for that to happen and I guess most people wouldn't believe her, just like your colleague over here." - the strange Pokémon replies.

"Me?" - Darren asks

"Well obviously. Who else was so surprised about my ability to talk? - the Pokémon replies in an annoyed manner, seemingly smiling hard to tell with his big teeth which are always staying outside of his closed mouth.

Nick seems wanting to say something as he slowly opens his mouth: "Are you annoyed by us?"

The pseudo-Legendary closes its eyes again. Moments later it opens them again looks at the squad for a moment and replies.

"I would be less annoyed if you guys would tell me what you want rather then trying to do small talk with me. You guys don't seem like hikers and the car tells me that you are not here to relax and look at the nature around the lake."

All four swallow.

Richard leads the conversation on as the oldest member of the squad, the other guys seem to be relieved that they don't have to ask the important stuff.

"Well, I don't know if you heard about our organization but we are pretty much a non-profit Organisation that tries to take care of the wild Pokémon. We fight in Gyms and other tournaments with our partners to get the income that keeps the Organisation going so that we have the money we need to help where we can."

"Ohhh... Yeah. I get it."

The Pokémon seems to be thinking about something before continuing.

"So you guys came here because...?"

The Pokémon seems to know what's going on but the Squad doesn't seem to notice.

"We believe we are here because of you, we found footprints around the dead insect-type Pokémon we found that we believe would match with yours."

The Horned-Wolf seems to listen closely

"We got the message that the number of dead insect-types in this part of the region went through the roof in only a few days and came to investigate and safe who we can."

The Pokémons Eyes widen for a split second before going back to normal, then it's face tenses up, eyes less wide and the whole body language switches into a more closed stance.

"So why are you guys here? There are no insect-types here oon the beach. Did you come here for other defeated Pokémon or to catch or even kill me off?"

- The Horned Wolf's mood turned the whole atmosphere around.

Darren and Nick jumped back a step and grab their belts, which hold their Pokéballs. Jake took a step back doing the same with one hand. Leaving only Richard in the front.

Richard holds his position, trying to hold onto the look of being non-aggressive, which his teammates, badly mismanaged. Richard puts his arm up between the rest of his team and the newly discovered Pokémon.

"No, No, no nothing extreme like that! Especially because you are highly intelligent and can be talked to. Moreover, we have never seen or even heard about a Pokémon like you before. We are a Wildlife Organization made to protect and watch over the wild Pokémon, none of us would be sent out to kill certain Pokémon." - Richard tries to explain.

The horned Wolf seems calmer but still hasn't relaxed completely. The Wolf replies:

"What proof do you have for that statement? With organizations like Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Cipher, Galactic, Plasma, Flare and Snagem who can you trust? Even the Aether Foundation had its darker days."

Every present human jaw drops after the Wolf finishes its sentences, leaving them speechless.

Moments go by until Richard takes the word again.

"I, I mean we... we can't really prove that to you. How in the World do you know about all of those organisations? We heard you came from another Dimension but even some people from this dimension can't even name four of them!"


The Wolf seems focused and done with chit chat.

"Let me talk to the girl. I trust her, if she tells me I can trust you we can talk. Until then anything you will tell me won't count as truth for me anyway. Otherwise. I don't know what I will do." be continued...