Chereads / Good Gone Bad / Chapter 7 - Trigger's Desire

Chapter 7 - Trigger's Desire

CW~This chapter includes sexual abuse and violence.

As I slowly came to, my head throbbed. I felt like someone had beaten me numb. I looked around to figure out where I was, but my eyesight deceived me. Everything was blurry, and trying to focus on anything made my head throb more. I dropped my head down and reached to rub my eyes; as I tried, I felt them tug; how had I not realized before? I was bound by chains, I tugged again and again. I struggled against them until my wrist grew sore. 'Relax Rachael, breath.' I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath; I tried to get myself under control. I had a habit of pushing myself too hard in times like this. I thought about what Charles had taught me, to breathe and think clearly. I took a few deep breaths and focused on the air filling and emptying my lungs. After a few minutes, I slowly opened my eyes. Finally, my vision cleared, and I looked around; I was in a luxurious room.

I shot my eyes from left to right, looking for anything to help my escape. But my worst fear came true; I was chained up in the corner. Unable to move even a couple of inches. There was no way I'd reach anything. How did I let my guard down so easily on a mission? Suddenly the large door to the room opened, and in walked Edgar. "Great! You're awake! I thought you'd sleep forever." "What do you want from me?" "Well, dear, I only need you to lure in Tony. You see, he and I have unfinished business. He's been avoiding me but with you. I know he'll come running into my trap." Unfinished business? I thought Tony said he had never met Trigger. Why had he lied to me over something so simple?

"As long as you comply with everything I say, I won't have a reason to hurt you." I looked up, meeting his gaze; it wasn't for too long. His eyes trailed down my body, and I watched him lick his lips. "Maybe we could satisfy each other until he arrives, hm?" Edgar stepped closer, pressed his hand against the wall by my head, and smiled. "What do you say, princess?" He leaned in to kiss me, and I quickly turned my head. He grabbed my face roughly, forcing me to look back at him. "You'll learn not to disobey me again…" His stare was cold as his big black eyes narrowed in on me. I could feel a shiver slowly run down my spine, and for a minute, I lost myself. His eyes were a hypnotizing black hole of misery and anger. I quickly pulled my face away, and he smirked before backing away. "Get a good night's rest princess. Tomorrow you and we have a big day." He flashed a devilish grin my way before leaving the room and locking the door. "Tony… please save me."


"Oh, come on Tony, one more drink!" "Haha, I would, but I should find Rachael since she's alone." "Come on, just one more." Man, this guy was so persistent. He locked in with his alcohol. I finally gave in and gulped down another shot. One turned into two, and two turned into three until Charles grabbed my shoulder. "Where's Rachael?" I looked at him and then Emily as I saw the worry in her eyes. I gave them a small smile before shaking my head. "Relax, come on, she's over here." I led them to the table where Rachael and I were seated, but the only thing there was a half-empty champagne glass. "Shit!" The three of us looked around the party, quickly grazing the crowd. "I'll check the lady's room." I gave Emily a slight nod as I helped Charles search through the crowd. I noticed a waitress sitting in the corner nervously fidgeting, and I quickly made my way to her.

"Good evening, ma'am I'm looking for a friend. I was wondering if you've seen her."

As her gaze met mine, I could see nothing but fear in her eyes, and as anger washed over me, my demeanor changed. "Where is she?" She stayed quiet, not saying anything. I grabbed her hand roughly, pulling her behind me as I found Emily and Charles. "She knows something." Emily glared at her, grabbed her by her collarbone, and dragged her through the crowd. Charles and I looked at each other, "Fuck..." We followed them both out back.


Emily had pressed the young waitress up against the garbage outback. It was now Charles Emily and I alone interrogating her, and I couldn't help but feel the guilt creep into my gut. "What the hell happened to my best friend!?" "Emily! Let her go. Hurting her won't help us get answers!" Emily glared at Charles before throwing the girl to the ground. She looked up at us as tears streamed down her face. "Please! He told me he'd hurt my family!" "Who?"

"I don't know! He was a tall man with black eyes and a scar running down his face. He told me if I didn't do as he said, he'd kill my family..."

I felt my body go cold as I turned pale. There was no use in trying to hide it. "What is it, Tony?" "Edgar… Edgar has her." Charles' eyes grew wide; He was already storming back inside to gather the other guys. How could I have let my guard down so easily? I let her out of my sight for too long. I had promised to Charles that I'd take care of her. We took turns watching and keeping her safe; even though she was strong, she still needed protection. Knots started to form in my stomach as I thought about all the things Edgar would do to her, and I knew I had to find her before he could have his way.


I woke up the next morning and slowly lifted my head. As I did, I felt a painful tug on my nipples; I winced and dropped my head as the pain shot through my chest. I looked at my chest and realized nipple clamps were pinching my nipples harshly. The chain was connected to a mouth gag that was wrapped around my head. I kept my head down while glancing around the room until I noticed Edgar sitting in front of me. I struggled against the chains that had me bound to the corner, but it was no use. It only made my pain worse.

"Haha, rise and shine, beautiful." My breathing was heavy as I wanted nothing but to kill him. My anger was boiling over, and I couldn't control it. He had violated my body; he exposed me, and I felt my cheeks grow hot with embarrassment and anger. I tugged on the chains even harder, not caring about the pain it caused my wrist. It only fueled my anger more.

"Come on, don't look at me like that, my love." He came over, kneeled, and wrapped his hand around my throat smiling. "I think now I'll have my fun with you." Edgar only smiled wider as he eyed the nipple clamps. "Mm, and it will be worth it." The pain intensified again as he tugged on the chain connected to the clamps. "AHHHH!!" With every struggle, the chain tugged my nipples more, pulling them roughly. "Relax, kitten. The more you move, the more it'll hurt." I couldn't help but struggle. I couldn't let him win; Edgar grabbed my head and shoved his fingers through the open-mouth gag that was around my head. A huge smile spread across his face, and I watched as he stepped back to undress. I couldn't help it anymore. I couldn't hold them back; my tears started pouring out as I watched him stand in front of me completely naked.

"Awe come on; I don't like it when my victims cry… unless it's from pleasure." Without hesitation, Edgar shoved his shaft right through my gag. He started violating my throat as he let out a low deep groan before he grabbed a handful of my hair in his hand. He pulled my face against his base, roughly pressing my lips against him. I felt my throat convulsing as he pinched my nose, and I struggled to breathe as there was little space left in my throat. His length grew, and I felt him throb repeatedly, causing me to gag. The more I tried to pull away, the more the clamps pulled on my nipples. I felt as if I'd pass out from all the torture.

"Mm, such a good girl. Let's add a bit more resistance." Edgar shoved my head against the wall, and the chain pulled my nipples upward roughly. I tried to let out a scream, but his shaft stopped me. I gagged and tried shaking my head away from his hold. My mind went blank, and the pain coursed through my body. I only saw red; my tears came faster as spit dripped down my chest and rolled down my body. Once I started to feel dizzy, Edgar quickly pulled away, smirking from ear to ear. I coughed, and my chest heaved harshly. "Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with you…" I slowly felt myself drift unconsciously as everything went black.


Suddenly I jumped awake from the feeling of ice-cold water. I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath. Once I relaxed, I looked over to see Edgar smiling at me. He had a bucket in his hand as the water dripped down my body. I looked down at my chest and realized I was wearing my dress from the night before. My breathing steadied as I realized I was dreaming before. I hadn't been one of Trigger's victims, at least not yet. He kneeled in front of me smiling. Without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed me hard. This time I'd do everything I could to fight him, my nightmare made me believe I was weak, but I was much more than that. I bit his lip as hard as I could, drawing blood. Edgar quickly pulled away and touched his lip as he smiled at me. "You really shouldn't have done that, love." He licked his lip before standing up and slapping my face. His force was worst than I ever felt. As I dropped my head, I watched blood leak from my mouth.

I moved my jaw, trying to ease the pain before spitting blood on his shoes. Charles had trained me for this, I had never been hit that hard before, but I trained to handle pain.

As I flexed my jaw, I looked up at Edgar and smiled. "It will take more than that to break this princess." I watched as his arrogant expression turned into shock, and he just walked away as I dropped my head again. "I didn't want to hurt you, Rachael. It kills me to mess up that pretty face." "Ah, well it will be better when I take your life." I turned my attention back to him as he grabbed a cloth off the dresser, and he walked over to me, covering my mouth and nose until I passed out.

It had been a few days. I was left chained in the room alone. Edgar would come in once a day to give me water and torture me. I woke up early one morning and flexed my jaw. After the first time, Edgar seemed satisfied with hitting me when I was rude. My eyes met with unmistakable yellow eyes with a hint of brown. They reminded me of sunflowers, they were memorable, and I knew who they belonged to. "Sabrina?" She flinched as her name rolled off my tongue, and she looked back at the door before looking at me and speaking in almost a whisper. "How- how do you know who I am?" "Tony came to me for help to find you. Where are the other girls?" "We are fine. We are all fine. Edgar hasn't hurt us since we've done as he asks." "What did he do to you..." I watched as tears welled in her eyes, and she dropped her head in disappointment. "Trigger truly does live up to his reputation. He violated all of us, and he's ordered me to clean you up so you can be next." My eyes grew wide, and I felt my heart skip a beat as fear washed over me.

"Sabrina, you have to let me escape out of here." "I can't do that... If I let you out, there's no doubt. He WILL kill me without hesitation." "Sabrina, you've been here for a long time. I know you know your way out of this place; we can help each other escape. We can come back for the others." She broke her graze from mine and looked at the floor.

"Sabrina, please." I watched as she gathered her thoughts. She looked like her mind was running a million miles an hour. Finally, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before nodding. "Okay. Fine." The lock to the door suddenly turned, and she quickly acted like she was wiping the blood from my face again. "Sabrina." I watched as she jumped from his thunderous voice. Her eyes were a bit darker now; as she turned to look at him.

"I told you to let me know when she woke." "Ye-yes, she just woke. I was finishing cleaning her face before I came to get you." Edgar made his way over as I watched him very carefully.

He pulled me up to stand on my feet. My chains were replaced with a thick rope wrapped around my hands and feet. I winced as my wrist and ankles rubbed together with every shift. "Let's get you cleaned up love." With one quick toss, Edgar threw me over his shoulder and carried me out of the room. I groaned a bit and looked around. I noticed Sabrina fell in step, following behind us. I felt like I was dangling over his shoulder forever as we walked down the long corridor. Edgar pushed through a thick wooden door, and Sabrina continued to follow until he sat me down on a cold tile floor. I took in my surroundings, realizing I was in a shower room. Edgar fished a knife out of his pocket before flicking it open, and with one quick movement, he cut the ropes.

"Get her cleaned up. I'll be back in 15 minutes to check on you." Sabrina nodded, and I rubbed my wrist as I watched him walk out. We both kept silent until we heard the wooden door close with a heavy thud.

"Okay, how do we get out of here?"