Chereads / Good Gone Bad / Chapter 6 - Caught Off Guard

Chapter 6 - Caught Off Guard

His strong hands held my cheeks captive as our kiss deepened. The aggression and hunger grew between us as he ran his hands up into my hair and gave it a slight tug causing my head to lean back. His lips met my neck, and each kiss sent a shiver down my spine. It was happening; I was about to make my fantasy real life. I took his right hand and led it under my dress, guiding him to my chest, and he quickly pulled away. "Tony? Are you okay?" He didn't respond; he turned his back to me. He only faced the sunset, breathing heavily, and I decided it was better to sit silently.

After a few minutes, Tony finally looked at me. His expression was a bit softer now, and that hunger in his eyes was gone. "I'm sorry… I don't want to move too fast with you." "What if I want to move fast?" I watched as he bit his lip and eyed my body again before shaking his head. "No, Rachael. I want you to understand that you aren't just someone I see to sleep with. I want to earn and build your trust. I definitely haven't earned to witness your full beauty yet." His eyes lingered on my breast for a moment, then he looked into my eyes and kissed me again. "Let me earn it mon doux ange…" "Okay... 'Mon doux ange'? What exactly does that mean?"

"My sweet angel." His smile widened, and our lips locked again, sealing our deal. Even though Tony hadn't taken me that night, I knew I was his. The night seemed to breeze by like time was standing still. We cuddled, laughed, and even got lost in deep conversations. I spent the night revealing the loving man behind the Blood King's reputation. 2:00 AM, that was the time Tony and I pulled into the driveway, and once again, he cut the engine. We both climbed off as Tony guided me to the door. "I had an amazing time this evening Rachael." "As did I, Tony. Thank you for taking me out. I needed a breath of fresh air."

The moonlight beamed down on us as the stars twinkled in the night sky. I didn't want to say goodnight so soon; I wanted him to stay longer. Tony lifted my hand and eyed my engagement ring before kissing my hand softly. "Goodnight, my love." With that, he turned on his heels, making his way to his bike, maybe it was how he looked at me or how much I enjoyed my time with Tony, but I couldn't let him go that easily. "Tony!" He stopped in his tracks and turned to me, lifting an eyebrow. "Stay with me tonight..." I watched a smirk spread across his face, and before I knew it, the blood king was standing in my bedroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

I didn't even try to hide that I was staring, and I don't think he minded very much. My fantasy had deceived me, Tony hadn't had any tattoos on his chest, but that didn't make him any less appealing. He had a full-sleeve tattoo of roses, thorns, and a skull that trailed down his right arm. His chest and abs looked like bricks I wanted to be piled right on top of me. His tanned skin had a few scars, making him more mysterious than before. "If you keep looking at me like that kitten, I won't be able to control myself." My cheeks flustered as I watched him walk towards me, planting his hands on either of my sides on the bed and kissed my forehead. "Let's get to bed, okay?" I nodded at him, and we both climbed in bed, snuggling together like a drug his hard chest and strong embrace put me to sleep.

My body jumped up from the loud thump; I rubbed my eyes before fully opening them and looked around. Tony was already out of bed and out of sight. Music played in the distance, and to my surprise, I heard singing. Yanking my tired body out of bed, I grabbed Tony's shirt and threw it over me before sliding on some shorts. His shirt was a bit big on me, but I didn't mind. It was drenched in his unforgettable cologne. I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked down the stairs. The sound of men singing grew louder and louder. I smiled when I noticed Emily peeking into the kitchen from behind the wall.

"Good mor-" "Shhh!" She yanked me next to her and pointed to the kitchen; wanting to see what all the fuss was about, I leaned in, looking into the kitchen. What? What in the hell was going on? Tony and Charles were singing their hearts out to some 70s music while they cooked together. Tony grabbed the spatula and used the handle like his microphone. "An only child alone and wild, a cabinet maker's son. His hands were meant for different work, and his heart was known to none." Emily and I couldn't help but giggle as we watched the two grow men sig like children. Charles grabbed the spatula away from Tony and joined in.

"He left his home and went his lone and solitary way and gave me a gift I know I never can repay." I couldn't help but smile. Finally, a time they weren't glaring at each other like two big alpha wolves. We continued to watch as they sang their way through the song, and Charles slung his arm over Tony's shoulders. "The leader of the band is tired, and his eyes are growing old! But his blood runs through my instrument, and his song is in my soul! My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man. I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band. I am a living legacy to the leader of the band..."

I couldn't help but be so overjoyed. Emily and I looked at each other before walking into the kitchen. "Good Morning, fellas!" Tony shifted his gaze to me, and his smile widened as he took me into his arms, and Charles did the same with Emily. Before we knew it, they spun us around the kitchen, singing as we all laughed. This was the first time in a very long time my laugh was genuine, everyone was happy, and there wasn't a single worry in sight. After the food was finished, Tony and I took our meals out onto the porch, where we sat to enjoy breakfast.

"How did you sleep, my love?" "Great, thank you for staying with me last night." "Oh, it was my pleasure. Honestly, I didn't want to leave you. I'm glad you asked me to stay." We continued talking and eating our food; the morning had gone smoothly. I had received the update from my men, everything at the warehouse was good, and the morning routes had gone well. "I have to get going." "Already?" "Yeah, I should check up on my people and make sure everything is okay. If I hear anything about Edgar, I'll call, okay?" I nodded, and with that, he planted a sweet kiss on my hand, looked at my ring, grabbed his keys, and went off. Once he was out of sight, I looked down at my ring and sighed softly.

"Maybe it's time for me to move on." I sat on the porch alone, thinking to myself. I tried to stomach the idea of Caliber so soon. Was it too soon? The squeaking porch door pulled me away from my thoughts as I looked up to find Emily watching me. She smiled at me, and I could tell it was forced. "Can I join you?" I gave her a nod without saying anything, and we sat silently for a minute. "You seem really happy with Tony…." I couldn't help but smile as I looked up at her. I knew she was holding back on saying what was on her mind. Emily had a habit of beating around the bush when she was nervous. "Spill it, Emily."

"Okay, okay! Look, Rachael, I'm saying that Calier wouldn't want you here sulking over letting him go. You are so happy right now; why lose that because you're holding on to something you can't have anymore? We must attend the governor's ball tonight and need your full attention. " As her words hit me, I felt tears running down my face, I hadn't noticed before, but I was crying. I gently wiped my cheeks as the silence grew again, and after getting myself together, I nodded. "You're right... it's time that I let go and move on." I took a deep breath and slowly slid my ring off my finger. Tracing it with my thumb, a small smile crept on my lips. "Thanks, Em." We both stood and hugged, and my body felt lighter.

Later that night, I did my makeup in front of my mirror. I wore a tight navy-blue tulip dress and some blue heels to match. Once I finished my makeup, I smiled happily; I looked good. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs, where Tony, Emily, and Charles were waiting. As soon as Tony saw me, he stood eyeing me from head to toe before placing his arms around my waist and bringing me into his chest. "You look marvelous, mon doux ange." I couldn't help but smile wide and eye him as well. He wore a white button-up shirt and dark blue smart pants.

His fancy dark brown shoes matched his dark brown hair. It was now slicked back nicely. As much as I loved Tony's long hair having it slicked back brought out his handsome facial features more. "You look rather handsome yourself." "Alright, you love birds, let's get this show on the road." We all walked out, piling into Charles' car before going to the ball. My stomach was tossing and turning, and I couldn't help but feel like I needed to hurl. The thought of coming face-to-face with Trigger himself scared me. I was fidgeting with my fingers when Tony reached over and kissed my hand. His eyebrows scrunched in confusion; pulling my hand from his mouth, he eyed my hand and then looked at me.

"Where's your ring?" "It's back at home; I thought maybe I'd leave it tonight." A huge smile appeared; leaning over, he kissed my lips deeply and whispered. "You just keep surprising me, mon doux ange. It makes me want to explore you more, all of you..." He slid his hand up my thigh and squeezed it gently. "We're here." "Great, let's get this over with." I watched Tony and Charles slide their guns into their pants' waist before throwing on a blazer. They both stepped out of the car, coming around to open the door for Emily and me. I took Tony's hand as I stepped out and looked at the huge mansion.

"You can do this, my love." I nodded at Tony as he offered his arm to me, I took hold of it, and we made our way up the stairs. There was a beautiful red carpet leading us to the ballroom. As we followed the crowd of people, I couldn't help but notice Tony was scanning the crowd. "Don't make it obvious, Tony, we aren't here to take him down tonight." "I know, I know. I just don't know what he'll do to you once he lays his eyes on you." That made me feel better; Tony noticed my worry and placed his other hand over mine for reassurance. We made our way into the ballroom and through the crowd of people. Tony and I split away from Charles and Emily before we found a table in the corner.

"Rachael!" "Governor Brown!" I was greeted by a warm hug and a huge smile, so I decided to play along. "I wanted to come over personally and thank you so much for everything you do for this town and the locals." "Well, I'm always here to help if anything is needed. My people and I will always do our best to help out." I thought his smile couldn't get any wider, but it did. He was now smiling from ear to ear. "Who is this accompanying you tonight." "Governor Brown, this is Tony A.K.A, THE Blood King." I watched as they shook hands. "Ahhh. We've had some run-ends with each other before. "Yes, sir, I don't believe I was on your good side last time we spoke." "Haha, well, seeing that you were well enough to accompany this beautiful young lady, all is forgiven. If she trusts you, then so do I. Why don't you come join me for a drink?"

Tony's gaze shifted to me, and I nodded at him. "I'll be fine." He kissed my forehead before following the governor away to the bar. "Champagne, miss?" I turned to find a young female waiter holding a tray with one glass left. I gave her a charming smile before taking the glass. "Thank you." She nodded before walking away, and I took a small sip. I was now utterly alone in the corner; as I looked around the room, I could see my men and Tony's men in the mix. I knew if something were to go down, I'd be protected at all costs. "If it isn't the gorgeous Rachael Michelson." A deep booming voice made me jump in my seat, and as I turned to the sound, a large Latino man stood beside me.

His eyes were as dark as a black hole. The moment they met mine, I couldn't look away. There was a scar that ran from the top of his left eyebrow all the way down to his cheek. His neck was covered in tattoos; this wasn't any old businessman at this ball; my gut told me I was sitting next to Trigger himself. I assumed he realized I was intimidated as he cracked a crooked smile. After collecting myself, I took another sip of my champagne and turned my attention to the crowd.

"Who are you?" "Oh, sweetie, I'm sure we both know you know who I am, and I seem to need your help." "My help?" "You see, I couldn't help but notice the Blood King has been rather busy. He's not one to procrastinate after being messed with. Taking his women, I thought, would lead him into my trap, but then I realized he was planning something. Something else had to keep him occupied... or someone." I turned my gaze to meet him once more, my vision was a bit blurry, and I slowly started to feel like I was spinning.

"I was surprised when I had my men follow him, and it led me to you. The leader of Iron's Core, I'm impressed you are very popular around here. Although, for a gang leader, you're terrible at being cautious." His words echoed in my head as I placed my hand on the wall for balance and my other hand on my head. "A leader of a gang shouldn't be a female; ugh, they're so trusting and always have their guard down. I spiked that it was far too easy for me to have a waiter bring you a drink."

I felt my heart racing in my chest. I knew I had to find help and fast, I looked up, trying to find Tony, but everything seemed to be swaying. "T-Tony..." My scream escaped as a whisper, and before I knew it, I was falling. Before I could hit the ground, Trigger's strong arms caught me, and he carried me out the back entrance. The last thing I saw was a car door closing and a bag being placed over my head...