Chereads / Good Gone Bad / Chapter 8 - Escape And War Plan

Chapter 8 - Escape And War Plan

CW~This chapter includes sexual abuse and violence.

Sabrina and I sat on the benches, going over the plan we had put together once more. It had already been five minutes since Edgar left, and we had to move fast. "If we follow this exactly, we might have a chance to escape, but we need to move quickly. Around this time, most of Trigger's men are out on routes, so we have a huge clearing." I nodded at her and thought it over before taking a deep breath. "Let's do this."

She grabbed one of the cut ropes and wrapped it tightly around my wrist before tucking the cut part into my hands. We both nodded at each other as we walked to the door. She grabbed the handle and I saw her hesitate for a moment. I reached out, grabbed her hand, and gave her a weak smile. "Hey, we got this okay." I could see the fear in her eyes, but I could tell she was fighting it with courage. She was no doubt trained by Tony. She was fierce, and I could see it. With one last nod, she took hold of my arm and pulled the door open as we started quickly making our way out of the mansion.

We turned down the long halls, and they seemed like they would never end. "We are almost there." This Mansion seemed like a maze with each turn I expected to reach the end, but one after another there were long corridors. My heart was beating a million miles an hour as fear washed over me. Any moment we could turn a corner and run into Edgar. Any moment we could be caught and punished for trying to escape.

"Hey! Sabrina!" She halted in her tracks and turned to a man with long, blonde hair. He was a bit shorter than Edgar and looked a lot less intimidating."Where are you taking her?" "Trigger asked me to take her back to my room and get her dressed for him." He eyed her and then eyed me before walking up to us, and standing right in front of her. I was ready to drop my ropes and fight to protect her if he tried anything. He slowly leaned in and I watched as his lips grazed right against her cheek.

"Don't forget you have an appointment in my room tonight." Sabrina gently grazed his side and took a step back in embarrassment and he smirked before walking away. Before I could ask any questions Sabrina tugged my arm. "Come, this way. Hurry." We rushed a bit faster to the front of the mansion and once we were out, I dropped the rope. We quickly ran over to a car and I tugged the door open before dropping down below the wheel as I started to Hotwire the car. "Here, I snagged this from Daniel." She handed me a knife, and I smiled at her.

I knew she was fierce. I pushed the knife between the ignition and the steering column and it cracked open. I removed the bottom piece, doing exactly as one of my men had taught me. Anything could have happened at any time so I wanted to be prepared for anything. Fear washed over me as I was under pressure but I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the wires. Sabrina kept a lookout making sure the coast was clear, but I knew we were on limited time before Edgar found out we were missing. I cut the power wires and stripped them before I twisted them together.

"Okay, Rachael you got this, just breathe." I took a deep breath and grabbed the starter wires, cutting them in half before striping them and I started to touch them together. The car started and I let out a sigh of relief as I smiled at Sabrina. "Hurry! Get in!" She ran over to the passenger side getting in and just as I went to drive off the driver door opened, and Edgar grabbed me dragging me out. As I struggled against him my fighter instinct kicked in and I kicked the driver's door closed. "Go! Find Tony!" I bit Edgar's hand as hard as I could and he screamed out in pain. I watched Sabrina switch over to the driver's seat and take off as I struggled against Edgar.

He threw me to the ground and I scrambled to my feet ready to fight but Ethan grabbed me from behind and once again a cloth covered my face until I blacked out. "Boss she helped her escape, without a doubt, both of the gangs will be here to save them." "Don't you think I know that Ethan?" "I say we kill her, right now." "Did I ask for your input? Last time I checked I was in charge." "Yeah, and your way of doing things isn't getting it done." "What did you just say to me?" "I told you we should have just killed them all, we could have avoided this!"

"I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to, you may be my right hand but you best get the fuck out before you're the one I kill. RIGHT NOW!" I woke up to loud screaming and I turned my attention to Trigger and Ethan standing toe to toe in the middle of the floor, glaring at each other. Ethan was Trigger's right-hand man clearly but it looked like he'd rather take control than follow him. I was now back in the bedroom laid out across the bed with my wrists and ankles tied to each bedpost. "Hmph." With a low grunt, Ethan backed up and walked out of the bedroom slamming the door behind him.

"Trouble in paradise?" Edgar looked my way as I smiled at him and he walked over to the bedside. "You think you're so clever, don't you?" "No, I just love seeing you and your men afraid. You know what I realized about you?" "What's that?" "You're weak... you've used drugs to knock me out every time instead of fighting me and you keep me tied up like this. You're a pathetic excuse for a gang leader, Tony will kill you and if he doesn't I'll do it myself." "Well, I guess we will have to see for ourselves then. Until then…" He reached over ripping my dress exposing my bra and panties then he fished the same knife from before out of his pocket. With one swift movement, he cut my bra open exposing my breasts.

I felt my nipples harden as the cold air hit them and I struggled against the ropes. "All ready for me are you?" Edgar's arrogant smirk was back, as he moved the knife down my body he cut my panties open before placing the knife on the dresser. "Tony may come for you…" He pulled off his shirt. "Your gang may come for you…" I watched as he undid his belt and dropped his pants to the ground before doing the same with his boxers and climbing on top of me. "But first I'll have my way with you." Without another word, Edgar forced himself inside me while letting out a low grunt before he began thrusting his hips into me. I gasped and all I could do was struggle against the ropes as tears streamed down my face.


"Five fucking days Tony! Five days we've been looking for her and not even a clue where he is keeping her!" Charles and I were at my clubhouse digging up everything we knew about Edgar. It had been almost a week since Rachael was taken and since then things had been quiet. There were no threats, it was like he just took her for fun but I knew that wasn't the case. Edgar wanted me and he wanted me bad.

"Don't you think I know that Charles! I want Rachael home just as bad as you do!" He glared at me and stepped up in my face. "So help me God if you set her up Tony I swear." His words hit me like a brick wall, my anger rose and all I saw was red. I hit Charles as hard as I could. I let my fist connect with his jaw and to no surprise, he did the same. We took our frustration and anger out on each other knocking everything in my office over like wild animals. Hit after hit it got more intense as we slammed and threw each other into the furniture. With each hit, I felt it fuel me. I had been numb by the pain of thinking Edgar could have already killed Rachael, but now it was anger and I wanted to take it out on anyone; right now Charles was my target.

I pushed him against my file cabinet and started beating his face as hard as I could. My rage had risen to its highest level and there was no controlling it. Charles finally broke free from my hold and threw me to the ground. He pinned me there as he started to beat me until the door flew open and Emily ran in trying to pull Charles off of me. "Hey! Stop! Charles, I said stop!" Once she finally got him off I just laid there and looked up at the ceiling as my chest heaved. "You two are acting like children! If Rachael were here she'd be ashamed!" I knew she was right, what was I thinking? How could I lose myself in a time like this? I managed to get to my feet and wipe a bit of blood from my lip as I looked at her. S

uddenly my gaze shifted to a young girl on the threshold of my office and my eyes grew wide. "Sabrina?" "Tony!" She rushed in throwing her arms around my neck and I just stood there shocked. Sabrina was a girl I had previously seen for years. She was like my best friend and my right-hand man to this gang."I thought you were dead…" "Your friend saved me, she had long red hair. She helped me escape, well we were supposed to escape together but Trigger… He captured her Tony." "Sa- Sabrina?" I watched as her gaze shifted from me to Charles and her face grew pale.

I looked up at Charles as he looked her up and down as if she was just a figure of his imagination. "Hello, Charles… it's nice to see you again." A small smile appeared on Charles' lips, I could tell he had missed her so deeply. Of course, to be expected this was his first love. "Again? You two know each other?" Emily interrupted and everyone's gaze fell to her. I watched as Charles' smile faded as he finally got himself together. "I'm his ex-fiancé…" The room went dead silent and I watched as anger filled Emily's eyes. Charles hadn't told her he was engaged before. "Emily-"

"Charles. Don't. Now is not the time I need to find my best friend." She shot a glare his way and he dropped his head looking at the floor. Emily turned her gaze to me and Sabrina as she took a deep breath. "Where is she?" "Trigger has a place just outside the south side of town. It's an old mansion that has been passed down in his family." "How many men Sabrina?" "50 maybe 60…" "We have the numbers to take them out, they are outmatched." I shook my head at Emily and sighed. "Trigger won't go down easy neither will his men. He has tactics that he sticks to."

"Please enlighten us, Tony. How the hell do you know this if you don't know anything about him?" I felt my throat go bone dry and I looked at Emily feeling a bit intimidated. She stepped up to me glaring me up and down as she backed me against the wall. "If I find out you're the reason Rachael is in danger I'll kill you myself." "Back away from him." Sabrina stepped in front of her sizing her up and they both stood there glaring at each other. The tension was so thick I held my breath hoping they wouldn't go at each other's throats. At any second I expected an ultimate catfight to break out only these chicks were trained to kill.

"Emily come on, back up." Charles tried to intervene but Emily only shook him away and walked out of the room. Hours later both gangs stood in the parking lot loading up weapons and getting fired up for the war we were walking into. We had made a plan to divide and conquer, Charles would lead his people through the west wing, and I would lead mine through the east wing. If we were going to take down Edgar we'd have to beat him at his own game of tactics. Maybe this was karma for hiding my past, I let everyone believe it wasn't personal and now I was paying the price. Now the love of my life could have paid the price, she could be dead and my selfish reasons could be the cause.

"Listen up! Rachael is one of us, all of us. It's time we take the trigger down and save our people! Rachael put her life in danger to bring Sabrina back home to us and now I'd lay my life down to bring her and the others back. Those of you who choose to follow behind Charles and I, you are choosing a chance at death. Anyone who opposes can turn their vest in now and claim unloyal." I watched as everyone just clutched their knuckles and nodded my way and I nodded back. "Alright then, Let's ride out!" Engines roared to life as the men and women screamed, I climbed on my bike with Sabrina and started my engine. I revved it up before speeding away with everyone following right behind. 'What if she's dead?' ' What if he killed her after she helped Sabrina?' Thoughts ran through my head fueling my anger as we rode under the night sky.

'What if we waited too long?' 'What if we are too late?' I looked to my right and Charles looked at me as we rode side by side. He gave me a slight nod and I turned my attention back to the road trying to relax. Her beautiful brown eyes had sparkles in them. I wanted nothing more than to look into them right now and tell her I loved her. That perfect smile made the entire world light up, I wanted nothing more than to watch her smile and hear that perfect laugh. Sabrina tightened her grip on my waist tugging me from my thoughts as she pressed her head against my shoulder. I knew after it was all over Edgar would be the least of my worries. There would be much to tell, and so many secrets to be shared but I felt I wanted the only one.

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