Chereads / Good Gone Bad / Chapter 4 - Dream Come True

Chapter 4 - Dream Come True

The drive home was completely silent; neither Charles nor I spoke. He seemed highly disappointed in me for some reason, and I couldn't figure out why. He had the same expression as when I asked him to leave Tony and me alone the first time. I remember Tony telling me that Charles didn't trust him very much; maybe he feared Tony would do us wrong.

I looked up at the streetlights as we rode down the road; so many thoughts ran through my head. Was it, not Charles and Emily encouraging me to be happy again? What exactly was I doing wrong? I let my thoughts wander, and as we pulled into the driveway of our home, all my questions were answered. "Why do you insist on helping him?" "What are you on about?" Silence fell over us once again, and it was uncomfortable. Why couldn't Charles say what was on his mind? Why couldn't he tell me why he didn't like Tony so much?

Without a word, Charles opened the door and got out of the car, slamming the door before making his way inside. I quickly followed him inside because I couldn't let him go that easily. "Charles. Charles!" He halted in place, and I watched as he clenched his fist. "What are you hiding from me? Why is it so wrong if I fall for-" "Rachael, he's dirty! He's done us wrong in the past. He can't be trusted!" "Where's your proof? How do you know for sure?" We were now both yelling basically at the top of our lungs. Emily came down the hall, looking at us both. "Look, I just don't trust him, okay." "Then trust me! You chose me to take over after Caliber passed because you knew I'd do what was right for this gang. All I'm asking is that you trust me, please…"

He turned around, and we locked eyes. It was like he was searching for even the slightest hesitation in my eyes. He sighed heavily in defeat and nodded. "Fine, I'll trust you. The moment he does something that rubs me the wrong way-" "He's gone, I promise." Charles stood there clenching and unclenching his jaw as he nodded at me, then came over and hugged me. His strong arms held me captive against his chubby chest, and he sighed. "I'm just trying to keep you safe." "I know…" After a long hug, we slowly parted, and each went to bed.

My breathing was heavy as I tried to dodge his hits, but he was much faster than me. I studied his movements closely, and as he went to strike my face, I moved, avoiding his hit, and caught his wrist. Without hesitation, I flipped him over my shoulder and pinned his arm to his back, holding him there with all my body weight. A slight smirk crept on my face; I finally had beaten him. As I started celebrating, I felt his weight shift; suddenly, I was lying on the ground, and a gun was pressed against my temple. "You've gotten better." "Pfft, whatever…" I knocked Charles off me as I stood up and walked over to the corner, grabbing my water bottle. "I'm serious; if you keep your training up, you could definitely hold your own against me. You just have to keep your guard up at all times."

Charles' words went in one ear and out the other, I could tell he was being honest, but my body wasn't lying either. My muscles throbbed, and my legs quivered as I struggled to hold myself up. I felt the aftermath of training every day for the past two weeks. Every part of my body was numb, but at the same time, I felt like I was carrying the entire world. Charles had decided it was time to train me in combat now that we were dwelling in other gang business. It was just a matter of time before Edgar attacked our gang. Tony feared I would be his main target because I was a female and the gang's leader. I believed they tried to keep it a secret, but it wasn't hard to notice that when Charles wasn't around, Tony was, and vice versa.

I knew they had struck some sort of deal to protect me and keep eyes on me at all times since Trigger had gone somewhat silent. I gulped down my cold water before pulling it away from my mouth, letting a few drops run down my neck. I wore blue spandex shorts and a grey sports bra that matched my old grey sneakers. My hair was up in a messing bun, and with how my shorts fit my body, I knew I was catching the attention of others. "Alright, come on, let's keep going." Hours later, I stumbled inside the house and quickly ran upstairs to soak in a hot bath. I heard Charles chuckle at me, but I was too exhausted to argue with him. I rushed into my room, then entered the bathroom. I turned on the water and watched it run before adding bubbles and a few things to help my muscles relax.

After a few minutes, the bath had finished filling, and I stripped before I climbed in. As I laid my back against the tub, I felt my muscles throb. This was exactly what I needed. The warm feeling of the water allowed all my pain to slip away, causing my eyelids to feel heavy until I slipped into a deep sleep. Red lights lit up a room, it was warm, and I heard the sound of people talking along with the music playing in the distance; I realized I had to be in the club. My eyes trailed down to the feeling that rubbed across my skin, red lace lingerie. My cheeks grew hot as I became flustered with embarrassment. The bralette was anything but concealing; it exposed my perfectly shaped breast and barely hid my dark nipples. In front of me, I noticed a tall mirror; I stood and made my way over, examining myself more.

My eyes fell to the panties, there was a hole right between my crotch, and as I turned around, I noticed the back was completely see-through. When did I arrive in this room? When did I ever exit the bath and get dressed in this clothing? My eyes wandered over my body until something in the corner caught my attention. I quickly spun around to find a tall figure standing in the corner. "Who's there? Come out right now." I watched as the figure started walking towards me, and to my shock, it was Tony. My breathing hitched as I noticed he was fully naked. His body was much more toned than I could ever imagine. My eyes trailed along his sexy body as the red lights made his skin glow and his chest tattoos stand out. They followed down his biceps to his abs and then…

My eyes lingered on his long thick shaft; I studied every detail taking in what was before me. I hadn't realized before, but Tony and I were standing toe to toe, and he grabbed my chin, guiding me to look at him. "I've been waiting for you, mon doux ange…." He grabbed my waist and backed me up onto the wall until his body was pressed roughly into mine. I couldn't contain the flood he caused between my legs. I didn't know if it was because of his muscular body, hypnotizing eyes, or even his long shaft rubbing against my thigh, but all I wanted right now was for him to take me, and he did. His lips finally caught mine as his hand gripped my throat, causing me to melt. Our tongues danced as we shared the passion in our kiss. I couldn't help myself anymore. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he reached down, pulling my legs around his waist. Without hesitation, I locked my legs around him, and he pulled away from our kiss, looking me in the eyes.

For a moment, neither of us said anything; we stood there breathing heavily, looking into each other's eyes. "If you want me to take you, Rachael, tell me…" I scrunched up my eyebrows and let out a soft moan as I said, "Take me, Tony." I could feel his heartbeat quicken against my chest, making me smile. I watched as his eyes went from adoration to hunger. He wrapped an arm around my back and the other under my leg as he carried me over to the sofa. He laid me down, kissed my lips, and then ran his lips down my neck. My body quivered with every kiss he laid on my body, he was leaving a trail of marks along me, but I didn't mind; I didn't care at all. "Ahh!" A loud gasp escaped my lips as his tongue made contact with my clit. His warm wide tongue rubbed me, followed by his big lips sucking me roughly; he was devouring me.

As he pushed my legs against my chest, I ran my hands through his hair. My mind was blank; it was like he knew what my body was craving. Yes, I had slept with men before, but this was different. Tony was taking his time to pleasure me and was hitting all the right spots. My release was coming. I felt it creeping up as I gripped his hair and curled my toes. "Right there, Tony! I'm cumming! Cumming!! AHHHH!!!" My screams could no longer be contained as pleasure rushed over me. Not giving me a second to rest, Tony pushed my legs against my chest harder before driving himself deep inside me. "Fu-Fuuuck!!" He let out a deep aggressive groan as my legs started to shake. "Damn, you're so tight, mon doux ange…." I caught his gaze, but it wasn't long before he started driving deeper into me. I couldn't keep my mind focused. My eyes rolled back, and my nails dug into his biceps.

"That's a good girl… Who's in charge?" I couldn't answer him; I couldn't make out my words. His thrust were turning my mind to goo. "I said, who's in charge!?" He gripped my throat once more and slammed harder. "You are! You're in charge!!" "What's my name? What's my name!?" "Daddy!!!" The sexual aggression built up between us, and my juices flowed all over the sofa. I needed and craved him; I felt his shaft throbbing with each thrust. My walls were convulsing him, taking every single inch and devouring it. "Fuck yeah, Rachael… Rachael…"

"Rachael!!!" I jumped up at the sound of Emily's voice and suddenly realized I was still in the bathtub. I looked over at her, and she laughed at me. "Was the workout really that intense?" "You have no idea…" "You have a visitor downstairs, don't keep them waiting." I watched as she walked out of the bathroom and sighed deeply before sinking under the water. What in the world is wrong with me?

After a few minutes, I dressed in a T-shirt dress and biker shorts before walking downstairs. I looked around for my visitor, but no one was around, I took a peek outside, and my cheeks flushed. Tony was outside leaning against his motorcycle, and I felt my heart skip a beat. Did he always look so good? My eyes slowly undressed him, wondering if my fantasy was right. Did he have chest tattoos? Was he hung? Were his muscles as perfect as I had hoped? With a slight shake of my head, I collected my thoughts and relaxed before leaving the door and leaning against the porch post. "Evening, mister Blood King." He perked up and smiled at me. "Evening Princess." I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop a small smile from creeping onto my lips.

"Don't call me that. What brings you to this neck of the woods?" "Can you tell me what a gang leader like me adores more than a drink?" "A woman in his bed?" I wasn't going to tell him that I wanted the answer to be yes, that my fantasy was still lingering in my head. "Haha, how about a woman on the back of his bike…." I watched him as he stared at me, and I smiled softly. In no time, Tony and I were riding his bike to the edge of town. He sped his bike through the twists and turns, and I felt like I was flying. I had never been on a motorcycle before, but I loved being on the back of the Blood King's holding him tight. We finally slowed as we crept along a dark road and then stopped. Tony cut the engine and climbed off before helping me do the same.

"Tony, why are we in the middle of nowhere." "Come on. We aren't there yet." He tugged my arm playfully, and I smiled as I followed him. "Wow…" I gasped as we approached a cliff's edge with the most beautiful scenery. The sunset painted the sky a beautiful orange, pink, and purple. "Tony, how did you know about this place." He shrugged and looked out at the sunset. "I like just to drive, and I stumbled upon it one night while I was trying to clear my head. I've been coming here every day since." "Ooh, this must be your hookup spot." I nudged him with my elbow as I laughed, and he looked at me seriously. "You're the only person I've ever brought up here." I looked up into his eyes, catching his gaze. Why now, why, after I had a whole sex craze about him, did he have to say that? A huge gust of wind breezed by us, and I hugged my shoulders.

He smirked and walked to his bike, opening his storage and grabbing blankets before returning to me. He laid one down and then sat, looking up at me with those big honey-brown eyes, and patted next to him; I couldn't resist. Tony tossed the blanket over us as I took my seat and then looked at me. "There's no one to interrupt us now, mon doux ange…." 'Mon doux ange' I had heard those words slip off his tongue several times before, but at this moment, it was different. It was like he was serenading me, and I definitely wasn't going to complain. He brought his strong hand to meet my cheek, and I leaned into his touch, rubbing my face against his hand as I closed my eyes. As I slowly opened them, I saw so much adoration in his eyes, and a slight smirk spread across his lips before he leaned in closely. "I'm going to kiss you now." I nodded, and he smiled before locking his lips on mine.