Chapter 11 - Wedding bells...

The next day we had a wedding of a close kin to attend.Though I was not one of the bridesmaid (and neither I'm eligible to be one),I was still happy to witness the wedding.There's a reason behind this; just a bit of backstory. So the ones whose wedding we are going to attend were an accidental couple. They never thought they would be together.They both met at a family vacation and then got disconnected for a long while. Only recently they happened to cross each other and started falling in love when they suddenly came to know they shared their pasts.And guess what, their love for each other intensified and they are getting married today. How rare it is to see two destinies to be adjoined into one with fate! Everyone is not that fortunate to fall in love and marry their childhood sweetheart even after parting ways. I really admire their story, its like their own fairytale which they can share with their children.What made me really happy was to be able to witness such a wonder.It's so heartwarming to see them together.It fills your heart with love and makes you feel the importance of love in life. And so goes the horn of our car,being blown at us to be quick and leave soon. I got into the car and reached the destination soon. And as the wedding bells started ringing, the bride comes in with her father and making the groom stunned of her look. As the father hands over his only cherished daughter onto the hands of the groom, I feel like how much responsibility he is given: to take care of someone very new in his life; like he has to be a father,brother,husband and guide to her. I could see the bride's parent's eyes watery and it's natural, someone whom you have taken care of for two decades and a half ; handing her over to someone is difficult. My eyes were fixed on the couple as they started taking their vows.

The bride started with her vow:

"People say love happens at the most unexpected time to the most unexpected person.But in case of the person it wasn't true for me. After that vacation I thought about you a lot but knew that we would never meet again. You left that inseparable memory of yours with me which remained vivid till date.Who would have thought I'd meet you and also fall in love with you after all these years.Remember, the last night before we returned home from that vacation, you handed me letter with a little poetry written by you? I still have that.Preserved and safe in my heart. The night before leaving for my home I could see that hidden sadness in your eyes and that made me sad too.Maybe fate was what brought us all along and maybe fate is what made us meet each other again. What I want to tell you is you are dug deep inside my heart and no matter what happens you'll never lose that place. I could wait for an eternity for you to say 'I do'.I promise I'll always try to be with you in your good times and bad times. I promise to be a good wife. I'll always stand by your side as your greatest motivation and inspiration. And through all means I'll support you.Lastly, I love you and I will love you."

The bride started crying and I can see that the husband's eyes were teary too. It was the tears that expressed joy and happiness but at the same time the pain and suffering of longing for each other. At that moment tears started to form in my eyes too as if I was right there watching their story as a movie. The beauty of love and the serenity of their relationship made everyone cry too.

And now it was the turn of the husband to take his vows. He stated:

"Can love happen twice? Isn't it the most inevitable question of the 21st century? I would like to say, yeah; it happens and for me it happened to the same person twice. Something which grew from uncertainty to here ;both of us standing and taking vows.That night the light of the fireflies wandering around and the glimmer in your eyes were the same.Those eyes were like a flicker of fire in my heart whenever those stared through me. So here's the promise that I want to keep: I promise to take care of you as my queen, be your best friend and most importantly a role model for you to look for something like I look up at you to live everyday. I'll always be by your side and hold your hand like I did that night; but for this time,FOREVER!"

The couple shared a light yet tempestuous smile.

And now the priest goes, "Do you take Ms. Wilson as your wife?"

"I do", said the husband.

"Do you take Mr.Jenkins as your husband?"

"I do", confirms the wife.

"Now, I profound you as husband and wife and you may kiss"

The couple shared an impassioned kiss. And like the kiss completed their wedding, they now belonged to each other forever. All the painful years of longing and missing each other has come to an end. A happy ending rather 'A happy beginning' has started like all fairytales conclusion: "They lived happily ever- after".


Right after the ceremony it was time for the

reception. And like any other reception:They cut the cake, pop open a champagne bottle and interact with the guests. I was the least interested person to start up a conversation so I found myself a corner to relax with a glass of obviously non-alcoholic beverage as I'm underage and moreover I ain't interested in trying one. From the corner I've chosen, the view of the venue where the ceremony took place was clear; the only difference was now that it was totally empty and lifeless. A random idea just went through my mind, why don't I go and sit there? There is a lot of time before dinner. I could spend some quality time there.There's no one to disturb me and I could be away from the crowd lingering around me and inquiring irrelevant questions and giving me looks as if I'm an arrogant child. And even if I'm one what's there concern? So I make sure to slide past the crowd silently, not grabbing any attention as I go. I was correct,the place was as peaceful as it could get here.It is gratifying to stare at the sky just when dusk hits it. I take a seat in the front row and just stare blankly. There's a moment where I had already started fantasizing about me coming to that platform and Robin waiting for me right there; looking a bit older but still having that cheerful,little beam that I've seen earlier.I'm addicted to anything floral and so it was obvious my wedding gown couldn't be straight-cut white.It had a beautiful floral embroidery stitched from the hem of the skirt to bottom in a manner that it feels like a garland was being stitched to the dress.The beautiful arrangement of the flowers complimented my dress.I felt my phone in my hand and so decided to visit his Facebook profile in case he has recently posted anything.But I was left disappointed with nothing from him, still not much because atleast I could see his pictures even if they were old and my eyes could literally trace through the features of the picture even being closed. So I switched my phone off and decided to go back in my world of fantasizing. Tonight was a night of full moon.The moonlight surrounded me like a companion in this abandoned place. Just when I was about to fantasize again,I could feel human presence around.Presence of a single human, breathing lightly but loudly enough for me to hear in this silent moon-lit night. I was creeped out when I turned my head to see a figure slightly taller than me, sitting in one of the seats two rows behind.I was pretty sure the person was not of feminine structure and had a weird square object in hand. Then "Click-Click" sound surrounds the whole venue.The sound is then evaluated by my mind.Until when it suddenly stiked's a CAMERA! A POLAROID CAMERA! Things started to get creepy as the idea of a stalker taking pictures of me hit my mind. And I had absolutely no one around me to help out.


What had I done in my whole life to face this situation...?

Nobody knows.