The old man immediately stood up and bowed, followed by the young man. While both the lanky man and muscular woman continued to sit.
"Well, to be honest there is nothing to report. If a report was required, it would be that we haven't found any trace of Germal after the cave. It's like he became air itself. However we did just get some information from the old general here. Aacording to him, he thinks that either the map was forgotten, or has an illusion that only Lord Tang could see through. I suggest a petition to have Lord Tang check the map for any additional illusions." The lanky man answered, glancing at the old general as if this information should have been given to them we he first heard about the map.
"While what he implies is partially true. They did not inform me that the map had illusions on it or that they were the ones to find the map. Considering who they are hunting, I assumed Lord Tang had already seen the map and made his decision. For my slight I beg Lord Tang's forgiveness." the old man stated respectfully while still bowed.
"Enough, I don't care for your petty pride. I just want results. Since the old general had suggested Lord Tang to verify the map then I shall make the request. As for you two." The princess surrounded by mist address her subordinates. "I want an update every three days, even if it 'no update'."
The princess' presences vanished along with the little child, but the old man did not rise until the mist vanished completely.
"Well then, this is more serious than I thought. I might have to step in and command from the field. CAPTAIN! Report to my war room." A second after the old man finished speaking, a naval officer walked in.
"You called for me Admiral?" the captain saluted and asked. "Yes, ready my ship, full battle status. I want to leave today." replied the old man. To which the captain just saluted again and started to walk out. "Oh and take my grandson with you, show him how to get a ship ready."
"Ayeaye sir. Please follow me." the captain gestured for the young man to follow him.
"I suggest you go do what you need to do." The old man also left after telling the two.
Both the man and woman looked at each other and sighed. They then got up and left.
---A week later, at the Captial---
Inside a minister's office, to be precise it is the office of affairs. Sat behind a luxurious wooden desk was the minister of affairs. In her hand was a request from a city and a confused frown was on her. Being the minister of affairs, she gets lots of requests, but normally all of them are screened by those under her, and they just need her stamp of approval or denial.
This request however, wasnt something her subordinates could screen. It wasn't that they were inept, but this type of request hasn't been seen since the founding years of the kingdom. It was a request for meditation and curse removal.
The request stated that they believe they somehow offended someone strong and caused the entire city to be cursed. The city in question was Zhul.
"Bring me the list of powers for Zhul city." she eventually ordered her secretary. After a few minutes the secretary entered her office and handed her the file.
She spent some time studying the file, all the while her frown grew deeper and deeper. "Bring me the list of wanders for those at or above variant, with a level of at least sixty."
This time it took half an hour before the secretary entered and handed her the file, well a single piece of paper. "Is this it? There is only five names here, and they are only at level 60." she asked. "Yes Ma'am, over the past few years most of them have retired and settled down starting their own sects, join a sect, or just started a family."
She pondered her secretary's reply, tapping on the desk. Eventually she just sighed and pulled out a key and opened a locked drawer of her desk. From the drawer she pulled out a stamp, stamped the request, pricked her finger and dropped blood on the request where she stamped.
As she was doing this, her secretary started sweating. He knew what that stamp meant. It basically meant that while she approves of the request, it is outside the scope of the ministry of affairs capability and requires the Tangs to make a decision on how to deal with it.
When she finished, she put it in a folder she took out from the drawer and sealed the folder, stamped it and dropped blood on it again. "Take care of the office while I am gone. Any meetings need to be postponed." With that she left the office and headed towards the "golden city" of the Tangs. 'I hope they can take care of it. If there is someone of that power that we don't know about, we might be in for troubled times.'